Into the Night

Into the Night
Язык: английский
Год: 1987
Издатель: The Mysterious Press
ISBN: 978-0-89296-200-6
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 21 Июн 24
Проверил: Admin 21 Июн 24
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In depths of despair, the beautiful, lonely Madeline contemplates suicide. She gently strokes an ugly revolver, the sole legacy of an alcoholic father. Holding the barrel to her temple, she pulls the trigger. There is only the click of the hammer on an empty chamber.
The failure of the weapon brings on a rush of joy, and renewed hope for her future. She throws down the gun — and it explodes with deadly fury. The bullet strikes an innocent young woman passing in the street outside, who in the next moment dies in Madeline’s arms.
So begins Into the Night, the quintessential Cornell Woolrich novel, never before published. Although Woolrich worked on it for years, this tale of hatred and passion, of love and suspense, remained unfinished at the time of his death. This undiscovered masterpiece has been completed by Lawrence Block — one of today’s most distinguished mystery writers — to create a work which will stand beside Woolrich’s Rear Window, Phantom Lady, and The Bride Wore Black.

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