In the sequel to The Tomb, Repairman Jack returns in a chilling adventure set against the backdrop of a Queens house haunted by the ghost of a nine-year-old girl as Jack becomes embroiled in a terrifying struggle in which the forces of evil...
Healer (Book 3 of the LaNague Series) is the stunning conclusion of the LaNague Federation Trilogy. The Outworld Imperium began as a rebellion by colonials seeking independence. Two centuries later it is a bloated bureaucratic "business" - a...
Repairman Jack has been tearing up the urban adventure scene ever since he was introduced in the New York Times bestseller The Tomb. As his fans know, Repairman Jack doesn't deal with electronic appliances; he's a situation fixer, no matter how...
Young doctor Gina Panzella has known her boss, plastic surgeon Dr. Duncan Lathram, almost her entire life, and respects him deeply. Charming and brilliant, Duncan has invented a dissolving implant that allows incisions to heal without scarring....
The ninth Repairman Jack novel begins with a tragedy that throws Jack together with his brother Tom, a judge from Philadelphia. They've never been close and Jack, the career criminal, soon finds that he adheres to a higher ethical standard than his...
Repairman Jack isn't your average appliance repairman--he fixes situations for people, often risking his own life. Jack has no last name, no social security number, works only for cash, and has no qualms when it comes to seeing that the job gets...
Vampires have always lived in Eastern Europe. But with the fall of the Soviet Union, they began to spread across the continent, then the world, turning whole populations into vampires--or human cattle. Having overrun India, the far East, and the...
Terror spreads throughout the world as the days grow shorter and the nights longer. As scientists rush to discover why the sun is rising later and later each day, an ancient evil waits to be reborn. Soon the vampire called Rasalom and the spiritual...
A Nobel Prize-winning genetic researcher has died--now his vast fortune, Victorian mansion, and darkest secrets will be passed on to Jim Stevens. An orphan, Jim hopes the inheritance is a clue to his unknown origins. But his family and friends are...
In Reborn (6/90), Jim discovered the ancient evil that lurked within his past. Now Jonah, his only son, is the bearer of the horror. Jonah is biding his time, keeping his true identity a secret and waiting for the time when he can carry out the...