The Rebellious Red

The Rebellious Red
Исторические любовные романы
Серия: Pirates of Britannia #26
Год: 2019
Добавил: Admin 22 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 22 Апр 21
Формат:  EPUB (236 Kb)
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Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Every Rose has a Thorn, and every love has a tale...

Rose “Red” isn’t a Rees. Washed ashore as a babe, she cannot remember her parents or the meaning the locket she still wears around her neck. When clues point north, Rose heads to Scotland to uncover the truth about family she had lost. Fortunately for her, the clan leader is more than willing to help her…because Rose is his long lost betrothed.

Struggling to find peace after his father’s death and shocked at finding the woman he’d been betrothed to since childhood, Thorn is torn between marrying someone he knows and trying to convince the fierce Rose to remain with him as his wife. But Rose is more than just a beautiful woman; she is a puzzle, and much too tempting to let go.

While unwilling to tie herself to a man who says he will be her husband, Rose cannot shake the desire to know what it feels like to be Thorn's. But she quickly comes to realize that there is more to Thorn than a man of laws and steel, and more to their attraction than she ever thought possible.

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