Collection with the form of acrostics. Recent work, written with a lot of love towards the English language, in an attempt to experiment with its etymology and its words combining them with own personal emotions.
From the book:
The Sail Of Color White
T here by the lighthouse embraced by the mist,
H eaving up eastward is the pride of your ship,
E ntagled, the seagrass will tell you the myths of a
S ailer who solely conquers the deep
A reas of your thoughts, daring your navy. The
I les and the rocks to beware: she’s a
L ady.
O f advantage deprived and of a
F ortunate star, she navigates
C rests, exploring your heart
O ver and over without a compass.
L eaving her fate on the lines of your past,
O mitting maps and
R ules too obscure, she happily
W recks in your arms and securely
H eaves the vessel upwards the ninth wave.
I rresistable passion makes her so brave
T hat it is frightened when she turns to your core and
E motively finds her promised shore.
Комментарии к книге "Summer Sons"