Об авторе
Эд Джозеф Горман (англ. Edward Joseph Gorman)
Американский автор вестернов, ужастиков и детективов.
Печатается также как E. J. Gorman, Daniel Ransom.
Родился в 1941 году. Прежде чем стать писателем в 1984 году, в течение 20 лет проработал в рекламных агентствах Чикаго, Миннеаполиса, Демойна.
Детективное творчество Гормана включает в себя серии произведений о Лео Гуилде, об отставном полицейском Джеке Двайре, бывшем агенте ФБР Роберте Пейне и адвокате Сэме Маккейне.
Очень плодовитый автор, обычно выдает до трех новых книг в год, часть из которых издается под псевдонимами. Более всего Горман известен своими произведениями в детективном жанре и вестернами, действие большинства из которых происходит в Айове. Его работа в этом направлении отмечена несколькими жанровыми наградами. Под псевдонимом Дэниел Рэнсом (Daniel Ransom) у Гормана вышел 13 книг, написанных в жанре нуар и хоррор.
Эд Горман является автором более сотни рассказов. Его произведения попали в несколько десятков сборников и антологий. В России получил известность как автор рассказа «Энджи» (Angie, 1999) из антологии ужасов «999», и рассказа «Финал всего этого» (The End of It All, 1995) из антологии «Темная любовь», которая получила премию «Deathrealm», а также была номинирована на премию «Локус» и Всемирную премию фэнтези.
Автор романа «Франкенштейн. Город ночи», написанного совместно с Дином Кунцем. Эд Горманом написано еще около десятка книг в соавторстве, а также несколько научно-популярных книг о жанре хоррор.
Вместе с Робертом Рандизи основал детективный журнал “Mystery Scene”.
Живет в городе Сидар-Рапидс, штат Айова, со своей женой, писательницей Кэрол Горман.
Официальный сайт - http://www.newimprovedgorman.com/.
Детектив. Признание в любви, Wikipedia, IMDb.
Series Jack Dwyer - Джек Двайр
1985 - 2. New, Improved Murder
1986 - 3. Murder Straight Up
1986 - 4. Murder in the Wings
1987 - 5. The Autumn Dead
1990 - 6. A Cry of Shadows
1987 - 1. Murder on the Aisle
1988 - 2. Several Deaths Later
Leo Guild - Лео Гуилд
1987 - 1. Guild
1988 - 2. Death Ground
1989 - 3. Blood Game
1990 - 4. Dark Trail
Jack Walsh
1991 - 1. The Night Remembers
Robert Payne
1994 - 1. Blood Moon (aka Blood Red Moon)
1995 - 2. Hawk Moon
1997 - 3. Harlot's Moon
2000 - 4. Voodoo Moon
Sam McCain - Сэм Маккейн
1998 - 1. The Day the Music Died
1999 - 2. Wake Up Little Susie
2000 - 3. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
2002 - 4. Save the Last Dance for Me
2003 - 5. Everybody's Somebody's Fool
2004 - 6. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
2007 - 7. Fools Rush in
2009 - 8. Ticket to Ride
2011 - Bad Moon Rising
Dev Mallory
2005 - 1. Bad Money
2006 - 2. Fast Track
Cavalry Man
2005 - 1. The Killing Machine
2006 - 2. Powder Keg
2007 - 3. Doom Weapon
Dev Conrad
2008 - 1. Sleeping Dogs
2010 - 2. Stranglehold
2011 - 3. Blindside
1985 - Rough Cut
1989 - The Black Moon (with Loren D Estleman, W R Philbrick, Robert J Randisi and L J Washburn)
1989 - Grave's Retreat
1990 - Night of Shadows
1990 - What the Dead Men Say
1992 - Robin in I, Werewolf (with Angelo Torres)
1993 - Shadow Games
1993 - Wolf Moon
1993 - The Sharpshooter
1993 - I, Werewolf
1994 - The Marilyn Tapes
1995 - Black River Falls
1995 - Cold Blue Midnight
1996 - The Fatal Frontier
1996 - Cage of Night
1996 - Runner in the Dark
1997 - The Poker Club
1998 - The Silver Scream
1998 - Trouble Man
1998 - Daughter of Darkness
1999 - Ride into Yesterday
1999 - Famous Blue Raincoat
1999 - Storm Riders
1999 - I Know What the Night Knows
1999 - Senatorial Privelege
2000 - What Dead Man Say
2000 - Lawless
2000 - Pirate's Plea
2000 - Snow White and the Eleven Dwarfs (with Edward D. Hoch)
2001 - Ghost Town
2002 - Rituals
2002 - Vendetta
2003 - Lynched
2003 - Gun Truth
2003 - Relentless
2004 - Branded
2005 - Two Guns to Yuma
2006 - Shoot First
2007 - A Knock at the Door
2009 - The Midnight Room
Collected Ed Gorman
2007 - 1. Out There in the Darkness
2007 - 2. Moving Coffin
2007 - Out There in the Darkness / Moving Coffin
1988 - Prisoners: And Other Stories
1988 - Dark Whispers: And Other Stories
1989 - Cages
1992 - Best Western Stories of Ed Gorman
1993 - Criminal Intent: 1 (with Marcia Muller and Bill Pronzini)
1994 - Moonchasers: And Other Stories
1999 - Legend (with Judy Alter, Jane Candia Coleman, Loren D Estleman, Elmer Kelton, Robert J Randisi and James Reasoner)
2001 - The Dark Fantastic
2003 - Crooks, Crimes, and Christmas (with Michael Jahn, Irene Marcuse and Susan Slater)
2004 - The Long Ride Back
2005 - Different Kinds Of Dead and Other Tales
2009 - The Phantom Chronicles Volume 2 (with Robin Wayne Bailey, Harlan Ellison)
2009 - The End of It All: And Other Stories
2011 - Die, Lover, Die! (with Max Allan Collins, Bill Crider, Lee Goldberg, Joel Goldman, Vicki Hendricks, Naomi Hirahara, Paul Levine, Harry Shannon and Dave Zeltserman)
2011 - Noir 13
1995 - Out There in the Darkness (Novella)
2002 - Cast in Dark Waters (with Tom Piccirilli)
Graphic Novels
1993 - Trapped (with Dean Koontz)
Series contributed to Riverworld
1992 - Fool's Paradise - Легенды Мира Реки
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein (with Dean Koontz) - с Дином Кунцем
2005 - 2. City of Night - Франкенштейн. Город ночи
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
(with Elaine Bergstrom, Max Allan Collins, Peter David, Mark Dawidziak, P. N. Elrod, C. J. Henderson, Stuart M. Kaminsky, Brett Matthews and Robert E. Weinberg)
2005 - The Night Stalker Chronicles
Anthology series Cat Crimes
1991 - Cat Crimes I (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1992 - Cat Crimes II: Masters of Mystery Present More Tales of the Cat (with Martin H Greenberg)
1992 - Cat Crimes III (with Martin H Greenberg)
1995 - Cat Crimes for the Holidays (with Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff)
1995 - Cat Crimes Takes a Vacation (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1998 - Cat Crimes Through Time (with Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff)
Murder Most... (with Martin H Greenberg and Larry Segriff)
2001 - Murder Most Feline: Cunning Tales of Cats and Crime
Anthologies edited
1987 - The Black Lizard: Anthology of Crime Fiction
1988 - The Second Black Lizard Anthology of Crime Fiction
1989 - Stalkers (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1990 - Under the Gun: Mystery Scene Presents the Best Suspense and Mystery, First Annual Collection (with Martin H. Greenberg and Robert J. Randisi)
1990 - Night Kills
1991 - Dark Crimes
1991 - Invitation to Murder (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1991 - Solved (with Martin H Greenberg)
1992 - Dark Crimes 2: Modern Masters of Noir
1993 - Predators (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1993 - Danger in DC: Cat Crimes in the Nation's Capital
1993 - The Fine Art of Murder: The Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion
1994 - Feline and Famous: Cat Crimes Goes Hollywood (with Martin H Greenberg)
1994 - A Modern Treasury of Great Detective and Murder Mysteries
1995 - Gunslinger: And Nine Other Action-Packed Stories of the Wild West
1995 - Woman on the Beat: Stories of Women Police Officers (with Martin H. Greenberg)
1995 - Night Screams (with Martin H Greenberg)
1997 - American Pulp
1997 - The UFO Files (with Martin H Greenberg)
1997 - Love Kills
1997 - The Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories (with Martin H Greenberg)
1998 - The Big Book of Noir (with Martin H Greenberg and Lee Server)
1998 - Once upon a Crime
1998 - The Best of the American West: Outstanding Frontier Fiction (by Louis L'Amour, Loren D. Estleman, Richard Matheson, Luke Short and Many Others)
1999 - Future Crimes (with Martin H. Greenberg and John Helfers)
1999 - Pure Pulp (with Bill Pronzini)
1999 - The Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Seventh Annual Edition (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2000 - Sleuths of the Century
2000 - Star Colonies (with Martin H. Greenberg and John Helfers)
2000 - The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories
2000 - Rapunzel's Revenge (with Brendan DuBois and Martin H. Greenberg)
2000 - The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories II (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2001 - Such a Good Girl: And Other Crime Stories
2001 - Pulp Masters (with Martin H Greenberg)
2001 - Desperadoes
2001 - The Blue and the Gray Undercover
2002 - Guns of the West (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2003 - Kittens, Cats and Crime
2003 - Stagecoach
2004 - Texas Rangers (with Martin H Greenberg)
2004 - The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories V
2005 - The Adventure of the Missing Detective: And 25 of the Year's Finest Crime And Mystery Stories! (with Martin H Greenberg)
2006 - The Widow of Slane: And Six More of the Best Crime and Mystery Novellas of the Year (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2006 - The Deadly Bride: And 19 of the Year's Finest Crime And Mystery Stories (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2007 - Wolf Woman Bay: And Nine More of the Finest Crime and Mystery Novellas of the Year (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2009 - Between the Dark and the Daylight: And 27 More of the Best Crime and Mystery Stories of the Year (with Martin H. Greenberg)
2011 - On Dangerous Ground: Stories of Western Noir (with Martin H. Greenberg and Dave Zeltserman)
2011 - By Hook or By Crook (with Martin H. Greenberg)
Non fiction
1994 - The Dean Koontz Companion (with Martin H Greenberg) (see Dean Koontz)
1998 - Speaking of Murder: Interviews With the Masters of Mystery and Suspense
1999 - Speaking of Murder, Volume II: Interviews With the Masters of Mystery and Suspense (with Martin H Greenberg)
Anthologies containing stories by Ed Gorman
1989 - Masques 3
1990 - Lovecraft's Legacy
1993 - Borderlands 3
1993 - Confederacy of the Dead
1993 - Monsters in Our Midst
1993 - The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Sixth Annual Collection
1994 - Blue Motel: Narrow Houses Vol 3
1994 - The Earth Strikes Back
1995 - Adventures of the Batman
1995 - Dark Love
1995 - Heaven Sent: 18 Glorious Tales of the Angels
1995 - More Phobias
1995 - Tales of the Batman
1995 - The Ultimate Alien
1996 - Diagnosis - Terminal: An Anthology of Medical Terror
1997 - The Fortune Teller
1997 - Robert Bloch's Psychos
1997 - The UFO Files
1999 - 999
1999 - Alien Abductions
1999 - Vampire Slayers: Stories of Those Who Dare to Take Back the Night
Short stories
False Idols (1982)
Gunslinger [short story] (1988)
Drifter (1989)
Idol (1989)
The Curse (1990)
Dance Girl (1990)
Friends (1990)
The Man in the Long Black Sedan (1990)
Masque (1990)
The Order of Things Unknown (1990)
Dark Whispers [short story] (1991)
Duty (1991)
Killing Kate (1991)
Fool’s Paradise (1992) – Рай для дураков
The Ugly File (1992)
Dreams of Darkness (1993)
The Face (1993)
A Harlot's Tears (1993)
Judgment (1993)
Cages [short story] (1994)
The Brasher Girl (1995)
The End of It All [short story] (1995) – Финал всего этого
The Moving Coffin (1995)
Out There in the Darkness [short story] (1995)
Survival (1995)
Synandra (1995)
Emma Baxter's Boy (1997)
To Fit the Crime (1997)
Angie (1999) - Энджи
The Long Sunset (1999)
The Broker (2006)
Deathman (2006)
Stalker (2006)
aka E. J. Gorman
1995 - The First Lady
1997 - Senatorial Privilege
Novels">Daniel Ransom
1985 - Daddy's Little Girl
1986 - Toys in the Attic
1987 - Night Caller
1988 - The Forsaken
1989 - The Babysitter
1990 - Nightmare Child
1992 - The Serpent's Kiss
1992 - The Long Midnight
1995 - The Fugitive Stars
1996 - Night Screams
1996 - Zone Soldiers
1998 - The Sharpshooter
2001 - Blackmail and Lace
Anthologies containing stories by Daniel Ransom
1991 - Vampires: The Greatest Stories
1993 - Predators
1996 - Future Net
1996 - Rivals of Dracula
Комментарии и оценки к книгам автора