Об авторе
Lindsay Jones, Professor, Department of Comparative Studies, Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio).
Education: Ph.D. in History of Religions, University of Chicago
Lindsay Jones has a broad interest in all aspects of the cross-cultural study of religion, with special concerns for sacred architecture and for the cultures and religions of Mesoamerica.
He is editor in chief for the revised second edition of Mircea Eliade's Encyclopedia of Religion (Macmillan, 2005).
He is also author of Twin City Tales: A Hermeneutical Reassessment of Tula and Chíchén Itzá (University Press of Colorado, 1995) and The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture:Experience, Interpretation, Comparison (Harvard University Press, 2000) two volumes; and co-editor with Davíd Carrasco and Scott Sessions of Mesoamerica's Classic Heritage:From Teotihuacan to the Aztecs (University Press of Colorado, 1999).
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