Об авторе
Алан Эмлин Уильямс
Alan Emlyn Williams
28 August, 1935
Novelist, journalist, foreign correspondent
Alan Emlyn Williams is an ex-foreign correspondent, novelist and writer of thrillers. He was educated at Stowe, Grenoble and Heidelberg Universities, and at King's College, Cambridge where he graduated in 1957 with a B.A. in modern languages. His father was the actor and writer Emlyn Williams. Noel Coward was his godfather. His younger brother Brook (1938–2005) was also an actor.
Williams was briefly married to literary agent Maggie Noach (pronounced "NO-ack") (1949–2006). Together they compiled The Dictionary of Disgusting Facts.
Journalist Philippa Toomey describes him as a "talented and funny mimic with a gift for words and a stock of tales from the shaggy Express story to the grimmer side of international journalism."
He has three children. Owen was born in 1977 and Laura in 1980 with his wife at the time, Antonia (nee Simpson). He then married Maggie Noach and their daughter Sophie was born in 1989.
Алан Уильямс родился в 1935 году. Писатель, автор новелл и триллеров. Обучался в университетах Стоуи, Гренобля и Гайдельберга и в Королевском колледже в Кембридже. Его отец Эмлин Уильямс был актёром и писателем. Младший брат Алана, Брук, также был актёром (1938-2005).
Состоял в непродолжительном браке с литературным агентом Мэгги Ноак. Вместе они стали создателями "Словаря отвратительных фактов".
Кинофильм "Розовые джунгли" является киноадаптацией новеллы "Snake Water".
У него трое детей.
Long Run South [1962]
Barbouze [1964] US title: "The False Beards"
Snake Water [1965]
The Brotherhood [1968] US title and UK paperback reprint title: "The Purity League"
The Tale of the Lazy Dog [1970]
The Beria Papers [1973]
Gentleman Traitor [1975]
Shah-Mak [1976] US paperback retitled "A Bullet for the Shah"
The Widow's War [1978]
Dead Secret [1980]
Holy of Holies [1981]
Williams, Alan. Noach, Maggie. The Dictionary of Disgusting Facts [1986]
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