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LXXXIV. Velikolithuanians

Великолитовцы (Проект статьи)

Velikolithuanians (Draft article)

Великолитовцы - наименование (название) жителей Великолитовского государства - Великого княжества Литовского, предложенное Залесским В.В.

Velikolithuanians - the name (designation) of residents of the Velikolithuanian state - Grand Duchy of Lithuania, offered by Zalesski V.V.

В.В. Залесский высказал мнения, что:

V.V. Zalesski has expressed opinions that:

1. "История государства Российского" (тома 1-12, 1803-1826), была создана Н.М. Карамзиным после завершения разделов Речи Посполитой (1772-1795) и прекращения существования Великого княжества Литовского,

1. "The History of the Russian State" (volumes 1 - 12, 1803-1826), has been created by N.M. Karamzin after end of Partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1772 - 1795) and the termination of existence of Grand Duchy of Lithuania,

2. "История государства Российского" создавалась под фактическим контролем Российского императора Александра I (по принципиалным вопросам),

2. "The History of the Russian State" was created under the actual control of the Russian emperor Alexander I (on fundamental themes),

3. "История государства Российского" Н.М. Карамзина заложила традицию, возможно, намеренную, наименования (называния) жителей Великого княжества Литовского и жителей этнической Литвы одним и тем же термином - "литовцы" (в единичных случаях - "литвины").

3. "The History of the Russian State" by N.M. Karamzin has put tradition, perhaps, planned, to name (of naming) of inhabitants of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and residents of ethnic Lithuania the same term - "Lithuanians" (in isolated cases - "litvins").

4. Использование двух отдельных наименований (названий) - "Великолитовцы" и "Литовцы" позволит более эффективно исследовать и описывать Великое княжество Литовское и Литву.

4. Use of two separate names (terms) - Velikolithuanians and "Lithuanians" will allow to investigate and describe Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Lithuania more effectively.



Залесский В. В. Диалог о недосказанном // Залесский В. В. 56 исторических миниатюр и 34 текста на 9 иностранных языках. Сборник. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0.

Zalesski V. V. Dialogue about unspoken//Zalesski, Vladimir. 56 historical miniatures and 34 texts in 9 foreign languages. Collection. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0. [Russian language publication]

Залесский В. В. Диалог о великолитовцах // Залесский В. В. 56 исторических миниатюр и 34 текста на 9 иностранных языках. Сборник. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0.

Zalesski V. V. Dialogue about the Dialogue about Velikolithuanians //Zalesski, Vladimir. 56 historical miniatures and 34 texts in 9 foreign languages. Collection. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0. [Russian language publication]

[Zalesski V. Dialogue about unspoken. // Залесский В. В. 56 исторических миниатюр и 34 текста на 9 иностранных языках. Сборник. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0] [English language publication]

[Zalesski V. Dialogue about Velikolithuanians. // Залесский В. В. 56 исторических миниатюр и 34 текста на 9 иностранных языках. Сборник. ISBN 978-5-4485-8323-0] [English language publication]


Разделы Речи Посполитой , разделы Польши


Карамзин, Николай Михайлович История государства Российского

[3 января 2018 г. 18:56]

[January 3, 2018 18:56]

LXXXV. The Tale of a specialist in history and translations into English

The expert in history sits, looks out of the window, on the street.

The letter comes by e-maiclass="underline" "Article about Velikolithuanians has arrived ..."

He have thought: "Recently article about the marshal was sent ...".

"Question ... M-mm ..."

"How it is necessary to translate into English "Rzeczpospolita"?... Learn to translate at the beginning!"

Sits, looks at the street ...

January 4, 2018 09:13

LXXXVI. Radio listener's monologue

The fan of history has opened the book by the baron Budberg Alexey Pavlovich "The diary of the White Guard member" (on October 7, 1917 - on April 4, 1918):

"We rush further to the south; clean and comfortable little Japanese train rushes through bridges and tunnels; the road very much to resemble on our Amur railway and east branch of Chinese railway.

Have passed Antung, the former Korean small village, and now the solid city with stone houses, factories and the plants. I sadly thought of that the foundation is laid for it by us; we the first have woken desert Manchuria, have brought in it culture, have invested many millions of Russian money, have lost hundreds of thousands of Russian people and eventually have made her a source of the great benefits and income, but only not for ourselves; Japan has profited, China have got a lot of things and is going to get even more, we on a historical habit have got to ourselves only a grief, losses and a position with a chipped washing-tub."

"..." - the fan of history has thought, has slammed the book, has put the book aside. He have turned on radio.

The famous ballerina was trying, explaining that to listen to radio - well.

"..." - the fan of history has thought.

Here the pleasant voice of the vigorous journalistess was heard. She explained intelligibly, using the word "we":

- As much we have constructed in (background noise has muffled the place name): roads, bridges, buildings, power plant ....

Journalistess continued to list. Then she have slightly changed foreshortening of information:

- (background noise has muffled the name) have brought containers. Have collected, have mounted them. When needed, containers will be disassembled and will be transported away.

"..." - the Radio listener has thought. Also he "have passed" to other wave.

But radio has managed to continue a thought:

- ... relations with leaders of tribes!

On other wave the vigorous voice assured:

- The relations is the most valuable capital!

"..." - the radio listener has thought. He have switched off radio. He have reopened the book.

January 4, 2018 15:46

Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2018 16:30.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог радиослушателя'.

LXXXVII. Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer