Edouard Daladier with a strange smile has looked at audience.
The active visitor of library has again joined in discussion:
- On June 7, 1919 Lloyd George recognized that "the admiral Kolchak won't win against Lenin". In the spring of 1920 Lloyd George characterized Lenin the "most great person in policy" who is successfully carrying out "great economic experiment".
Lenin wrote that Lloyd-George "not only the person very clever, but also to much learned from Marxists. Not a sin and to us to learn at Lloyd of George".
Edouard Daladier has put a palm of hand on one of books:
- To study, to study and study!. And to read!
- Our previous conversation was similar to my monologue. Today's meeting is more similar to dialogue. I come into your library with interest! - Edouard Daladier has politely said. - I wish useful reading.
Gorky has thanked Edouard Daladier for a conversation with visitors and walked with him to an exit from library.
January 13, 2018 12:38
Translation from Russian into English: January 14, 2018 10:51. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о чтении исторических книг".
XCVIII. Dialogue about creativity
- Al Capone has written the book ...
- Nonsense!.
- Well, if he didn't wrote, - so he wanted to write!
- I am able to write too!
- Nonsense!.
- Look: ... I have taken and has undersigned!
- Well done! Not Al Capone, of course ... But - with abilities.
- Thanks for trust! I am ready to serve farther!
January 14, 2018 20:35
Translation from Russian into English: January 14, 2018 20:46.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о творчестве'.
XCIX. Report of the Commissioner of police to Prosecutor of the Republic
- Comrade Supreme Commander! There has arrived the Minister of Justice of Provisional government with the report on a situation on the peninsula after withdrawal of our units.
- Let will enter!
- Allow to report, Comrade Supreme Commander?
- Report, mister the Minister of Justice!
- After withdrawal - under the pressure of superior forces of the opponent - units from the peninsula there was a fight ... Household conflict ... One was with the girl ... Another has lost balance and has fallen ... As a result of "razborka" tens of thousands of the military servicemen and guerrillas have died. We will carry out psychiatric surveys, to submit the cases to Central Office.
- To you, mister the Minister of Justice, it is necessary to run, having changed clothes in a women's dress.
The Supreme Commander picked up the phone receiver:
- Invite!..
January 15, 2018 16:57
Translation from Russian into English: January 15, 2018 17:15.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Доклад комиссара полиции прокурору республики'.
C. Dialogue about magic the visor
- You courageous person! You always where it is dangerous!
- Yes! I have got used to difficult journalistic work, to adrenaline!
- Tell about your activity!
- Everything in the movement! We have made much! A lot of! We can make even more!
- Do you gather in a trip again?
- Yes! ... Probably it is necessary to control words ...
- ... Of course ...
- I have a headdress... Sometimes I dress it. Privately! Confidentially. You dress - and you as another person. . And - a visor. I feel good myself...
- But situation difficult. Question of prospects! What will be? What tendencies?
- There all have gathered: both those, and these. Both the fifth, and the tenth. Covers feeling of rise. I will tell in confidence: there is what to rustle!
- You have courage, energy and luck. We wish you success!
- And I wish you success!
- We wouldn't refuse ... Let's dress your "creative" headdress! On a minute!
- It is a headdress unique. You dress. You look at a visor. Thoughts come to an order!
- Ah! Oh!
January 15, 2018 22:42
Translation from Russian into English: January 15, 2018 23:17.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о волшебном козырьке'.
CI. The Tale of the disconnected electricity
Members of the Central Committee of one political party have gathered for a big meeting. They rented business center for this purpose.
They sit in the big hall. Now work will begin.
The electric power is suddenly switched off. Light disappears. All sit in the dark.
The public has begun to exclaim to each other: "Ivan Ivanovich! Pyotr Petrovich! Nikolay Nikolaevich!"
Someone's voice was distributed: "Mikhail Sergeyevich! Mikhail Sergeyevich!"
Members of the Central Committee have begun to worry.
Have given the electric power to this moment. The light was turned on.
And remained it is unknown: who was urging Mikhail Sergeyevich? Who was Mikhail Sergeyevich?
January 17, 2018 09:43
Translation from Russian into English: January 17, 2018 10:40.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об отключенном электричестве'.
CII. Dialogue about the new fairy tale
- Means, so! There is a turnip.
- It must be dug out. Then - be eaten.
- Yes ... There is a grandmother.
- The grandmother receives monthly the sum - quite noticeable.
- Yes ... "Grandson".
- "Grandson" receives business.
- No! It is too difficult for him.
- Control over business. ... Also lives - closer to the grandmother.
- Yes! Mouse?
- Rat!
- Yes!!
- She eats turnip. ... But not only ...
- Yes!
- Amadeus Hoffman!
- Andersen!
- Charles Perrault!
- Yes!
January 18, 2018 09:43
Translation from Russian into English: January 18, 2018 10:01.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о новой сказке'.
CIII. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition