112. Сказка об отключенном электричестве.
113. Диалог о новой сказке.
114. Рассказ о дне.
115. Сказка о своевременном совете.
116. Рассказ о неудавшемся докладе.
117. Скетч о встрече гуся и свиньи.
118. Скетч о новом приключении Чичикова.
Приложения: Переводы:
I. Textual components of the film "Taganrog. Summer day". (English)
II. The Tale of October 17. (English)
III. The Tale of Louis Antoine de Bougainville. (English)
IV. Interview on the riddle of the Fourth State Duma. (English)
V. Le conte sur Louis Antoine de Bougainville. (Francais)
VI. Il fiaba su di Umberto Nobile. (Italiano)
VII. The Tale of Umberto Nobile. (English)
VIII. The tale of Krzysztof Baranowski. (English)
IX. Opowieść o Krzysztof Baranowski. (Polski)
X.The Tale of Confucius. (English)
XI. Dialogue about unspoken. (English)
XII. The Tale about German archaeological projects of the XIX century. (English)
XIII. Das Märchen über die deutschen archäologischen Projekten des XIX Jahrhunderts. (Deutsch)
XIV. The tale of the dance of Vasco da Gama. (English)
XV. O Conto da Dança Vasco da Gama. (Portugues)
XVI. The dialogue about Peter the Great. (English)
XVII. Nikola Tesla. What to write about Tesla? Who and what write about Nikola Tesla? Literary essay. (English)
XVIII. Enrique el Navegante, Fernando de Magallanes, Juan Sebastián del Cano, Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. El orden y la improvisación. Ensayo. (Espanol)
XIX. The dialog between consul and proconsul. (English)
XX. Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. The order and the improvising. An essay. (English)
XXI. Naval dirk. To the topic of the "Magellan - del Cano- de Espinosa" expedition. (English)
XXII. The Tale of the Elderly Man. (English)
XXIII. Dirk navales. A la historia de la expedición "de Magallanes - del Cano - de Espinosa". (Espanol)
XXIV. The tale about conversation between Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton. (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions"). (English)
XXV. Dialogue about Velikolithuanians. (English)
XXVI. Dialog o Velikolithuanians. (Polski)
XXVII. Opowieść o rozmowie między Mikołajem Kopernikiem a Izaakiem Newtonem. (Z Kolekcji miniatur "Dwa opowieści o czterech rewolucjach technicznych"). (Polski)
XXVIII. The tale about provident Baron and genius Inventor (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions"). (English)
XXIX. A sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet. (English)
XXX. 孔子的故事 (Chinese)
XXXI. Dialogue about Catherine the Great. (English)
XXXII. Διάλογος για τις προοπτικές τέχνης. (Greek)
XXXIII. Dialogue about the prospects of art. (English)
XXXIV. The dialogue between Diogenes and Croesus. (English)
XXXV. Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successful project. Essay. (English)
XXXVI. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin. (English)
XXXVII. Fortellingen om den usendte brev. Av Maksim Gorkij til Ivan Bunin. (Norwegian)
XXXVIII. Interview with the circus performer. (English)
XXXIX. Masal oh Gorki kütüphanesi. (Turkish)
XL. The tale about cafe-library of Maxim Gorky. (English)
XLI. Dialogue about pleasant café. (English)
XLII. についての対話心地良いカフェ。(Japanese)
XLIII. बातचीत के बारे में सुखद कैफे। (Hindi)
XLIV. The tale about Sergey Yesenin. (English)
XLV. A fairy tale of spring wind music. (English)
XLVI. A fairy tale about the King of stellar creativity. (English)
XLVII. The fairy tale about one hundredth of one percent. (English)
XLVIII. The fairy tale of the walk across the fall Paris. (English)
XLIX. The tale of the tour at the historic tower. (English)
L. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807). (English)
LI. The tale of the Congress of Vienna (1814 -1815). (English)
LII. The Tale about Metternich. (English)
LIII. The Tale about Witte. (English)
LIV. The Tale about the Academician Tarle. (English)
LV. The Tale about Talleyrand. (English)
LVI. Salute to Alain Bombard!!! Or reduction onto Maupassant. Essay. (English)
LVII. The Tale about Daladier. (English)
LVIII. "Attracts invincibly". M. Gorky and Yu. Trifonov. Indulgence in family. Essay. (English)
LIX. The Tale of lists. (English)
LX. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs. (English)
LXI. Kamensky Andrei (1843- ). Being attempting to banish the darkness. Biographic essay. (English)
LXII. The Tale of new songs. (English)
LXIII. The Fairy Tale about October 10, 1941. (English)
LXIV. The Tale of new adventures of the Gogol's Nose. (English)
LXV. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg. (English)
LXVI. The Tale of new adventures of the Gogol's Nose (2nd Series). (English)
LXVII. Dialogue about the firmness. (English)
LXVIII. A fragment of the dialogue: "...M-m-m...". (English)
LXIX. A Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka. (English)
LXX. The Short Story about the Navy of railways. (English)
LXXI. The Short Story about Artillery. (English)
LXXII. The Short Story about good mood. (English)
LXXIII. Dialogue of two journalists. (English)
LXXIV. A fragment of the dialogue: "...M-m-m...". (2nd Series). (English)
LXXV. Dialogue about the heliocentric concept. (English)
LXXVI. The Tale about two awards. (English)
LXXVII. Dialogue about Gorchakov. (English)
LXXVIII. The Tale of New Year's gifts. (English)
LXXIX. The Christmas story. (English)
LXXX. Dialogue about uncomfortable order
LXXXI. Le conte De Noël. (French)
LXXXII. El Cuento Navideño. (Spanish)
LXXXIII. Świąteczna opowieść. (Polish)
LXXXIV. Velikolithuanians. (English)
LXXXV. The Tale of a specialist in history and translations into English. (English)
LXXXVI. Radio listener's monologue. (English)
LXXXVII. Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer. (English)
LXXXVIII. The Short Story about Mercader. (English)
LXXXIX. The Fable about the Hare and the Fox. (English)
XC. Sketch about literary dispute. (English)
XCI. The Tale of the magic translation. (English)
XCII. Dialogue about the unlucky apartment. (English)
XCIII. Dialogue of the pilotless aircrafts. (English)
XCIV. Igor Bogdanov. Writer, a connoisseur of historical and archival researches, specialist in Heinrich Schliemann's life history. Biographical essay. (English)
XCV. Dialogue about the Three Centuries of the St. Petersburg's the Bathhouse. (English)
XCVI. Dialogue about human rights. (English)
XCVII. The Short Story about reading historical books. (English)
XCVIII. Dialogue about creativity. (English)
XCIX. Report of the Commissioner of police to Prosecutor of the Republic. (English)
C. Dialogue about magic the visor. (English)
CI. The Tale of the disconnected electricity. (English)
CII. Dialogue about the new fairy tale. (English)
CIII. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition. (English)
CIV. The Short Story about the Bottom. (English)
CV. The Tale of a Timely Guidance. (English)
CVI. The Short Story about the Unsuccessful Report. (English)
CVII. Sketch about a meeting of a goose and pig. (English)
CVIII. Sketch about a new adventure of Chichikov. (English)
Приложения: Другие миниатюры:
CIX. Текстовые компоненты фильма "Таганрог. Летний день".
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