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The impact of the Barbies on Austria’s finances and social attitudes had been considerable, more so than he would have imagined ahead of time. Granted, Mike had reservations about the Austrian way of fitting Americans-some Americans, at least-into their aristocratic view of the world. Von Up-time, indeed! Fricking ridiculous.

But it was better than fighting another war. Besides, given some time, that ridiculous notion would probably prove to be just another lever for prying the seventeenth century toward civilized attitudes. Mike had never suffered from the notion that progress was simple and invariably straightforward.

* * *

Meanwhile, life went on. Archduke Leopold was the hero of the hour, his reputation rescued. He didn’t, however, attempt to kiss, touch, or otherwise approach Her Serene Highness Judith Elaine Wendell von Up-time. There were, after all, other girls. Most of them not nearly so quick with a knee.