He poured himself a generous slug and flopped onto the lounge. He wished he had his guitar to take his mind away for a short time.
‘Internet – Netzone.’ He commanded. The display screen shimmered and his favourite search engine awaited his commands. He wanted to see what was happening to the volcanoes being monitored in the Bering Sea.
The news was not good.
He downed his drink.’Internet off. ‘Bed please.’ He commanded. Immediately the lights dimmed and the wall behind the lounge area swivelled around to replace the lounge with a king-size bed, it’s thick mattress covered with cream silken sheets,
Saturday, May 27
The next morning Nick had waited in line for a single Trancab. Single passengers were not permitted to ride in a dual cab. He arrived late at Josh’s office where he was met by a shapely blond woman in her forties, dressed in a red bodysuit with a cropped jacket trimmed with black. She scraped back her chair and scowled up at him. ‘You’re late! Mr. Harrington went into another meeting.’ She nodded to a lounge in a waiting area. ‘You’ll have to wait over there.’
He didn’t apologise. He waited impatiently, fidgeting, nibbling his sore forefinger and going over his story. Despite his luxury hotel room, sleep had been spasmodic and disturbing and his head still ached. He took some papers from his briefcase and busied himself perusing the contents.
Josh arrived thirty minutes later and beckoned to his haughty secretary who stood and grabbed a notepad. ‘You’re late!’ He growled. ‘I hope you’re in a better mood than last night.’
Nick wasn’t. Especially after his recent scolding from the secretary. He promised himself he would be more courteous this morning, but had been immediately put offside by the secretary’s attitude. He glared at her. ‘If y’ don’t mind I’d prefer we had this meeting in private.’
‘C’mon, Nick, I do mind. What’s wrong with you?’ Josh said. ‘You know I like to have everything documented.’
‘This time I’m calling the shots, and after you hear what I’ve got to say you can decide what to do with it. For now it’s just between you and me.’
Josh studied the serious look on Nick’s face and realised he meant what he had said. Perplexed and a little angry he nodded to his secretary, who sniffed and promptly and left them. They entered the office and Josh quietly closed the door. Nick pushed the pile of papers toward him.
‘There’s enough documentation there to suit you or anybody. Jeremy’s been very thorough. After you’ve absorbed that lot you’ll understand my attitude!’
Josh’s office at the Capitol was sparsely furnished by comparison to most executive offices. Heavy chairs of emerald-green leather arranged around a large ten-seater boardroom table dominated the room. It smelled of carnations, and indeed there was a vase of red carnations on the table.Secretary must be okay after all. Nick thought. A cluttered desk near the window housed books and a telescope. A single painting depicting the fine lines of a classic black thoroughbred dominated one wall. In the world of horses it would be described as having a head like a snake, neck like a swan and a back, three hands long. The whole aspect reflected a traditional classic coolness.
Nick absentmindedly stroked his wiry moustache and stared out the window while Josh read the reports. His concentration was frazzled his mind continually racing. He likened his life at the moment to a concrete mixer; tumbling, crushing, falling, with feelings all mixed up. Right now he just wanted to see Laura.
Washington was safe for now. He thought about the Potomac River, about it’s many tributaries and how they had built a series of dams north and south of Snake Island, three miles north of the city to control the flow from the mountains. High barriers the army had built across the Potomac at Fort Washington had kept the rising sea from the south at bay, but he could only imagine what would happen when the earthquakes began. Would those barriers hold, be high enough? He didn’t think so. Washington had experienced earthquakes in 2001, 2015 and as recently as 2030 so the likelihood of them escaping these was remote.
Every city on sea level had taken lessons from the Netherland’s Dykes, gradually isolating their cities from the advancing sea. Los Angeles -well that would go if it hadn’t already succumbed in parts, Nick thought. The dykes protecting that large city would never be high enough. New York and San Francisco had been building sea barriers since 2014, the Thames Barrier protecting London was on the brink of collapse, and just about every city on Australia’s coastline would drown.
‘Unbelievable! When’s this going to happen? Are you sure? Who knows about this….? Nick! Are you listening to me?’
‘Sorry. What did you say?’
‘I asked if you’re sure? Who knows about this?’
‘Yeah, I’m positive. My crew and Wolf Drescher know. I kept it quiet ‘till I told you. What d’you think?’
‘What do I think? What do I think! It’s unbelievable!’ Josh slapped his skull. ‘Wolf agrees?’
‘Yeah, he was there.’
‘I’m going to need time to digest this.’
Nick leaned forward and tapped Josh’s desk. ‘That’s just it! We don’t have time. We’ve gotta do something now, although I don’t know what. Where d’you start……..to save the world?’
‘You were right to keep this quiet.’ Josh puffed. ‘People have been scared since the oceans started rising, once they know about this there’ll be no stopping the pandemonium. We’ll need strategies in place. I’m going to call the President. It’ll take a while, so why don’t you go home and make your plans, but keep your phone on! I think we’re in for some long sessions.
By the way, I read your conclusion about the impending quakes at Mururoa. Shit! That scared me enough…but this?’
Josh began calling people and needing little further persuasion Nick left, calling Laura on his old fashioned sat-phone as he walked to the exit. He flatly refused to use the new heads-up eye-phones and become one of the zombie-like fans addicted to them.
‘Can’t talk right now. Can you meet me at your place in…’ he flipped his watch, ‘an hour?’
‘Something in your voice tells me I’d better say yes.’ She replied. ‘Not that I need to be talked into it, I can’t wait to see you. An hour’s perfect.’
Chapter Nine
Nick let himself into Laura’s apartment and immediately felt a sense of relief. While he waited his thoughts turned to Australia, to his brother Brian, and to his best friend Graham Bronson in Hawaii. What was he going to tell them? What is more important, how and when will he tell Brian, a journalist? How would they react? Would they believe him? Would they panic? Of course they would! He would try to get hold of Graham after meeting with the President. Maybe he could talk Laura into going with him. Thoughts crammed his mind like a crowd at a pop concert, all trying to get in at once.
It was dark when Laura arrived home to find him pacing the floor. Dropping her briefcase she flew into his arms and smothered him with warm hurried kisses. Finally his crowded mind thinned and the warm musky smell of her familiar Obsession perfume enveloped him. It had been months since they had seen each other and now nothing else mattered, Josh, and the whole mess was pushed aside.
‘Wow.’ She said. ‘I love the moustache. What made you decide to grow one?’
‘Lazy, I guess.’ Nick replied hoarsely.
‘Well, it really suits you.’
‘Thanks.’ He said before kissing her passionately.