The trip to the camp went unnoticed as Nick and Karen and the little girl in blue with her mother travelled without speaking. There were no words to convey what they felt, there were no more tears to be spent.
They returned to Karen’s home to find Bill and Veronica happily sharing each other’s company. A bond had formed between them and a new respect for each other’s tenacity and courage had emerged, bringing them together in a way Karen could never have predicted. Bill’s shoulder was on the mend finally and despite the sadness brought on by Brian’s death, a kind of peace settled on the group. The worst was over. They had no more to fear.
Graham came back from Brisbane for the memorial service for Brian the following day. A small forlorn group gathered in the bush where Brian had loved to spend his spare time. The army Padre gave a sermon about peace and hope as they all said their goodbyes. Karen was dry-eyed and serene until the end when she broke down and cried. Nick felt like a child again wishing his father was alive to fill the empty void that knotted his chest and filled his soul. Nothing would ever do that, he expected he would remember Brian every day for the rest of his life.
Graham, Dave, Alex and the family spent the rest of the day resting on the wide verandah gazing out upon the ocean that once was the City of The Gold Coast, discussing the future. Graham advised he was moving to Canberra, where he had set up operations with his two 777s and the Veto fleet. He had decided to stay in Australia. Everything in Hawaii was wiped out, no airports, no beaches, no cities. Jim was safe and wished him luck. Aussair was still in business, but operating on a vastly different plane than before, working with the Government in Australia. Graham had secured air tight contracts that would last for this life time and guaranteed him and those he employed a reasonable income, which was more than most people had at this point. Despite the changed world and the hardships ahead, he felt fulfilled, useful and optimistic.
Chapter Fifty-three
Mt Rockwell
President Walker remained at Mt Rockwell in his duplicate White House and General Cooper continued to run the country. General Douglas had received his fourth star, and General Worth had been thrown into prison to await charges of treason. Bob Anderson had also been stripped of office and locked up.
Laura remained at Mt Rockwell and had been given better accommodations. The political parties were in disarray, many of the politicians missing, which is why the President had instigated military rule. Nobody knew how long the military would rule and nobody cared.
Josh was grateful Laura had located him the second day after the flood, or perhaps he would not have had the strength to go on. The power and stature he had previously enjoyed was gone. He felt alone, afraid and vulnerable. Many men shared the same feelings, grief for their lost loved ones, anxiety, panic, fear and frustration.
They all asked themselves how they could function under these circumstances or for how long? Tensions were rising as each day dawned and they were trapped in their mountain retreat, a weakened, frightened Government.
Chapter Fifty-four
Gold Coast
Karen insisted that Nick stay on at the house with Bill and Veronica while she continued setting up the hospital in the hills with Alex. Medical supplies were becoming a concern. There were so many demands and so few resources. Graham promised to favour them with some special supply drops which he would work toward when he arrived back to Canberra. With the shortage of fuel and the constant threat of attack, Karen decided to stay at Camp B and return home occasionally, arranging with Nick when he could come to collect her.
The army was to send a jeep for Dave that afternoon and Karen reluctantly packed a bag.
Veronica came to her room. ‘I can see you’re still in shock over Brian’s death. I also know you didn’t love him.’
‘C’mon Karen I’m not blind.’ She leaned against the door with her arms folded.
‘No… you’re wrong, I did love him… but not as a lover. We hadn’t made love in two years.’
‘I didn’t pick up on that. However, Iam picking up the sparks between you and Nick.’
Karen whacked some clothes into her case. ‘God Veronica, how can you say that? I thought you loved Brian too.’
‘I did, but he’s dead dear. You have to face it and move on with your life.’
‘Oh, I’ve faced it all right. I’ve thought of nothing else through this bloody catastrophe.’ Tears formed in her eyes.
‘You could do with a lot worse than Nick. He’s a real catch, he’s so handsome. If I was a few years younger…’
Veronica took her in her arms and stroked her head. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t want to see you suffer like this. Nick’s a great guy, give him a chance okay? I also think Brian would want you two together, more so than that eye…talian doctor whose always mooning after you.’
Karen smiled. ‘Poor Alex. He’s just not my type. I don’t know how many times I’ve told him.’
‘Okay. Cheer up. Things can’t get much worse than what we’ve all just been through.’ She turned to leave.
‘Veronica. I’m glad you and Bill seem to be happy at last.’
‘Thanks dear, so am I. So am I.’
There was no need for an oceanographer here so Nick helped out where he could, his muscles and a no-fear attitude helped to repel the frightened angry and lost people that besieged their refuge looking for food and shelter. They had taken in some of the women and children but the men were forced to move on which broke everyone’s hearts again; no-one knew how they would survive. Nick travelled back to camp B where he managed to beg some army stretchers that he arranged in rows in Karen’s garage. They did not have enough clothing or bedding but were thankful for the warmer weather brought on by the disaster.
Alex threw himself into working eighteen-hours a day and became miserable, not because of the workload, but having come to the realisation that Karen would never be his. He had sensed the electricity building between her and Nick, and saw the way they looked at each other, even before they themselves understood, he saw they were destined to be together. He knew in his heart that he had lost her forever but somehow it was all right, perhaps he needed this catastrophe to shake him back to his senses and acknowledge where his concentration should be channelled. He was a good doctor and thankful that he had his profession to absorb his energies.
The next eight days were a blur of work for Karen. Nick stayed at Karen’s house standing guard over the survivors now living there and visited Camp B three times to get supplies. While there he made it his business to see Karen. Their meetings were brief and always in a crowded setting. The camp atmosphere was oppressive with so many refugees, primitive conditions and the unaccustomed heat advancing upon them.
‘We always complained about the winter.’ Karen remarked that last evening as they sat alone on the edge of camp. ‘I think it may have been less traumatic if the climate had remained normal. It seems so weird to be hot in June. I think it’s more unsettling than that water out there. We can see what has happened with the ocean, but what’s going to happen with the weather. Are the storms going to get worse?’
‘I’m not sure.’ Nick mused curling his moustache thinking he should have had a shave. ‘It could take a long time to settle down. If it ever does.’
‘At least we’d feel better in houses, but we may as well be outside as in these tents. Do you think people will be able to live in houses again Nick?’
‘Yeah I do. They’ll be primitive at first, there’s no building materials and nobody’s going down to the waterfront to salvage any of that debris, it’s too gruesome. Besides, the army have cordoned it off from the public. The human race is very industrious it won’t take very long for us to come up with ways.’