“We’ll be back in about an hour to pick you and your friends up,” Pow said with a giant smile.
“OK,” Kellie said and hugged Wes for the first time. He felt so strong when she hugged him. He returned the hug, warmly and softly, but strongly. She felt amazing to him, so soft and so outrageously sexy.
“Let’s go,” Ryan said. The Team started walking out and Wes made an effort to break off the hug with Kellie and walk out to show the Team that he wasn’t smitten. He actually pulled it off, which surprised him. He was being deceptive because he was, indeed, smitten.
“See you in a while,” Wes said to Kellie, who just stared at him with puppy love eyes.
After the Team left the Grange, Kellie got her phone out and started texting the girls. She was glad that texting was working then; sometimes texts wouldn’t work for a day or two.
In about twenty minutes, Kellie’s friends started showing up. She made sure there was one girl for each guy. The guys came back earlier than the one hour estimate and took them back to the yellow cabin, but as soon as they got to the yellow cabin, they had to go out on some mission or something and said the girls had to go back. Luckily, about two hours later, the guys returned and picked them up, bringing them to the cabin, yet again.
The next events of the day were pretty predictable. Wes had a private room in the cabin. After about two minutes of small talk, he and Kellie tore each other’s clothes off. What followed was amazing. Kellie had never been loved like that. Ethan was nothing compared to Wes.
Chapter 174
Team Chicks
The girls were throwing off the Team’s focus. Actually, the Team had no focus on their jobs; the girls quickly became all they thought about and did. Two or three days after meeting them, the Team stopped patrolling. They spent most of their time hanging out at the yellow cabin and having sex. Tons and tons of amazing sex.
After the first night, each guy had a girlfriend. Everyone was getting along so well. The girlfriends, who became known as the “Team Chicks,” had all been friends since grade school. They loved being a Team Chick. It gave them status in the community. They had the best guys, who were new to the community and weren’t the same old Pierce Point guys that the girls had grown up with. To be a Team chick, a girl had to be hot; really hot, and have game. The Team could get any girl they wanted out there.
Grant was busy doing his civil affairs work. He was organizing things and being the judge. He wasn’t out with the Team so he didn’t notice that they were pretty much hanging out in the yellow cabin, or the “Love Shack,” as they started calling it.
Chip noticed, though. He was busy guarding the Grange during the day and kept track of what was going on there. He saw the Team and the Team Chicks come in for brunch. Brunch? Was this a survival situation or a party?
When Chip went home to the Morrells, he went by the Love Shack and saw what was going on. The Team wasn’t patrolling; they were just getting laid.
Chip talked to Grant about it.
“Crap,” Grant said. “They are bringing their girlfriends to the Grange to eat? Only people working for the community get meals. This is bullshit.” Grant knew he had a discipline and political problem on his hands. The other residents would be jealous that the Team Chicks got meals without working for the community. The guys on the Team were his friends and he was happy that they had girlfriends, but this had to stop.
Grant and Chip went to the Love Shack in the late afternoon and asked the girls to leave for a while. They had “operations” to discuss with the Team.
The guys on the Team were not happy about this.
“What operations?” Ryan said with an edge to his voice.
“That’s my point,” Grant said. “There have been no operations for a few days while you guys have been getting’ your groove on. Guys, I’m all for a little R&R for you. It’s well deserved.” The Team was stunned that Grant was basically lecturing at them.
“But, c’mon, guys,” Grant continued, now with a near-yelling tone. “Letting your girlfriends eat at the Grange? When food is scarce and we’ve worked hard to get the community to buy into a system where only those who work get fed. You guys go and do this? The rumors are flying that the ‘Team Chicks’ are earning their meals in the Love Shack.”
That got the guys pissed off, which was good. It was the reaction Grant intended, and was why he made up the part about the rumor, although it was probably true.
“No more Grange meals for your girlfriends,” Chip said. “Does everyone understand?”
They nodded. It made sense. They had been working so hard and everything in life had changed. It felt so great to be able to take their girlfriends out for brunch. They had been escaping from all the horrible things going on, but escaping too much. They’d forgotten about reality.
“You guys know what happens if these ladies get in the way of your ability to do your job?” Grant said. He was using his dad voice.
“Off the Team. That’s what,” Grant said. “Will that suck for Pierce Point? That some very talented and well equipped fighters aren’t patrolling and ready to help? Oh, yeah, it’ll suck for Pierce Point. But can we have an elite group who doesn’t have to follow the rules? Hell, no. Guys, we’re on political thin ice out here. All it takes is that douchebag Snelling to make some speech at a Grange meeting and all of a sudden these people turn on us. Trust me, I know politics.” They knew Grant spoke with authority on this topic.
“This is a survival situation, gentlemen,” Chip said in a calmer tone, appearing as the voice of reason. “We have to get through it. We can have some fun.” Chip had a huge stash of condoms—that he was hoping to use himself—and had given them to the Team. “I am the one getting you rubbers so don’t think I’m against you having fun.” Good point.
“But what the hell good is a girlfriend,” Grant asked, “if we get kicked out of here or there’s nothing to eat because everyone is squabbling and jealous?” He didn’t think the girlfriend situation was as dire as he was making it out to be, but he and Chip wanted to keep control over the Team. Small, elite groups tend to do things their own way and not listen to authority. Grant and Chip wanted the Team to be an asset to Pierce Point, not be perceived as out of control.
“OK, but how do our girlfriends eat?” Scotty asked.
“They need to work at the Grange or do some other work for the community,” Grant said. “Or bring their own food over. Hell, they can help garden or go get oysters. They need to follow the rules so no one says Team Chicks are above everyone else. We’re done for out here if that happens. Life is pretty good for us here. We can’t blow it.”
The guys started nodding. This made sense. They were realizing they had gotten a little out of control over the past few days.
Grant could tell they were coming around. Now was the time to soften the “dad voice.”
“Guys,” Grant said, “you can spend evenings and nights with them. That’s cool. But all day? Every day? Nope. You guys have work to do. Door-bustin’ gun fightin’ work to do. Cool shit. It is what you guys were made to do.”
That was motivating them; they started nodding even more.
“OK,” Pow said. He was the leader. It was about time he agreed. “We’ll get back to work and the girls don’t eat at the Grange unless they’re following the rules. Sounds fair.”
“Cool,” Grant said. “Now, speaking of getting back to work, I will be coming out with you guys tomorrow morning to the Richardson house to practice taking down a building.”
“You’re comin’?” Pow asked.