He gets the summons a month later, saying he has to appear in court on a day a month from now, and his wife says he should get a lawyer, and he says, “No, I thought it over and I think it’s better I go without one and declare my innocence and take the consequences. Since it’s only my word against hers, unless she comes up with a witness who’s prepared to lie, and I don’t see how she could get one, I’m sure nothing will happen to me. Besides, I don’t want to pay for a lawyer, and I feel confident about it because I’m a good defendant. I don’t come across as guilty and I do as penitent for even the minor crimes or misdemeanors or whatever that other people are guilty of,” and she says, “I don’t understand,” and he says, “I meant — what was I talking about before? — what are you referring to, I mean?” and she says, “What did you mean by ‘penitent for other people’s crimes and misdemeanors’?” and he says, “Just that I make a good case for taking on the burdens of the world, so to speak, the mini to major minor ones; is that any clearer?” and she says no, and he says, “Let me see. That these crimes and things exist — preying on women and girls in subways, for instance, as she accused me of — and I can’t believe she went through with it and didn’t do what I’m sure the policeman that day was suggesting and that’s to drop the charge — but anyway, is wrong, though don’t look at me as someone who does them,” and she says, “If you think that makes it clearer, you’re mistaken,” and he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll get it right by the time I have to appear,” and she says, “I don’t know; I’m worried,” and he says, “Don’t be; I’ll look well, speak well, dress well, and they’ll know right away I couldn’t have done it, besides there being no witnesses.” He’s wanted to tell her, a few times, that he thought of her rear end a second or so before he pushed into the woman, but that’d make him out a liar and then she’d insist he get a lawyer. And he doesn’t know if he really did it intentionally because he thought of his wife; he only might have or he might have seen the woman’s curvy body from behind and some impulse took over — of course some impulse, but that’s something he’d also never admit to her, except maybe after this was long over with — and he brought up the image of pressing into her simply to have a greater impetus to push into the woman. Oh, it’s getting too confusing and it happened so fast that day and he forgets so much of it and maybe he should forget it for now. That wise? Why not? Because one day of ignoring it won’t hurt and some good idea or strategy about it might even come out of his unconscious in that time. One thing he wants, though, is his wife to come to the courtroom with him; she’ll make a dignified impression and it’ll be in his favor, he thinks, for the court to know she’s behind him. He’ll ask her tonight or tomorrow when they get up, and he’s sure she’ll agree.