FLAW 2: The struggle to put the ineffable contents of abnormal experiences into language inclines the struggler toward pre-existing religious language, which is the only language that most of us have been exposed to that overlaps with the unusual content of an altered state of consciousness. This observation casts doubt on Premise 7. See also The Argument from Sublimity, #34, below.
23. The Argument from Holy Books
There are holy books that reveal the word of God.
The word of God is necessarily true.
The word of God reveals the existence of God.
God exists.
FLAW 1: This is a circular argument if ever there was one. The first three premises cannot be maintained unless one independently knows the very conclusion to be proved-namely, that God exists.
FLAW 2: A glance at the world’s religions shows that there are numerous books and scrolls and doctrines and revelations that all claim to reveal the word of God. But they are mutually incompatible. Should I believe that Jesus is my personal saviour? Or should I believe that God made a covenant with the Jews requiring every Jew to keep the commandments of the Torah? Should I believe that Muhammad was Allah’s last prophet and that Ali, the prophet’s cousin and husband of his daughter Fatima, ought to have been the first caliph, or that Muhammad was Allah’s last prophet and that Ali was the fourth and last caliph? Should I believe that the resurrected prophet Moroni dictated the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith? Or that Ahura Mazda, the benevolent Creator, is at cosmic war with the malevolent Angra Mainyu? And on and on it goes. Only the most arrogant provincialism could allow someone to believe that the holy documents that happen to be held sacred by the clan he was born into are true, whereas all the documents held sacred by the clans he wasn’t born into are false.
24. The Argument from Perfect Justice
This world provides numerous instances of imperfect justice-bad things happening to good people, and good things happening to bad people.
It violates our sense of justice that imperfect justice may prevail.
There must be a transcendent realm in which perfect justice prevails (from 1 and 2).
A transcendent realm in which perfect justice prevails requires the Perfect Judge.
The Perfect Judge is God.
God exists.
FLAW: This is a good example of the Fallacy of Wishful Thinking. Our wishes for how the universe should be need not be true; just because we want there to be some realm in which perfect justice applies does not mean that there is such a realm. In other words, there is no way to pass from Premise 2 to Premise 3 without the Fallacy of Wishful Thinking.
25. The Argument from Suffering
There is much suffering in this world.
Suffering must have some purpose, or existence would be intolerable.
Some suffering (or at least its possibility) is demanded by human moral agency: if people could not choose evil acts that cause suffering, moral choice would not exist.
Whatever suffering cannot be explained as the result of human moral agency must also have some purpose (from 2 and 3).
There are virtues-forbearance, courage, compassion, and so on- that can only develop in the presence of suffering. We may call them “the virtues of suffering.”
Some suffering has the purpose of inducing the virtues of suffering (from 5).
Even taking premises 3 and 6 into account, the amount of suffering in the world is still enormous-far more than what is required for us to benefit from suffering.
Moreover, some who suffer can never develop the virtues of suffering-children, animals, those who perish in their agony.
There is more suffering than we can explain by reference to the purposes that we can discern (from 7 and 8).
There are purposes for suffering that we cannot discern (from 2 and 9).
Only a being who has a sense of purpose beyond ours could provide the purpose of all suffering (from 10).
Only God could have a sense of purpose beyond ours.
God exists.
FLAW: This argument is a sorrowful one, since it highlights the most intolerable feature of our world, the excess of suffering. The suffering in this world is excessive in both its intensity and its prevalence, often undergone by those who can never gain anything from it. This is a powerful argument against the existence of a compassionate and powerful deity. It is only the Fallacy of Wishful Thinking, embodied in Premise 2, that could make us presume that what is psychologically intolerable cannot be the case.
26. The Argument from the Survival of the Jews
The Jews introduced the world to the idea of the one God, with his universal moral code.
The survival of the Jews, living for millennia without a country of their own, and facing a multitude of enemies that sought to destroy not only their religion but all remnants of the race, is a historical unlikelihood.
The Jews have survived against vast odds (from 2).
There is no natural explanation for so unlikely an event as the survival of the Jews (from 3).
The best explanation is that they have some transcendent purpose to play in human destiny (from 1 and 4).
Only God could have assigned a transcendent destiny to the Jews.
God exists.
FLAW: The fact that Jews, after the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, had no country of their own, made it more likely, rather than less likely, that they would survive as a people. If they had been concentrated in one country, they would surely have been conquered by one of history’s great empires, as happened to other vanished tribes. But a people dispersed across a vast diaspora is more resilient, which is why other stateless peoples, like the Parsis and Roma (Gypsies), have also survived for millennia, often against harrowing odds. Moreover, the Jews encouraged cultural traits-such as literacy, urban living, specialization in middleman occupations, and an extensive legal code to govern their internal affairs-that gave them further resilience against the vicissitudes of historical change. The survival of the Jews, therefore, is not a miraculous improbability.
COMMENT: The persecution of the Jews need not be seen as part of a cosmic moral drama. The unique role that Judaism played in disseminating monotheism, mostly through the organs of its two far more popular monotheistic offshoots, Christianity and Islam, has bequeathed to its adherents an unusual amount of attention, mostly negative, from adherents of those other monotheistic religions.
27. The Argument from the Upward Curve of History
There is an upward moral curve to human history (tyrannies fall; the evil side loses in major wars; democracy, freedom, and civil rights spread).
Natural selection’s favoring of those who are fittest to compete for resources and mates has bequeathed humankind selfish and aggressive traits.
Left to their own devices, a selfish and aggressive species could not have ascended up a moral curve over the course of history (from 2).
Only God has the power and the concern for us to curve history upward.
God exists.
FLAW: Though our species has inherited traits of selfishness and aggression, we have inherited capacities for empathy, reasoning, and learning from experience as well. We have also developed language, and with it a means to pass on the lessons we have learned from history. And so humankind has slowly reasoned its way toward a broader and more sophisticated understanding of morality, and more effective institutions for keeping peace. We make moral progress as we do scientific progress, through reasoning, experimentation, and the rejection of failed alternatives.