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Saumur crystal, also known as the Saumur crude ore stone in the game, was originally considered to be an MP-rich crystal crude ore when it was first discovered. Later, people gradually discovered another characteristic of this crystal. ―Crysturing ability. The Saumur crystal has the ability to crystallize the organic Life near it, but the crystallized creature does not lose Life, but instead transforms into a Life Body composed of a lens—that is, a semi-crystalline creature. Since this ability does not only work for animals, it also has the same effect on plants, so large crystal forests are often found around Saumur crystals, and in fact it is one of the genesis of crystal forests.

However, Saumur crystal’s assimilation effect on the creature is a slow gradual process, usually taking years or even longer to complete the process. According to Thurman’s description, the soldiers of the three empire enter the final battlefield but only two or three. Days, it is affected by crystallization, which sounds like the Saumur crystal that Brando once heard, but the effect is obviously much stronger, perhaps a more powerful variant of MP, or even It’s another thing.

But in either case, the process of crystallization should be an irreversible process, so he was so faced with the crystallization of Deer Body Female Monster Oneesan Elaine, in fact, there was a game in the game. In the record, the examples of curing crystallization are not awkward, and most of them benefit from the nearly miraculous ability of Life Spring or Miracle. On the battlefield of Final Battle, it is obviously impossible to have so many miracles at the same time. There are countless soldiers on the battlefield, and each country has a lot of noble in addition to the grassroots soldiers in the Holy War. There is even no lack of upper noble. If these people were killed on the battlefield, it was a major event that could not be concealed for any country at the time. From Thurman’s tone, the affected people were obviously the most affected when the crystallization disease spread.

Having said that, I have to mention the attitude of Vaunde noble to the war at that time. Before the second Holy War, nobles generally regarded participation in war as a glory, not because they still had the heroic spirit of their ancestors in the wilderness, just the opposite, in the heart of the civilization, from the first generation Pioneer Knight gradually faded out of the world’s vision. The descendants of their dignity are increasingly addicted to playfulness and play, and they have long lost their ancestors’ style. In the War of the Holy Saints, the human noble can easily go to justice for one sentence and one promise, but in a thousand years later Today, this behavior is seen as something that only a fool can do.

Nobles is not afraid of war. Because war is not a matter of life for them, especially for empire like Kirrlutz, the upper noble has very few records of death in the war – unless it is hit by a flow, or water and soil, because it is too bad luck Not convinced of death from illness, even if captured, can receive decent treatment – because for their enemies the hostage means a large ransom. Today, most of the noble is still remembering that era. I believe that the war of that era is a classic and romantic war with both chivalry and kindness.

Of course, this privilege is only for the noble. For the soldiers from the lower level, the original intention of the war has never changed. It is the same death atmosphere with cold metal and blood.

From this we can see that if there are hundreds of noble deaths in a war, what is the bad news for any country in that era, even the royal family. It may also be torn by the angry family members of the deceased. It is necessary to know what kind of energy is behind the deceased. For example, Brando remembers very clearly. At the time of the Holy Cathedral of Fire, the Kirrlutz Empire had three Dukes. The following Thane is a large and small pile. Everyone has a tangled and complicated network behind them. It can be said that it covers the entire imperial bloodline of the empire.

If these people die on the battlefield, they will probably have to take an empire Princess, and Saers and Faanzan’s situation will be similar. If such a thing happens, it will never be covered up on that side. There is no way to cover up. Thinking of this, Brando’s thoughts suddenly appeared in the light, realizing that the black pot on his grandfather was for whom, but the idea was just flashes, and he immediately shook his head again.

This black pot his grandfather couldn’t afford it, even if he was the commander of the Holy Cathedral of Fire. Not to mention that he also knew that although the Empire had a lot of noble deaths in the Alkash battle, it was not yet acceptable. At the same time, at least Her Highness the Princess, three Dukes and several important figures returned to the country intact.

Could it be that crystallization disease also knows how to distinguish between high and low, noble identity has some immune effect on crystallization? This kind of nonsense is obviously not worth a shower. There is only one possibility, that is, there is a manpower to turn the tide and save the coalition of the three empire at the last moment. This also explains why, after that, the three Holy Cathedrals have died down. The second Holy War also made a pause.

Regarding that candidate, Brando had a strong hunch in his mind, and his tall back appeared more than once in his mind: under the bloody sun of Bruglas, Stag Forest was like a layer of bronze-like soft color, broken The golden river flowing in the water soaked the shoal, the silent old man stood quietly, staring thoughtfully at his grandson who practiced the sword – Brando now recalls, one’s own grandfather’s broad shoulders and close The lips have always been obsessed with some secrets that are unknown, about the low whispers behind the secrets, haunting the old man’s life, and turning into the tomb as the final moment comes to the dust.

At this moment, the secret finally reached the moment of discovery.

In the face of his questionable color, Thurman really stopped selling, and slammed everything that happened at the time:

The crystallization disease seems to have spread among the three major coalition forces overnight, and there are countless people infected. Although the crystallization is not so serious at the beginning, it is affected by the Saumur crystal MP. They all become arrogant, gather together to attack each other, or attack normal people who try to separate them. As more and more people joined them, the situation in the Alca region gradually became unmanageable, and some people fled because of fear, including noble of the command army, and the number of normal people remaining gradually reduced to almost impossible to maintain themselves. Safe to the point.

Under the circumstances at the time. Discussing the problem-solving problem is already a joke. The only thing left to do is to wait for death, leaving only a desperate gamble. The Wikad who came to the Buga people may have shattered the Saumur crystal in the Holy Cathedral. Or it can be lost to a Space turbulence through Magic, so it may not be able to change what has happened at the moment. But at least it can prevent the situation from continuing to deteriorate.

This proposal was approved by the majority of the rest after several discussions, but the question is, who is going to do it?

On the ruins of the last battle, the mid-rank of the mist filled the countless soldiers infected with crystallization, just passing them to the Holy Cathedral is a difficult thing to do, let alone the mystery. There is also danger in the Holy Cathedral. It is also something that can’t be expected at all. It can be said that the execution of this quest is to die, and not everyone can send it, because to complete this impossible quest, it is obviously not enough to rely on the strength of several people. They need an army, and the army needs Commander. Ironically, in order to compete for the so-called ‘Miirna’ inheritance, the three empires are not willing to be human. Most of the nobles in the news spread, including the commander of the Imperial Allied Forces, were immediately entered into the fog, fearing that they would fall behind the people, and at this moment, no one of these Noble Commanders re-entered from the fog. come out.