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“You are this…”

When Ludwig Metz Baron stunned, he finally found the origin of the military uniform from the deepest part of his mind. After changing his face, he finally blurted out and debuted:



It is Aouinian.

It is a pity that Ludwig Metz Baron wakes up a bit late. In fact, this is exactly what Brando hopes to achieve. He uses the Buga people’s fleet as a scorpion, hoping to let the Fatan port relax and be vigilant. The fleet itself was built by the Buga people, and the battleship itself follows the style of the wizards, plus the Orkens Count and the others on board. Even if Kirrlutzian wants to have doubts, it is quite difficult.

The development of the matter was as expected. The fleet entered Hong Kong smoothly and without any blockage. When the battleship was docked, the soldiers on the battleship rushed down to disarm the weapons in the hands of the Kirrlutzian Port Guards. The guys couldn’t believe how the aoof and remote Buga wizard would suddenly turn their faces to them. After all, they watched them. Come. Silver Lineage doesn’t care about what happens in the world. The power of the world is like a cloud of smoke. The tradition of thousands of years has almost formed an inertia, and this inertia has made Brando a big bargain. .

He went all the way to command Ciel, O’Neill, Marjorie, Ivoram and the others to take over the entire port, and then personally led a team of people directly to the castle where Ludwig Metz Baron was located, along the way. Did not encounter a little resistance. Even the guards of the castle opened the door for them personally, and when they were confiscated under the pressure of real thing, they also asked these Aouinian wants What are you doing.

But when these people finally realized that they were not facing Buga people, but Aouinian, each and everyone showed the same expression as Ludwig Metz, first of all shocked and unbelievable, and then still Shocked and can’t believe it.

For these people. Brando didn’t have Time to answer their doubts. The big hand waved all the dungeons under the castle. Just like this, there was almost no trouble. He and his fleet took over the port.

Of course, this is only temporary. He is only an outsider after all, to rule such a huge city. It is absolutely not enough to rely on a little Aouinian in his hand, because he can only use up to the top officials. As for the middle and lower officials, he has neither Time nor the ability to arrest all of them, let alone even have this ability. He put all these people in the dungeon. Who will manage the city for him?

To get a huge port to work, the manpower needed is not a little bit.

Fortunately, he is not only Aouinian in his hands, but also a considerable number of Kirrlutz noble, these people are the faces of the empire. With these people in his hands, he can justifiably use military control as an excuse to take over the city. Who said that the empire is in internal troubles, Evergreen Aisle East Empire and Wind Elf are inextricably stunted, and in the south there is a sudden emergence of Gorgon Ravine army glare like a tiger watching his prey, not to mention the previous days Torquine Leonin finally captured the Anzeluta fortress group. It can be said that the situation in the southern part of the empire has been deep in the mud, and even the Metz area is exposed to the military front.

At this time, they were nominally the ally of the empire – a fleet of Buga people. After reaching a consensus with the nobles in the empire, they took a break here and helped them fight against the Gorgon Ravine army. It doesn’t sound very exciting. weird. At this time, letting the southern empire noble contact the commanding middle-level officials will not let the Kirrlutzian in the port give the illusion of ‘occupation’, making them feel as if the port is still under the control of the empire, and this Buga The human fleet is nothing more than a temporary protective talisman that’s all.

Of course, to do all this, you must reach a consensus with the people of Orkens Count.

Brando didn’t think about how to deal with these nobles. After all, ‘take over’ a port from an empire’s main-hand, this kind of thing that sounds like a rebellion, may not necessarily be for these escape nobles. Willing to stand on the same boat with him. But I did not expect that an imperial merchant ship they captured on the route helped him.

At that time, he had ordered the capture of the merchant ship, fearing that the other party leaked such a huge fleet of news in the hinterland of the empire, but did not expect that when they boarded the ship, they found that the bottom of the merchant ship was full of escape from the heart of the empire. Refugees.

These refugees brought them an unimaginable news –

The civil war broke out.

Just the week they sailed in the lofty inner sea, specifically the day after they left Leeuwin, the sky and the earth turning upside down occurred in the Kirrlutz Empire. Her Majesty the Queen suddenly grasped an army that had never appeared before. This army consisted of Senian and Miirna. She directly deprived Vala of her power as the Holy Cathedral of Fire and announced religious reforms. A religious reform initiated by a secular king is simply a big joke. In the immediate, the church in the empire is divided into two groups of rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly. The faculty was clearly standing on the side of the Queen, and the place loyal to Vala immediately raised the banner of resistance after a brief chaos.

In short, the interior of the empire suddenly became a mess. This is not just a matter of the inside of the Holy Cathedral of Fire. This huge change of interest has affected everyone’s heart. Mantle Bay’s nobles really responded to The Silver Queen. The call, but the northern nobles are clearly unable to accept this fact. In fact, at this time, the two sides had already played a fight in the east of Metz. Surprisingly, the traditional military nobles actually lost, and they also suffered a big loss. Brando for a moment could not learn more from these refugees. Only know that a few Thane formed a coalition retreat to Ludwig after the defeat.

But these are not the main points. A real blockbuster is:

Miirna is back.

These Lost races from the era of Dragon of Darkness have finally revived.

When I heard the news, including the Orkens Count, these former Her Majesty’s supporters were unbelievable and then doubtful, but after repeated confirmation, each and everyone fell into silence. After all, this is still a World dominated by War of the Holy Saints after the war, no matter how they are swaying and deviant. I dare not deny the justice of the four sages. This is the foundation of the Black Iron races and the sages of the sages. They didn’t understand for a moment. What happened to the Queen’s Majesty, is it crazy? How dare she do this?

But after the silence, Brando understood that one’s own opportunity came, and quickly rushed to infuse one’s own plan to these empire nobles of each and everyone dumbstruck – in an unclear situation, it is best to stand on your own. Then choose what to do next. Probably under such a huge change, the small problem of ‘take over’ a port is not placed on these escapes nobles, and the Orkens Count are not stupid, of course, understand that all around the enemy, the situation What kind of choice is the best under unseen situation.

For Brando’s actions to take over the port, they chose silence.

But Brando actually understands that he chooses silence at this time. In fact, it is support.

As the dust in the port settled, one piece of work was assigned. Brando stood in the original office of Ludwig Metz Baron. Through the arched windows, there was no big outside in the port of Fattan. commotion. Everything is still systematic, and finally can’t help sighed in relief. This time Buga’s wizards gave him a big problem, and now he has finally stepped out of the most difficult First Step, but Thurman didn’t lie to him. The Queen’s Majesty really took the first step, so that There are more choices left for him.