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“I understand,” Miss Merchant suddenly realized: “The reason why Ludwig’s noble has lost again and again is because they are a loose sand, each fighting, and each has its own calculations, just as business investment has no clear purpose, it is natural, and it is natural. It is easy to cause failure.”

“Smart,” Brando applauded Romaine’s forehead, causing the latter to scream again and again, he said with a smile: “There is no less opposition in the empire, and the death of the Holy Cathedral of Fire is more than you think.” It’s much more, but these forces are too fragmented. Any single one will not be the opponent of Her Majesty’s. Everyone has the idea of ​​protecting themselves. It’s not surprising that in the extreme contrast of power, except for extreme extremes. Beyond the example, no one will choose to die in vain. But if the power contrast is not as big as imagined, it will be different. Now that there is a common interest, it is different.”

“The common interests depend on it,” Flo looked at Brando strangely. “Lord Thane is the emperor elsest son?”

Brando hehe smiled: “I said earlier that this person can be a stranger.”

“Brando, when did you say that?” Miss merchant curiously raised his eyebrows.

“I naturally said, or how can I stay with him?” The bragging cow was dismantled. The young Lord Count couldn’t help but be a little angry and angry: “I want to know that at that time, I want to hide the whereabouts of the next empire heir, it is not an easy one. Things, and risking a lot of political and diplomatic risks. If I don’t see today’s earnings, can I convince our stubborn Her Highness the Princess?”

Out of familiarity with Brando’s character, Romaine looked at him suspiciously, but Flo seemed to believe it, wild elf girl frowned slightly: “Kirrlutz Empire territory tangled and complicated, which loyal to The Silver Queen, which Allegiance to the emperor eldest son, what do they have to do, Lord Thane have you investigated these?”

“Nature,” Brando sighed: “Kirrlutzian is too close to us, the empire is too strong, we can not understand ourselves, but we must understand the empire.”

Flo is silent, she was born in the world of Aerlanta, although later with many other Wild Elf, with the younger sister traveled to White City, where he joined the Mercenary Company, became a mercenary wizard, the same in the Ten City area It is also the influence of the various parties, the city-states often cross each other, intrigue, but as Mercenary, often do not need to consider so many things, it is also difficult to understand the feeling of being full of fear and sorrow, until now, at this moment, she seems to be Re-recognizing the young Thane around me, couldn’t help but frowns to look at the latter very complicated.

Unfortunately, Brando didn’t notice the expression of his ‘private secretary’. He thought of Aouine at the moment, thinking of Fir Tree Shire and the vast Black Forest.

One day, Aouine no longer needs to rely on the breath of others to survive. At that time, Aouine will also have a vast territory and strong strength. Aouinian will no longer need to guess other people’s minds and live, they will also be a lion, standing proudly on this land.

Perhaps only then, the wishes of Eldest Princess and Valkyrie can be realized.

Brando suddenly recalled the Princess and Valkyrie in the game. They are very different from today’s Gryphine and Freya. The environment and suffering changed them, but today Aouine no longer needs Princess and Valkyrie.

Because Aouine no longer needs people whose people burst into tears for it.

He came back to his senses and the conversation in the hall was nearing the end. “What do you see, Flo?” Brando suddenly turned back and asked.

Flo slightly startled, as if waking up from something, she rarely has a red face, and quickly shook her head: “What do you see?”

“Orkens Count is not voluntary. He is the leader of noble. If he doesn’t bother to encourage these people, what does it mean?” Brando sneered: “I was a little curious. I thought it was enough to give these nobles in Leeuwin. The lesson, they shouldn’t be so fast, the scars are forgotten, and now I want to come, I should have missed anything, but there is another reason behind that’s all.”

Flo frowned slightly, and if she couldn’t hear her Lord Thane have hidden meaning, then her so-called Thane secretary was also white: “Lord Thane, you mean, someone is behind these nobles? Who?”

“I didn’t know,” Brando replied coldly. “But it’s a pity that some people are too eager to reveal the fox’s tail.”

“The fox tail is exposed,” Romaine snarled with a smile: “This is particularly apt.”


An Wei screamed and immediately woke up from meditation… The witch’s meditation is very different from the wizard. The Wizard’s Conjuration Magic requires them to bind the arrogant MP with the Laws line to prepare the day’s spell. This is a dangerous job, so it needs a full rest and quiet environment. But the witches’ power comes from

MP in Vaunde’s projection – the twelve rounds of Moon of Magic (one is thirteen rounds, including the Black Moon), the first generation of witch built a witch’s country in this shadow World – Brunson, this is a A pure MP and a world of spiritual world, it does not exist in the material plane, but every witch must have one’s own spirit

The soul sinks into it. In the daytime, they are active in the world, and they enter the night. They enter the country of this witch from their dreams and whisper in the spiritual kingdom.

But the shadow of World is more absurd and more dangerous than reality. In the world of dreams, accidentally will throw the spirit in the depths of darkness, so the witches will carefully guard the one’s own field, they use meditation to make themselves Calm, this is an important ceremony, and often cannot be defeated. Once it fails, the consequences will be very strict.


“Kurul,” Witch screamed with an unforgettable anger: “You damn it!”

A few young witches rushed in from the outside of the tent and watched An Wei, who was stunned by the shawl. An Wei pointed at them and screamed: “Fast, kill the cat!” There is a curved maple stand outside the tent. A gold wire cage was hung on the bracket, and there was a black cat in the cage. At this moment, the black cat was anxiously turning around in the gold wire cage. Bowed

On the back, the hair is straight and the green hole is in the corner of the tent. The fangs are constantly screaming.

In Vaunde, people are superstitious that cats are incarnations of witches. In some places, cats are burned alive, and black cats that are considered suffocating are more difficult to escape. The disgust and maiming of cats appear in legends from time to time. In a sense, this is not wrong. The witch uses the cat as one’s own incarnation, when they encounter an inescapable in the shadow World.

When it is dangerous. I will use cats instead of myself.

Only at this moment, An Wei saw the black cat as if she saw a poisonous snake –

The young witch immediately pulled out the bright knife and inserted it into the black cat body. The black cat screamed in a strange voice, and the voice fell in a pool of blood. The young witch then added a knife at the position of the back of the right forefoot. The bottom of the gold wire cage was full of sticky blood. The other two young witches immediately drew on the ground.

Awkward characters. Begin to play a dream.

Witches will use spiritual communication in the country of Brunson’s witch. But rarely will allow others to enter the one’s own field, the shadow of the World is broad and broad, and if not invited by the owner, others rarely dare to walk through the trapped World and enter the dreams of others. But there is a situation where the exception is Shadow World.