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How do you react when a friend criticizes you?

Your close friend asks—and genuinely wants—your opinion on something, but your opinion is one that he is likely to find quite painful. Would you tell your friend the truth?

What makes your best friend special to you?

What makes someone unforgettable?

What would be the most difficult thing to forgive someone for?

What is more important to you: work and accomplishments or friends and family?

Does other people’s ignorance appall you or can you tolerate it?

What are three good reasons why someone should have you for a friend?

What are some funny thing(s) that happened to you and a friend?

What criticism directed at you has been the most difficult for you to let go of?

Do you hate anyone?

Would you rather be a half hour early to a party or an hour-and-a-half late?

What was an embarrassing incident with a good friend?

What games have you played to get on the right side of people who matter?

Compassion and goodness remind you of whom?

Do you enjoy or not enjoy big noisy parties?

How long have you known your best friend?

Who is someone who encourages you?

What would you do if everyone in your family forgot your birthday?

What is a characteristic in others that you admire?

What is the greatest distance you traveled by car on a family vacation?

Who is your best character witness?

Who is someone who frightened you and how?

Who would you want in your lifeboat?

Who would you take on a month-long backcountry camping expedition?

What is the one thing that someone has said or done that showed his or her support for you?

What is a particularly dangerous thing you did with a friend?

Do you have more friends or enemies?

What have you learned from your enemies?

I am sorry that I will never again see _____.

Where did you and your friends spend time as teenagers?


… get embarrassed when people do something special for you?

… introduce yourself or wait for others to introduce themselves?

… prefer small groups or big parties?

… need to be indispensable to family and friends?

… prefer being alone or with someone?

… prefer to attend big family reunions or school reunions?

… have a friend who passed away?

… have a friend with a different ethnic background?

… know the color of all of your friends’ eyes?

What happens to the family when it is under stress?

What would you like to learn about your family history?

What friends from high school do you stay in touch with?

Do you live in or near the same town you grew up in?

When was a time that peer pressure influenced you and was the outcome positive or negative?

What is the one family value you believe in the most?

If money was not an issue, what gift would you like to buy someone in your family?

How do you feel about teenage marriages?

What is something your father or mother considered very important?

How forgiving are you when someone lets you down?

Who would you like to get in contact with that you have not spoken to in years?

Who were the major betrayers in your life, especially those you were always loyal to?

Talk about “your crowd”—the people with whom you spend the most time.

Who do you trust more than anyone in the world?

What is the most selfless thing you have done for someone?

When you really want to get to know someone, do you tell them?

What kind of people do you like to spend time with?

What do you find interesting about people?

What friends do you still have from your childhood?

What can you do to be a better friend?

Would you sponsor a foreign visitor in your home?

Have you ever had a difficult neighbor?

If you were lonely, who would you seek out?

If someone hurt you terribly and got away with it, would you seek revenge?


… have friendships that have lasted over 10 years?

… win people over by telling them what they want to hear?

… feel vengeful or forgiving if someone hurts you?

… stay in contact with many people from your past?

… stay in the background at parties or put a lamp shade on your head?

… take advice from friends?

… seek advice from friends?

Who has been your friend longest and what do you like best about that friend?

How important is it that your friends share your values?

Do you share the same values as your parents?

What are the differences between your mother and your father?

How are you different from your siblings, if you have any?

Who is the most important person in your life?

Are you slow to trust people?

Was there a time when you could have helped someone and regret not doing so?

Who is someone you would describe as a “real character?”

Do you expect a great deal of others? Of yourself?

Do you remember names of the people you meet?

Have you ever had a feud with someone that went on too long?

What person has stayed by you through thick and thin?

Do you do your share or more than your share?

Do you like or dislike throwing parties?

Is your current best friend anything like your childhood best friend?

Who is your best reference when applying for a job?

When you fall in love, do your relationships with friends and family change?

What things do you display when friends come to visit?

What would be the perfect party?

What traits do you not like in other people?

How many times in an average week do you go out socially with your mate; with your friends?

What activities in your community would you like to take part in?

Who is someone you would really like to be friends with?

Who is the funniest person you have known and how did you meet?

Who did something for you that seemed insignificant at the time that ultimately had profound impact on your life? What did this person do and how did it impact you?

Do you try to change someone when your opinions differ?

Are you a party person?

What do you think about fighting?

Who loves you for who you really are?

Who were your first friends and relationships after college or the military?

Are you quick or slow at making new friends?

What is the strangest name of someone you know?

To whom did you turn for advice as a teenager? Why that person?

Under what circumstances would you lay your life down for a friend?

Have you ever read someone’s diary without his or her permission?

What have you learned from friends who have a different background from you?

What do you and your friends do together?

What people were unfriendly to you in the last year?

You are embarrassed when others _____.

Have you ever looked up an old friend online?

Did you learn to take yourself less seriously through your friendship with someone?

What people have you hurt that you are sorry about?

For what particular person do you have the most respect?

How much influence do you think you have on people?

Do you wish you had more influence on people than you do?

Are you most attracted to people who seem fascinated by you?

Do you believe it’s generally a bad idea to go into business with friends?

Whose deaths have moved you the most?

What three qualities do you require in a friendship?

You can tell a lot about a person by _____.