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Have you ever been a contestant on a game show?


… skydive?

… try parachute jumping?

… ever pose nude for a photograph taken by someone else?

… sit in the front seat of a roller coaster?

… sing in front of a large audience?

… scuba dive?

… swim across the Amazon River?

… ride 150 mph in a race car?

On what TV game show would you like to appear?

What magazine would you like to see on every coffee table in America?

Would you rather write a bestseller or be a famous model?

Would you rather climb a mountain or read a good novel?

What sport do you wish was coed?

How often do you exercise?

What recreational game or sport would you like to play with others?

What is your favorite sport in which animals participate?

Do you like hiking?

What were your horseback riding experiences?

Would you rather be the worst player on a championship team or the best player on a last-place team?

What is an activity that makes you feel alive?

When playing sports, do you prefer competing against someone who is worse or better than you?

What was your highest score in bowling?

Would you rather roller skate or ice skate?

Do you like or dislike exercising?

Do you watch regular season games of sporting events or just watch the play-offs and championship games?

What gold medal would you like in your trophy case?

Have you ever caught a fish?

Who is or was the most courageous athlete?

Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?

Golf: luck or skill?

Do you think women should directly compete with men in sports?

What is the most exciting sporting event?

What would be the ultimate test of your endurance?

Do you own, rent, or borrow camping equipment?

Where in the world would you like to go hiking?

Which professional sports team would you like to coach and what would you do the first week on the job?

Give a sports cheer or chant you remember.

What should the next Olympic sport be and why?

What type of home exercise equipment have you purchased?

What was an entertainment or sporting goods item that ended up being a waste of money?

What sport do you think is the most dangerous and would you try it?

Would you rather fly a kite or jump rope?

Would you rather win by cheating or lose while playing fair?

What was the greatest upset in sports history?

What sporting events do you enjoy more on TV than in person?

Should sports stars be role models?

Would you rather run a marathon or swim five miles?

What do you think about kids taking up extreme sports?

Have you ever ridden a tandem bicycle?

Have you ever fired a gun?

Would you rather water-ski or snow ski?

What is one of the sports you really enjoy watching or playing?

Where would you like to ride on a motorcycle?

Do you know any magic tricks?

When was the last time you broke a sweat?

What things can you do with your eyes closed?

What is consistently in your garbage?

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?

Do you write down your ideas?

Do you think you are hard on yourself?

Do you meditate? How often?

Do you look at caller ID before you answer the phone?

What is something you would like to do to improve your life?

What are the three most important things you could do to improve your life if you exerted greater self-discipline?

What is your best method of saving money?

What is your strangest possession?

How do you act in an emergency situation?

Is there anything irrational that you continually do?

Where is it difficult to be honest with yourself?

In what ways are men and women different in communication?

Do you value your time or waste it?

What type of underwear do you prefer? Do you care what color it is?

Do you value others’ time as much as your own?

How do you make your life more complex than it needs to be?

Do you have phobias—real or imagined—or do you think you have none?

What attitudes and habits did you have to give up to get through life?

What are you obsessive about and why?

Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?

How do you handle criticism?

If you were in prison, what would you do with your time?

In what ways are you creative?

What are your weekend rituals?

Do you snore?

Do you talk in your sleep?

When home alone, do you shut the door when you use the bathroom?

What is the most difficult habit you have tried to get rid of?

When you cannot sleep, what do you think about and how do you try to get back to sleep?

What is under your mattress?

Do you bite your fingernails?

How much water do you drink each day?

What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?

Do you sit outside much in the summer or stay in air conditioning?

What about yourself would you like to always keep the same?

How many alcoholic drinks do you drink in a week?

In which order do you read the newspaper sections?

What is your disposal method for gum?

Do you leave dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor?

Do you tend to blow hot and cold or even in temperament?

What is your daily routine?

What things do you say and do when put on telephone hold?

How do you deal with unwanted calls and solicitors?

What habits have you successfully kicked?

Do you color your hair?

Do you like singing in the shower?

In hot weather, do you use a blanket, sheet, or no covering?


… a member of a church or synagogue?

… a doer or procrastinator?

… well-organized?

… high-energy or low-energy?

… high-maintenance or low-maintenance?

… a hypochondriac?

… usually found wearing jeans?

Do you put your right or left sock on first?

Have you ever chewed on things (fingernails, pens, etc.)?

Do you RSVP or ignore responding?

What are your most common expressions?

Do you ever try to shock people?

What do you procrastinate about?

Do you think before you speak or blurt things out?

What kind of praise do you like to receive?

What kinds of things do you hate spending money on?

What is the minimum amount of money you need a year to support yourself?

Do you want an open seat next to you on an airplane?

How do you stow your socks?

What is your mechanical aptitude?

Do you turn off the lights when you leave a room?

What are your Sunday morning rituals?

What things are you criticized for?

Do you set your watch exactly, ahead, or behind?

What side of the bed do you like to sleep on and why?

What is in your average day’s mail?

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

What are your eating habits?

What position do you start sleeping in?

What are your swear words?

How do you acknowledge sneezes?

Do you use an alarm clock?

What does your answering machine recording say?

Can you snap your fingers?

Can you do a cartwheel?

What do you use for bookmarks?

Do you use a brush, a comb, or both?


… item of clothing?