… machine?
… room in your house?
… line from a movie?
… year of your life?
… artist?
… speed limit?
… actress?
… car?
… month of the year?
… catalog?
… cooking implement?
… activity in each season: fall, winter, spring, and summer?
… cartoon?
… Thanksgiving food?
… position to start tic-tac-toe?
… actor?
… ice cream flavor and brand?
… gadget?
… font?
… way to renew your energy?
… way to eat ice cream?
… art style?
… perfume or cologne?
… pastime?
… breed of cat?
… buffet item?
… boy’s name?
… pastry?
… breed of dog?
… sandwich?
… retreat or place of respite?
… color?
… take-out food?
… Elvis Presley song?
… time to study?
… fast-food restaurant?
… nickname or alias?
… tool?
… temperature?
How often do you trim your fingernails and toenails? Have you ever had a pedicure?
What habit did you pick up from a relative?
Do you have trouble controlling impulses? Which ones?
Do you always give the real reason when asking somebody to do something for you?
Do you stand or walk on escalators?
Would you rather be woken up by music or by an alarm?
In what conditions do you prefer to sleep?
What do you sleep in?
How would you like to spend most of your time?
What do you often dream of?
Do you like or dislike spicy food?
Do you read the freshness dates on grocery store products?
What do you like to snack on between meals?
Do you watch what you eat or eat what you want?
Do you sample others’ food?
Would you rather eat a candy bar or piece of fruit?
Do you buy organic food?
Do you feel that organic food is better for you than regular food?
What are your personal staples (i.e., food you keep around all the time)?
Why are you not a vegetarian or not a meat-eater?
What is your drink (alcoholic)?
What do you put ketchup on?
What foods do you eat that you know you should not?
What was one of the most unusual meals you ever ate?
Do you use a hair dryer or air-dry your hair?
Are you eating right?
Do you rinse out toothpaste remains in the sink?
What Web sites do you go to every day or fairly often?
What are your waking-up habits?
What are the first thoughts that go through your mind the moment you wake up?
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Do you squeeze or roll the toothpaste tube from the middle, bottom?
How often do you use mouthwash and which kind do you like?
In what order do you put on your clothes?
Are you generally on-time, early, or late-arriving?
Do you have an organized wallet?
What are some ways to stop biting your fingernails?
What is a routine you remember from your childhood?
Do you ask for and/or accept help?
Does anyone you know have a particularly annoying habit?
What is one personality trait you have tried hardest to change in yourself?
Are you a light/deep/average sleeper?
What elements would a picture of your typical day include?
What is a habit you picked up during your working years?
Do you put down the toilet seat?
Are you a picture taker or forgetter of the camera?
What is your placement of return address and stamp on an envelope?
Do you sleep with one or two pillows?
How do you react when things do not go as planned?
What do others think your worst habit is and what do you think your worst habit is?
Do you lock the front door, leave the lights on, or use other security measures?
Are you getting enough sleep?
Do you replace the toilet paper roll immediately?
How often do you shave, what is your method of choice, and where do you shave?
What do you read and why?
What things do you check at night before going to bed?
What are your nighttime rituals?
Do you hoard magazines?
Do you talk particularly fast or slow?
What bargain items do you look for?
With books: do you read the last page first? Do you skip ahead?
Do you finish every book you start?
What checks do you write every month that you hate to sign?
What charities do you give to?
Do you like buying things?
Do you usually pay your bills on time?
Does advertising significantly influence your buying decisions?
What department store most suits your needs and tastes?
If you could afford it at this moment, what would you buy?
What brand names do you buy and swear by and that you would never switch from?
Have you ever played bingo for money?
Have you ever visited a casino?
Have you ever bet on a horse race?
Have you ever bought a state lottery ticket?
What was the last bet you won?
Do you buy anything in bulk?
How much cash do you normally carry with you?
What percentage of your earnings do you save?
Do you write with expensive or cheap disposable pens?
Do you take a shower or bath every day, less, or more often?
Do you floss regularly, sporadically, or not at all?
What mirrors do you look in every day?
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?
Do you have special rituals to make yourself fall asleep?
… first thing you turn to in the newspaper?
… direction and process of your teeth-brushing?
… first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
… number of laundry loads you do in a week?
… last thing you see before you close your eyes at night?
Do you use your computer more for work or play?
How long does your shower last?
When was the last time you made an international telephone call?
Do you regularly read the obituaries?
What habits or mannerisms of yours remind you of your mother or father?
Are you patient or impatient while waiting for something?
Do you eat meals at the same time every day?
What are your most compulsive habits?
What habits have you not been able to break?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
What are your annoying habits?
What things do you save and recycle?
What time do you go to sleep?
Are you considered a regular at any eating establishment?
Do you read in the bathroom?
How long do you keep bad habits from a new partner?
Do you use a night-light or no light?
What do you do with advertisement cards in magazines?
What letters have you saved and from whom?
What is one of the simple pleasures of life you truly enjoy?
What excuses do you use or have you used to get out of dates or appointments?
Do you use swear words frequently or infrequently?
Do you establish routines?
What things do you do between turning off the alarm and walking out the door?