What do you do while you are on the phone?
Do you fold your undergarments or just throw them in a drawer after washing them?
How much time do you spend reading each day?
… adjective?
… one-word answer?
… dish?
… saying and why is it important to you?
… scent?
… topic of conversation?
… greeting?
… sign-off?
About what time do you get up on an average weekday morning?
What is your main sleep position?
How do you react when short of sleep or under stress?
What is your most recent lie?
Are you cleanliness-compulsive or do you not mind dirt?
Do you work out?
How do you open the mail?
What are the items in your wallet?
What do you do during a power outage?
Do you seek out new experiences every day?
What is in your medicine cabinet?
Do you pick your nose?
Do you give up your seat to others?
What is a habit you picked up during your earliest years?
How long do you brush your teeth?
Have you ever tried to persuade somebody to give up a habit?
Are you fanatically tidy, extremely untidy, or somewhere in-between?
What do you do most frequently when you think no one is looking?
Do you tie and untie shoes or slip them on and off?
Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
What habits are you proud of?
Have you ever been part of an intervention?
Have you ever participated in a twelve-step program?
Do you steal sheets or covers or have them stolen from you?
What is the trustworthiness of consumer marketing reports?
What do you complain about most?
Why do you think that people have such a hard time quitting a bad habit?
Do you lose things or know where everything is?
Do you follow the news as closely on the weekends as you do during the week?
… to watch or participate?
… malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?
… a bath or shower?
… to talk to people by telephone, in person, or by e-mail?
… odd or even numbers?
… typing or writing in longhand?
What is your average night’s sleep on a weeknight?
What are your addictions?
How often do you brush your teeth?
What habit would you like to start?
Have you ever stolen anything?
How do you pick a doctor?
What do you think about when you daydream?
On what days of the week do you do certain chores?
If you could change the balance between work, family, and play, in what way would you?
When was the last time you were really drunk?
Are you right-brained or left-brained?
What time do you like the sun to set?
What one personality trait would you like to have?
How do you act when you want to avoid doing something?
Which shoe do you put on first?
You open mail in what order?
Do you shave your legs and underarms?
Do you wear makeup all the time or only sometimes?
Is it hard for you to sit still or are you mainly sedentary?
What things do you do in the same order each day and how do you feel if you skip a step or miss a day?
Are you at the computer or TV more?
Do you pick up after yourself?
Do you use deodorant, antiperspirant, or both?
Are your books alphabetized or categorized?
Do you like or dislike foreigners?
Do you try to save an extra seat for yourself on the train or in a movie?
Are your pets allowed to ride in the car, lie on the furniture, go visiting with you, go on family vacations, be fed at the table?
Do you make the bed daily?
Where do you usually get most of your news about what is going on in the world today?
Do you gamble regularly?
Do you play the lottery?
Are you a conventional dresser? Always?
Have you ever gone to a psychologist or therapist?
Do you buy brand-name clothes?
Do you take any type of medication when you come down with a cold?
What do you have done at the beauty or barber shop and how often?
What daily health habit would you like to develop and be disciplined about?
How often do you go to the dentist? To the doctor?
Have you ever worn uncomfortable shoes because they looked good?
Do you give money to homeless people?
What do you wish for on pennies in a wishing well?
What do you do to decrease your taxes?
Do you enjoy writing? What type of writing? Do you show it to others or keep it private?
In what order do you keep your currency in your wallet?
Do you buy products specifically for “green”/environmentally friendly advertising and/or packaging?
Have you ever switched price tags in a store?
Are you careful or careless with money?
What would you invest in if you had the money?
Do you ever take sleeping pills?
What do you do to stop hiccups?
What topic puts you to sleep more quickly than any other?
Have you had a recurring dream throughout life?
What usually goes through your mind just before you fall asleep?
Are you easy or difficult to get along with?
What is a dream you have had more than once?
What one object would you grab if your house was on fire?
Do you like or dislike schedules?
Do you dream in color or black and white?
Do you know when to accept your measure of responsibility for a bad break?
… breakfast?
… lunch?
… dinner?
… bedtime?
… dream at night?
… wish when you blow out candles on your birthday cake?
How much time a day do you spend in front of some kind of screen?
How do you channel frustration into a nondestructive activity?
Are you good or bad at finishing things?
Do you have a fear of insects? Which kind?
What can and will you kill?
What is the strangest thing you save?
What is likely to cause you to “blow up?”
What scent would you like to bottle as a perfume?
Do you tend to lose things?
Is your house very neat or somewhat messy?
Do you do what you say you are going to do?
Would you rather wear tight or loose pants?
Do you sleep naked or in pajamas?
What do you do when you catch a cold?
Have you ever hitchhiked?
Have you ever picked up hitchhikers?
Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?
What jewelry do you like to wear and what do you not like to wear?
What are the landmarks in your life: certain buildings, stores, things you see every day?
What do you see from your bedroom window?
At what temperature do you best like the house?
Do you sometimes drink more than you should? When?
What self-improvement techniques have you experimented with?
What talents or skills of yours are now rusty from lack of practice?
What time of day do you feel most creative?
What smell makes you feel safe and cared for?
Were you ever in trouble with the law?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Are you right- or left- handed?
What things physically drain you on most days?
What keys do you have on your key chain?
What is something (not immoral or controversial) that if you did it, it would shock everyone?
Have you ever ground your teeth?
Does your mind ever go blank in the middle of doing something?