What was your last relationship like?
Does a woman have the right to get pregnant even if her partner has said he or she does not want a child?
Must love and sex go together?
Have you ever had an affair?
Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Would you feel comfortable about your significant other not wearing his or her wedding ring?
Are there any parts of the body that you dislike touching or having touched?
Do you worry about whether your dreams can accommodate your mate’s and vice versa?
What have you learned about your partner that you did not know in your first six months together?
What is one wedding tradition you would change or eliminate?
What music do you like to listen to while making love?
What is the farthest distance you traveled to be with someone you desired?
Good loving is _____.
What is the best thing about starting a new relationship?
What is the worst thing about starting a new relationship?
What do you think would lower the divorce rate?
In your relationship, who is in charge of vacation planning?
Are you possessive or jealous by nature?
What is your favorite and least favorite time of day to make love?
What is your image of the ideal man or woman?
How would you break off a relationship in which you lost interest?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages?
Do you know anyone who is in an arranged marriage?
Do you have strong emotional needs?
How many hugs do you need a day?
What is an important lesson you learned from a breakup?
Who was your first steady boy/girlfriend?
Do you prefer ordinary sex?
Who is the most romantic couple you know for real and in movies/TV?
What was the worst heartbreak you ever experienced?
Why do so many marriages fall apart today?
How can long-range compatibility be determined?
What is the best cure for lovesickness?
Describe your ideal mate.
Who is someone you could imagine yourself being with the rest of your life?
What is one thing you keep telling your mate?
What is a saying about women or men that you believe is true?
What is the typical reason you end a relationship?
Would you have an affair if you could definitely get away with it?
Have your expectations of your relationship been surpassed or disappointed?
What is the best and worst thing that has happened with your current partner?
How many times have you felt you would not recover from a broken heart?
What is one of the best ways for someone to express his or her love for you?
What is your favorite sexual fantasy?
What is the most romantic weather?
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?
What are turn-ons and turn-offs to you?
What was the most perverted situation you were ever in?
What is your strongest sexual asset?
Would requiring couples to have counseling save many marriages?
Should you marry for love or money?
Is income a consideration in choosing a mate?
How often do you think of sex or romance?
Which do you enjoy more: sex or money?
How many different sexual partners have you had in your life?
People should not marry before what age?
What are the characteristics of a good marriage?
What love relationships did you have in college?
When you are in love, you need _____.
With your first love, who broke whose heart?
Who is smarter, you or your significant other?
What does a woman or man need most from a husband or wife?
What lesson of love took you the longest to learn?
What are three things you love doing with your mate?
In your relationships, do you make most of the decisions?
What was the first impression you had when you met your mate?
When is the right time in a new relationship to have sex?
Do you believe soul mates meet by accident or by destiny?
Do you like a peaceful or hectic life?
If an activity does not result in progress toward a goal, is it a waste of time?
What makes you blush?
What compliments do you receive on a regular basis?
If you did not have commitments to others, how would you live your life differently?
What have you not had enough of in your life?
Is your life moving ahead, backward, or is it on hold?
What is the greatest goal you want to achieve within the next five years?
What is something you believed for a long time that you do not believe anymore?
Do you think helmets should be mandatory for motorcycles and bicycles - for kids and/or adults?
What are three things that you are optimistic about?
What are three things that you are pessimistic about?
What are some of the phone calls that changed your life?
What would you do if you earned $100,000 a day? How would your life change?
… honesty is always the best policy?
… it is possible to live with no regrets?
… it is a good idea to always trust your gut?
… the good things in life are either immoral, illegal, fattening, or unhealthy?
… that one determined person can change the world?
… that life is ultimately fair?
… you look younger than/older than/exactly your age?
… we will be attacked by a nuclear missile?
Would you rather live in Los Angeles or New York City?
Would you feel comfortable moving to a city where you do not know the language well?
What can you guarantee about yourself?
How do you think the world will look in 25, 50, 75, 100 years?
What is your greatest talent?
How can you further develop your talents?
What is something you truly appreciate or enjoy doing that most others probably do not care for?
Which do you like best about yourself: appearance, personality, or intellect?
What was the greatest peer pressure you felt as an adult?
Are you jealous of other people’s success?
What legacy would you like to leave?
What is something you feel too young to do?
What parts of your life do you feel you control and how much of your life is beyond your control?
Do you like or dislike change?
How close to contentment are you in your life right now?
What was the most anti-establishment thing you ever did?
What needs to change for you to have greater contentment?
What is the most beautiful man-made object?
Define “hope.”
What continually robs you from appreciating or enjoying the moment?
What are five things you are grateful for?
What worries you the most?
Is there something you feel too old to do?
If you had massive energy, how would you put that energy to work?
What would you do if you met your exact double?
Do you try innovations or stick to tested methods?
What is something you have dreamed of doing for a long time?
What are the most positive changes you have seen in your lifetime?
What are the most negative changes you have seen in your lifetime?
What would you do if you had $500 to spend on anything?
How do you feel when someone teases you?
What public figure has inspired you?
What could you do, change, or eliminate to help simplify your life?
What is the most precious thing you have lost?
Do you hold stronger opinions than most people?
What is the most beautiful word in the English language?
Do you state your opinions with vehemence?
Where would you move tomorrow if you could, and why?
What is the stupidest thing you ever did?
What is your ideal living environment?