What would it take for you to give up all your worldly possessions?
Do you worry about dying?
What is the most shocking thing you could tell about yourself?
Are you mild- or hot-tempered?
What leading figure in a field would you like to hear speak?
What do you like least about your life?
Would you rather spend time or money on something?
What things can you do to feel less lonely?
What do you want to pass on to your children?
Are you good or bad at bluffing?
What is the worst rejection you have experienced and how did you handle it?
What is the most clever thing you ever did for revenge?
When you see fresh flowers, do you usually take a few moments to breathe in their aroma?
What do you wish others knew or understood about you that you think they do not?
Do you keep your motives to yourself or do you share them?
When you look back on your life, what amazes you the most?
What was one of your most peaceful moments?
What was the most unforgettable coincidence you ever experienced or heard about?
Are you regarded as a sensitive person or not?
Are you an emotional person?
Are you basically lucky?
Do you feel hurt if people do not try to cheer you up when you are unhappy?
What moment in your life would you like to replay?
What cares do you wish to drop?
Did you think that you would turn out the way that you have?
Do you prefer summer or winter?
Cigars: stinky or stylish?
What do you know so well and enjoy so much that you never accept less than the best?
Would you rather wake up early or sleep in late?
Have you ever tried to do the right thing and have it backfire?
Would you spend a week in an empty room?
When you make choices about right or wrong, do you consider mainly present or future consequences?
What was the most important decision you ever had to make?
What was a kindness shown to you today?
What are your disabilities?
With whom would you trade places?
In what ways has aging changed your life?
Are you a retirement village type of person?
What one thing most frightens you about growing old?
At sixty-five, will you be broke, still be working, be retired and living comfortably, or be rich?
What would you like to “program” your dreams to be?
What is a secret you keep from almost everyone?
When you think of the next ten years, what are you most excited about?
What are your greatest personal concerns?
At what age does the quality of life go down?
How would you like to spend the last minutes of your life?
What do you look forward to the most and the least about growing old?
How much money do you think you will need for retirement?
To you, is aging decay or growth? What do you do to restore your soul?
Have you ever witnessed something you just cannot forget?
What type of work would you like to do during your retirement for supplemental income?
Would you go peaceably to a retirement home?
When should people stop driving?
Do you feel children have a responsibility for the care of elderly parents?
How old do you want to be when you die?
At what age do you want to retire?
How would you make choices for a parent facing a long and agonizing physical deterioration?
How do you plan to have financial security for when you retire?
At 100 years old, what would you be doing and where would you be?
What does retirement mean to you?
Where do you want to retire and with what people?
Do you look forward to or dread retirement?
Could you retire in a college town?
Will you make a good old person?
What is your dream retirement?
At what age will you or did you begin to slow down?
Do you prefer cremation or burial?
Describe yourself at eighty.
What do you take pride in?
Do you think Social Security will be around when you retire?
Who are the oldest people you know?
How do you plan to spend the last years of your life?
Would you clean the outside windows of a skyscraper?
What is your interest in history?
Why do you think some people are cruel?
Would you like to appear on a reality TV show?
What is one inhibition that would you like to lose?
What new things would you like to do?
What are life’s compensations for growing older?
Describe the perfect retirement home.
What elderly relative would you like to get to know better?
What physical change do you worry about most in the next twenty years?
Are you saving enough money for retirement?
What will be the sources of your retirement income?
Will you purchase your gravesite while you are still alive or have it purchased for you when you die?
To what charity do you normally donate money or time?
Do you have a 401(k) account?
What kind of older person do you want to be?
When should health care be denied?
What personality traits would you like to cultivate?
What personality traits would you like to eliminate or manage better?
Would it disturb you if, after your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods to rot?
What is the best thing about growing older?
What provisions will you make for your parents if they cannot take care of themselves?
What natural phenomenon or act of nature would you like to see if you would be safe?
What would you hope to find if you traveled into outer space?
Do you think there is life elsewhere in the universe?
What are you thankful for?
Do you think genetically engineered foods are safe or dangerous?
Do you feel that climate change is a serious problem?
Do you think people will live under the ocean’s surface 500 years from now?
What modern-day convenience do you consider a pain in the neck? What modern-day conveniences could you do without?
Do you obey rules you consider unfair or ridiculous?
Would you rather laugh or make others laugh?
In what situations would you like to be more bold and courageous or more assertive?
Would you rather avoid challenge or seek it out?
What are your feelings about the space program in general?
Where is the end of the universe?
… in fate?
… in self-fulfilling prophesy?
… in “every man for himself”?
… in nature or nurture?
… you can truly escape your past?
… you can alter your mind-set without the help of drugs?
Do you think the UFO information surrounding Roswell, New Mexico, is real or hype?
Are the rapid advances in technology helpful or harmful to you?
Should cloning be done at all?
Would you clone yourself if you had the chance?
If you could “uninvent” one thing in the world so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose?
What new devices or machines would you like to have five to ten years from now to make life easier?
Do you think that life like that on Earth exists in another galaxy?
What is something in nature that you would like to bottle and sell?
Would you ever have your sperm or eggs frozen?
What would you do if you were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?
Would you rather wear a hairpiece or dentures?
How do the clothes you wear affect your moods and attitudes?
What is the one place you would like to lose weight?
What would you do if you went blind?
Are you self-conscious about your height?
Have you ever felt so sick you wished you would die?
Would you want to know if you had cancer?
How often are you sick?
What are you like when you are sick?
What messages have you received from others about your body?