Have you ever taken part in the Gallup or Roper Poll or other public opinion surveys?
To reduce crime, will it help to have more police?
Should taxpayers support professional sports teams with new stadiums and tax breaks?
Genetic engineering: beneficial or potentially harmful?
What are your thoughts on the role of the United Nations?
What are government policies’ effect on moral values?
… of the draft?
… of the death penalty?
… of equal rights for homosexuals?
… on increasing surveillance of U.S. citizens by the government?
… on gun control and gun licenses?
… of drug control efforts?
… about giving the U.S. military the power to aid police in antiterrorist activities?
… of the U.S. military?
… of the possible legalization of drugs?
… of monopolies?
What do you think about feeding the poor and malnourished in the United States and elsewhere?
What event in American history do you most vividly remember?
What should be done about sexual harassment in the military and in military academies?
Should doctors inform patients about the alternatives to abortion?
Which local social service agencies are effective?
What is the most regrettable event in U.S. history?
Who should be overseeing the safety of prescription drugs?
What is media’s impact on our knowledge of world events?
What existing law would you eliminate?
If asked to serve in a war that you felt was unjust, what would you do?
What is the price of peace?
What does “peace on earth” mean to you?
What great accomplishments or world developments have occurred during your lifetime?
How old is too old to be President?
Should English be our official language?
What do you know and think about the RU-486 abortion pill?
What prominent politicians have you met?
What do you think about enforcing payment of criminal fines?
Would you turn in a lawbreaker or play it safe?
What news stories bother you?
Do you fear nuclear war?
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Hillary Rodham Clinton?
What do you think of (Internet) net neutrality?
What are your thoughts on the Social Security system?
What is the first step toward resolving poverty?
Do you vote by party or by the person running?
Do you have confidence in the church or organized religion?
What do you think about allowing women on combat aircraft or ships?
Should the National Anthem be played before sporting and other entertainment events?
Should prayer in school be prohibited?
What should be the fate of draft resisters or dodgers?
What else might nations do, besides war, to settle their differences?
Should science classes in schools teach an alternative to evolution?
What do you think about deactivating air bags?
What would a world peacekeeping system be like?
What should be done about the problem of drug abuse in the United States?
Is American society basically racist or are incidents isolated?
What do you think the length of a presidential term and the number of consecutive terms should be?
What is your perception of immigrants to the United States?
What should be done about the intrusive coverage by modern journalism?
Are any illegal acts justified under certain circumstances?
Would you cut off federal welfare benefits to people who have not found a job or become self-sufficient in two years?
What are the ways you believe the government lies to us?
What was America’s lowest national moment in your lifetime?
Have you ever been the target of prejudice?
Do you support the United States building a defense system against nuclear missiles?
Do you think we should try reestablishing U.S. diplomatic relations with Cuba?
Who do you think should be added to Mount Rushmore?
Have you tried to start your own business?
Should libraries get free books from publishers?
Have you ever boycotted companies that sponsor conservative causes?
What do you think of the repatriation of Native American burials?
What do you think the punishment should be for senior management officials when they commit stock fraud and similar crimes?
How do you feel when a TV program is interrupted by a special news bulletin?
Do you have confidence in the police?
What evidence of racist attitudes have you witnessed?
How important is it to you to vote in local, state, and national elections?
What are our nation’s moral values?
What do you think about limiting the number of terms for Congress and the Senate?
Who was the best President in your lifetime and also before your lifetime?
What do you think NATO’s and the UN’s involvement in the internal affairs of countries should be?
Do you think that campaigning for President should start at a designated time before the election?
Have you ever run for any office?
What presidential candidates did you think were a joke?
What do you think of the issue of assisted suicide?
What do you think the federal funding of public TV and radio should be?
Can you be nonviolent in a conflict with a violent adversary and survive?
Do you believe in the death penalty or do you think it should be banned?
Should doctors be allowed to end the life of a patient who is about to die and is or will experience great suffering (i.e., doctor-assisted suicide in life-threatening situations)?
What section of the newspaper do you most like to read?
What should be done about criminals acquitted on technicalities?
What can be done to stop child slave labor?
What would be your priorities list for Congress?
Which Vice President would have been a great President?
Were you counted in the country’s most recent census?
Do people generally have respect for the law?
What is the first step toward ending racism?
Do you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment to permit prayer in public schools?
… seen firsthand the damage war can do to people or places?
… had the urge to kill someone?
… thought of joining the Peace Corps?
… thought of running for a political office?
… been an anarchist?
… switched political parties?
… marched in a protest or rally?
What do you think about the rate of violent crime in the United States?
The human organ shortage: should we pay for donated organs?
What new law would you like to make?
Is reverse discrimination a real problem?
What should be done about unsolicited junk mail, e-mail spam, and phone solicitation?
What should be the priority: exploring space, the ocean, or our planet?
How should racial epithets be treated?
Which concerns you more: the nation’s economic or moral problems? Are they related?
If there was no need for armies, how should government use the money?
Would you tell the FBI about a family member you knew committed or was suspected of committing a crime?
Do you support or oppose government-sanctioned affordable health care in the United States?
Should there be a limit of legal immigrants in the United States?
Should more stringent measures be taken to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country?
How should the identification and deportation of illegal aliens be handled?
Do you believe in doctor-assisted suicide in nonimmediately life-threatening cases?