What should be the penalty for illegally dumping or disposing of nuclear waste?
Do you see abortion as a major presidential issue?
What big wartime event affected you?
Do you have confidence in the criminal justice system?
Can you define or describe the word “quality”?
Who should be sponsoring the arts?
Do you have confidence in the medical system?
Which fertility practice do you think needs regulation?
Should we continue to send astronauts to the Moon?
What can you do personally to eradicate racism?
Do you define yourself politically as liberal, moderate, or conservative?
How do you react to littering?
What was your verdict in the O. J. Simpson trial?
What do you think should go on the site of the former World Trade Center?
What can be done about overcrowding in prisons?
Do you engage in political protest?
Have you ever given testimony in court?
Do you have confidence in newspapers?
Do public officials really care what people think?
What is your confidence in the police force?
Do you worry about terrorist attacks?
Known disabilities: would you abort or give birth?
Would you report a rape or sexual assault?
How much do you think people should get for something like silicon breast implants that they chose but that ended up being dangerous to their health?
Do you support the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
How should we be dealing with the terrorism issue?
Do you think the location of battered women’s shelters should be unpublished?
Should it be illegal to manufacture, sell, or possess semiautomatic guns (assault rifles)?
What should the fine be for running a red light?
Should marital rape be a crime and punishable how?
How do you think the problems in the Middle East could be resolved?
Should victims have more rights and criminals less?
The Middle East: are your sympathies more with the Israelis or the Palestinians?
What steps have you taken to conserve water?
What is our country’s most pressing problem today?
What would be the effect of women on national security if they were used in direct combat?
Can civilians who never served in the military ever fully understand war?
What did you think of the Whitewater scandal?
What did you think about the Monica Lewinsky scandal?
What do you think about stopping all legal immigration into the United States for the next five years?
Whose politics have you admired?
Does the drive to be original motivate or stifle you?
How do you think the world would be different if all the world’s leaders were women?
When do you make up your mind for voting: in the voting booth, days before, the week before, or long before the election?
What steps have you taken to prevent climate change from worsening?
What should be done to regulate government expenditures and eliminate waste in the U.S. government?
Do you own a flag and display it?
How would you rate the current President?
Would you perjure yourself to protect someone you love?
How harmful do you think secondhand smoke is?
Do you think that smoking should be banned from bars everywhere? In public everywhere?
What would the world be like without superpower nations?
What patriotic gestures have you made?
Should there be a law requiring private companies to retrain employees who lose their jobs to mergers and downsizing?
What do you think the campaign issues will be in the next presidential election?
Is it too easy to get a divorce? Too hard?
Downloading music files or movies without paying?
Abortion in first three months, second three months, and final three months?
Gay marriages?
Drafting of women?
Charter schools?
… favor or oppose the RU-486 abortion pill as a prescription drug?
… interact on a personal level with people outside your racial or ethnic group?
… follow the results of public opinion polls?
… have an understanding of how public opinion polls are conducted?
… think the FBI has a file on you?
… think race relations have improved or gotten worse in your lifetime?
… eat only “dolphin safe” tuna?
Do you think we should establish a new system where federal campaigns are funded only by the government?
What do you think about the global village concept?
What do you think about abortion when a woman or a family cannot afford to raise the child?
Should government promote any particular set of values?
Why do you think it is that you cannot vote until you are eighteen, but you can drive a car at sixteen?
What issue do you feel strongly about but have kept to yourself?
Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.: Bad Big Brother or Good Guy?
What government position do you think you would be great at?
What will be the most powerful nation in 100 years?
What is your overall opinion of Mexico? Canada?
What do you think about the speed or lack of speed of FDA drug approval?
Is society biased against single women?
What should be the punishment for Nazi-era deeds?
What rules should exist concerning smoking?
What should the antidrug methodology be: law enforcement or education?
If you were on a jury, could you send someone to death if he or she was found guilty of murder?
Immigrants: are they a serious threat to Americans’ jobs?
Why do you vote for “your” political party?
Is the federal government doing a good or bad job of governing the country?
What do you think the size and role of the federal government should be?
Does the President have a clear plan for solving the country’s problems?
Should the really big corporations be made to be less of a monopoly?
What would you say to the President if you had fifteen minutes alone?
Should all parolees or probationers pay for their own supervision?
Which President do you think had the greatest impact?
If you were the only one to witness a crime, would you report it?
In what ways are men discriminated against: paternity leave, retirement age, legal voice over abortions, more rights in divorce settlements, and child custody?
Would you use food stamps if you had to?
What is a government policy you strongly disagree with?
What should be done with hazardous waste and what are alternatives for its removal?
Should the government be involved in trying to create jobs?
What is one function in our culture that you would like to see become more efficient?
Can a husband who abuses his wife be trusted with his children?
Should it be illegal to perform abortion in the last six months of pregnancy except to save the life of the mother?
Do you favor or oppose teaching about gay/lesbian orientation/lifestyles in public schools?
Do you think you would make a good politician?
Does media have a liberal bias or a right-wing bias?
What steps have you taken to prevent the destruction of the rain forest?
Should the government do more or less to solve our country’s problems?
What should be the punishment for incest?
Do you support foreign aid in the form of military assistance?
How were you affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?
Have you mostly voted for winners or losers?
How would you solve littering problems?
Are you a Republican, Democrat, or Independent?