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As a child, how did people describe you?

What is one thing every kid should have?

Did you go to camp?

Did religion play a part in your childhood social activities?


… books?

… foods?

… games?

… mentors/role models?

… hiding places?

… classes?

… summer vacations?

… words?

… TV shows?

… bedtime stories or lullabies?

… campfire stories?

… dreams?

… memories?

… babysitters?

… pets?

… photos?

… collections or lucky charms?

… nursery rhymes?

What is one thing you really disliked as a child that you now fully appreciate?

Did you believe in the Tooth Fairy?

What is the most mischievous thing you recall doing?

Were you generally popular or unpopular? Why?

As a kid, I lacked _____.

What qualities do you feel make you different as an adult from your childhood?

What object do you remember vividly from your childhood?

Do you think schools should require a life skills course before graduation?

Was your childhood carefree or full of worries?

What did you do when you came home from school?

What did you teach yourself?

Did you prefer English or science class?

Where did your high school crowd hang out?

In class or lecture room, did you sit in front or in an inconspicuous place?

What are the biggest gaps in your education?

Did you study more than party or party more than study?

Which teacher would be most proud of you and which one would be the most disappointed in you?

What is one thing that should be different in schools ten years from now?

What are your strongest memories of elementary school, junior high, and high school?

What were your high school colors, mascot, cheers, and school song?

Of what early accomplishment are you the most proud?

Are state and local officials working toward better public education?

What is the way you like best to learn?

Has anyone from your hometown become famous?

Was there ever a bully in your life? What was he or she like?

Is it possible to agree on a basic set of values to teach schoolchildren? Which ones?

Did you cram all night before exams?

What subject do you know better than any other?

What grade would you like to substitute teach for two months?

Have you ever cheated on a test or paper?

What textbooks do you remember?

What was the number of students in your high school graduating class?

What things do you remember about your childhood neighborhood(s)?

What was the name of your high school?

Do you remember your high school locker combination?

Do you think your school gave you a quality education?

Did you learn to remember through association?

What do you do now to continue your education?

What was the most foolish thing you did in high school?

What made your best teacher the best?

What school would you like to have attended?

If you could learn anything at all, what would it be?

Are you in favor of public schools teaching morals and moral behavior?

What did you do in study hall?

Did you learn how to speed-read or speed-write?

What did you discover about yourself in high school?

What subjects in school were completely useless to you?

What subject would you study if you had a year to devote to it?

If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

Did you like decorating when you were a child?

What was your favorite place to do homework and what were your homework rituals?

What is something you know more about than anyone you know?

Did you ever go to the principal’s office?

What is something in the past week that reminded you of your childhood?

What is something you wish you could have learned with the snap of your fingers?

What were your extracurricular activities in junior high and high school?

What students did you admire most in high school?


… live your childhood over again?

… have grown up in a different decade or era?

… have been a more competitive kid?

… have learned more in the “classroom of life” than in school?

… have been a leader or a follower?

… take back something you did? If so, what?

… have been nicer to your parents?

… have changed your appearance?

… have worked harder in school?

… have made more friends?

… have had more belongings?

What is one thing you never did in high school that you wish you would have done?

What new course would you like to add to the nation’s school curriculum?

What do you think of private versus public school education?

Did you go to college?

Why did you go or not go to college?

What colleges did you apply to, if any?

How and where did you hang out in college?

What was your major in college and how did you pick it?

What childlike quality have you maintained throughout your life?

Do you have fonder memories of high school or college?

What could you not have made it through high school or college without?

Did you graduate from college in debt or debt-free?

What did you look like as a teenager?

What was a very difficult educational experience for you?

What is one of the most important things about life you learned in school?

Why did you pick the college you did and what was it known for?

Did you get rejected by any colleges? If so, which ones?

What was the toughest course you took and how did you get through it?

Who are some famous graduates of your college?

What was a seminar or workshop that really stuck with you?

What is a subject you think should be offered in school?

What is an area in which you would be able to teach to others?

What kind of grades did you get throughout school?

What were the fads during your teen years?

What is one subject you wish you had studied in school?

What word would you not want to spell in a spelling bee?

Were you a serious student or did you play too much?

Talk about grades and report cards.

Is the aim of schooling to teach how to think or to teach certain skills and facts?

Do you prepare thoroughly for tests?

What is the most important skill to have in school?

The most difficult thing in life is learning _____.

Should music be part of a well-rounded education?

What historical document (or part of one) do you think every American should know by heart?

What was the funniest thing someone wrote in your yearbook?

Would you consider getting a distance-learning degree?

Were there any college professors who really influenced you and how?

Where did you live when attending college?

What brands were extremely trendy during your teenage years?

Which foreign language would you most like to learn and why?

What big college events do you recall?

What foreign language should students be required to learn?

Did your parents go to college?

Have you ever gone back to visit your old school?