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How much do you care about your genealogy?

With what family member have you regrettably lost touch?

What will be the one thing you will miss about your parents when they are no longer alive?

What member of your family do you feel closest to and why?

Who has the largest family you know?

What was an issue that caused a great rift between your parents and yourself?

Describe a typical family dinner.

Who in the family do you have the most difficulty communicating with?

What family reunions have you attended?

Describe your grandfathers.

How much affection did your parents show for each other?

What family events or activities give you happy memories?

What objects do you remember from your parents’ living room?

What could your family plan that would make you happy?

What is one thing you really appreciate about your family?

What are the most important things you learned from your mother?

Describe something of significance that someone in your family has taught you.

What do you and your siblings have in common?

Have you accomplished more than your parents?

What things were important to you as a teenager?

What did you do during the summers as a kid?

What do you know about your mother’s work and responsibilities?

Did you ever have to care for or parent one of your parents when you were a child?

What are the stupidest rules your parents had?

What warnings and old wives’ tales were you taught growing up?

What activity or event do you think every family should experience together at least once?

Have your mother and father said “I love you” enough?

What was one of your father’s strongest characteristics?

What is a trait you do not share with your siblings?

Which aunt(s) and uncle(s) were important to you?

What (if anything) do you remember or know about your great-grandparents?

What is a very happy memory you have of your family?

Describe your last family reunion and how many relatives attended?

Did you become who you are because of or in spite of your parents?

What is the way your sibling(s) and you act toward each other now?

Do little sisters and brothers have it easier or harder than older siblings?

What word or phrase describes your mother’s or father’s personality?

Describe your parents’ marriage while you were growing up.

What game(s) or song(s) did your family play or sing while traveling in the car?

Have either of your parents ever said they were sorry or asked your forgiveness?

What is a concern you have for a family member?

Did anyone in your family know someone or have an encounter with someone really famous?

How do you remember playing with siblings?

In what way are you and a parent alike?

How would you change the rules your parents gave you?

In what ways (if any) have alcohol or drugs affected your family?

Who wins most of your family arguments?

What kind of work did your mother’s parents do?

What kind of work did your father’s parents do?

Are either of your parents deceased? If so, who?

Have you ever accidentally called your current significant other by an ex’s name?

What present did you get from your parents that sticks in your memory?

What are three things you like and dislike about your parents?

Is interracial marriage okay or not okay?

Who is the most patient/helpful/generous/loving member of the family?

What were your parents’ most distinguishing features?

What is the way your sibling(s) and you acted toward each other as kids?

What family member would every adult do well to emulate?

How would your father or mother describe his or her father or mother?

What are your family’s traits: hotheads, worriers, avoiders of conflict?

What would you like to do for your parents to make their life more enjoyable?

Who lived the longest in your family’s history?

What is the most surprising thing you learned about your parents’ childhood?

Was there a time when your parents really embarrassed you?

What is the silliest thing your parents ever did?

What do/did you like about your parents?

Describe each family member in one word.

Why do moms and dads fight?


… tradition?

… holiday decoration?

… vacation?

… saying?

… feud?

… heirloom?

Tell a story you heard about one of your aunts or uncles.

Are you friends with your cousins?

How often do you contact your siblings?

Would you invite one of your parents to live with you if he or she was all alone and older?

Was yours a religious family or one that went to church in an obligated way?

Which of your male or female relatives served in the armed forces?

What is an endearing characteristic of your family?

Describe your mother’s most annoying habit.

What three instructions would you leave loved ones on getting through life successfully?

People should not have children before what age?

How did your parents handle the empty-nest experience?

Tell a story you heard about one of your ancestors.

Have you ever caught your parents having sex?

Does marriage mean the same to you as to your parents?

Would you want your marriage to be like that of your parents?

What was your relationship with your parents when you were a teenager?

What were your most memorable experiences shared with your grandparents?

What sights, smells, or sounds do you remember from your grandparents’ houses?

What is something your parents did that you have never forgiven them for and what would it take for you to forgive them?

What is something you wish for your mother?

Are your parents proud of what you have accomplished?

What things did you see or overhear that no one knew about?

What are your grandparents’ names and where did/do they live?

What did/do you call your grandparents?

What advice did your parents give you that you remember and use?

What is one thing you are especially glad your parents told you?

Tell a memory of your grandmother or grandfather.

How was affection expressed in your family growing up?

What are your parents like?

Describe your family’s economic conditions and how that affected your lifestyle.

Who usually calls more often: your parents or you?

What excuses do you use to not see relatives?

Would you ever let a relative live with you? Why or why not?

Who were your parents’ friends while you were growing up?

Have you been able to forgive your mother and father for their failures and imperfections?

When did you ever feel sorry for your parents?

What things do you hide when your family comes to visit?

What does true friendship mean?

When you meet people for the first time, what are you most interested in learning about them?

What was your most embarrassing moment in front of a group?

Are you a leader?

Who brings out the best in you?

Does being around people drain or motivate you?

Can you recognize friends by their scent?

How have friends enriched your life?

Who is your favorite person to gossip with?

What do your friends find likable about you?

Would you rather be caught naked by a friend or a stranger?

What friend taught you an important lesson about life?

When I am in a large group, I _____.

What family or person you know seems genuinely happy?

Who once came to your “rescue” and how?

Who is your best friend?

Would you rather spend time with your family or with your friends?