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Family and Friends

When was the last time you contacted an old friend? Write your friends a note, e-mail, text message, or just call them up on the phone.


Salads are definitely healthy, but be careful of the dressing and cheese! Use low-fat cheese, and substitute cream-based or mayonnaise-based dressings (like ranch or Thousand Island) with a vinaigrette or even just some vinegar and oil with a little pepper and oregano.

Evening Wrap-up

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so. . . . Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praisethe fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

HEBREWS 13:7-9, 15

Change happens in life. But when we are actively working to change multiple aspects of our lives, change can actually take us by surprise and knock us off balance. In the letter to the Hebrews, we are reminded that all things change—except for Jesus Christ. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” When we feel we have lost our anchor in a sea of change, Jesus Christ is the anchor.

Life-sustaining Lord, thank You for Your constancy and Your unchanging love and support. Today in the midst of change, remind me that You are my anchor. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 21:

The Halfway Point

Morning Reflection

Congratulations! At the end of this week, we are now midway through this six-week journey. At the halfway point, we may feel both excitement and discouragement: encouragement for the distance we have covered, and perhaps some discouragement for the distance yet to travel. Because of that discouragement, we need to stock up on encouragement so that we do not run out of steam. We’re in the middle of the race, and now is the time to dig deep and tap those extra stores of endurance to continue on the journey.

Faith Life

Endurance comes with peace, and peace often comes with quiet. Today, practice sitting quietly. Take time to sit quietly and breathe. Reflect on the journey to this point and how God has been present with you.


What are your long-term health goals? Keep in mind that quick fixes in medicine are generally not longterm solutions. The next time you have a doctor’s appointment, talk to your care provider about your long-term health goals.


Today, do some jumping jacks. Try a set of fifteen, take a one-minute break, and then do it again. Try that three times throughout the day. Remember that in order to build endurance, we must occasionally push limits.


When you take your break at work, do you crave a specific food? this may be habitual eating. Today, if you feel hungry at work, drink some water or snack on some chopped, fresh vegetables instead of heading for the vending machines.


Marathon runners will tell you that endurance is at least as emotional as it is physical. Today spend five minutes concentrating on breathing and repeat to yourself that you can continue on this journey. Try not to tell yourself that this is something that you cannot do.

Family and Friends

Friends are an important part of encouragement. Today, schedule a dinner with some of your friends who will give you encouragement for the journey.


For dessert tonight, instead of a sugar-rich and fatty dessert, try grilling some fruit kabobs and eating them with low-fat yogurt or ricotta cheese. Grilling the fruit will bring some of the natural sugars to the surface, and will add a little natural sweetness.

Evening Wrap-up

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.


The journey to wellness and to managing hypertension is a lifelong one. This six-week journey is halfway done, but as far as we have come, we still have an equal distance to go. At this point in the journey, it can be easy and unsettling to look at how far we have yet to travel. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul gives us encouragement to pray at all times. That prayer gives us strength for the journey.

Lord God, thank You for bringing me this far on the journey. Give me strength and endurance to continue. In Your holy name, Amen.

Week 4

Rev. Clark’s Story

Rev. Clark has learned a lot about how his faith and health are connected.

He knew well the value of having an active faith life, but it was in following the advice of his doctor that he began to see the value of living a healthier life. As the weight came off—107 pounds in all—his energy level and stamina increased.

“I was dying too early,” said Rev. Clark. “I was on six medications, I was overweight, and I was tired every day. I was in so much pain from being out of shape.” He even began using a cane to get around his house.

Now, five years later, he exercises every day and not only feels better physically, but he believes that being healthier helps him care for his congregation better.

“the scripture I always use to motivate the members of my church is from Isaiah 37, about children coming to the point of birth but there’s no strength to deliver them,” he said. “I’m a charismatic preacher, and before, I’d come to a time when I needed to be there for people, to help carry them through difficult times, and physically I just couldn’t do it. I was too tired! My members will tell you what a difference exercise has made. Now I can preach two to three hours without stopping!”

Day 22:

God’s Creation

Morning Reflection

Rev. Clark found out that an important part of wellness is learning to care for God’s creation. Our wellness is intimately tied up in our relationship to God’s creation. After all, we are a part of creation. We are created by God and are given a responsibility to care for God’s creation. So living a wellness-oriented life is an act of stewardship—a way of caring for God’s creation. This week, as we continue on our wellness journey, we will focus on how God’s creation can be an important part of wellness.

Faith Life

All of creation belongs to God, though it can be easy to forget that. Today go for a prayerful walk and remember that the air you breathe and the ground you walk on belong to God.


Good medicine is preventative medicine. This week we will focus on how to practice good preventative medicine at home. Today, make a list of the ways that you take care of yourself on a weekly or monthly basis.


A wonderful way to get some exercise and appreciate God’s creation is to go for a hike. Find a park in your area that has some trails available to hike. Don’t forget to bring water and a healthy snack.


Being trapped inside all day can lead to some considerable burnout if you don’t take time outside at some point. Today before work or after work, find five minutes to spend outside.


today, practice slow, deep breathing. Relax your shoulders, lift your chin, close your eyes, and take a deep breath using your abdominal muscles. Hold your breath in for three seconds, and then slowly let your breath out.