Faith Life
How often have we complained when it starts raining? today write a prayer thanking God for the rain and for all the ways that you are thankful for water in your life.
Obesity tends to reduce the percentage of water in your body, which means that if you are overweight, you should be drinking even more water. Today count the glasses of water (or clear, unsweetened fluid) that you drink. You should be drinking about eight 8-ounce glasses a day.
Swimming is excellent exercise. It is gentle on your joints and works just about every muscle group in your body. Today if you have access to a pool, go for a swim. Even spending ten minutes in the water will give you some great exercise.
Bring a refillable water bottle to work. When you are feeling thirsty or craving a soda, fill up your water bottle and sip from the bottle throughout the day. Staying hydrated will help you keep your energy levels up and will keep you from drinking sugary sodas.
Most of us shower in the morning. Today take a five-minute shower at the end of the day to warm your muscles and relax.
Family and Friends
Serving water with meals is a great way to meet your daily water goals (at least eight 8-ounce glasses). Today serve water instead of soda or other sweetened beverages.
If you want a beverage other than water, drink some unsweetened herbal tea or fruit juice, but stick with 100 percent fruit juice. Also, try to get more of your fruit servings every day from whole fruit rather than juice.
Evening Wrap-up
And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
GENESIS 1:9-10
God created the earth and made water a significant part of the earth and of our lives. Throughout scripture we hear about water, both through the lack of water as in 1 Kings 17, and in the form of flood, as with Noah. Water is powerful, and God’s power is reflected in water. It is no wonder that we are created of mostly water. So on this journey to wellness, we can remember that God’s power—the power of water—is within us.
Creator of all things, today help me to remember that You created the earth and me as mostly water. Help me remember that water is an important part of my journey to wellness. In Your holy name, Amen.
Day 26:
Our Bodies
Morning Reflection
This week we have been reflecting on particular aspects of God’s creation. Today we will focus on one area that we are working to transform on this journey—our bodies. If there is one aspect of God’s creation that most of us have neglected and taken for granted, it is our own bodies. But God cares about our bodies, even to the extent that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ. When we forget that, it is only to our detriment.
Faith Life
Today at the time when you pray, pray a movement prayer. Stretch out your arms. Touch your toes. Stretch your neck. Feel the brilliance in God’s creation and the way that your body is put together.
If you do not give yourself a monthly breast exam or testicular exam, today is the day to start. Finding breast cancer and testicular cancer early greatly increases the chances of recovery.
Today go for a brisk walk, and when you are finished, spend at least five minutes stretching. Try to feel and stretch as many muscles in your body as possible.
Work often requires repeating the same motion over and over again. When you take a break, spend five minutes doing something completely different than what you usually do. For example, if you sit at a computer typing most of the day, stand up and do jumping jacks.
Our emotions are more tied up with our bodies than we usually realize. Today spend five minutes smiling, even if you do not feel like smiling. Chances are, you will feel a little better at the end of those five minutes.
Family and Friends
Many of our self-esteem issues come from directing hatred toward our own bodies. Today ask friends or family members to tell you what they like about your body.
Drink about two glasses of milk today. But instead of whole milk, drink low-fat milk (either 1-percent or skim). Two servings of low-fat dairy each day are an important part of a healthy diet.
Evening Wrap-up
He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet.
LUKE 24:38-40
Any time we are prepared to dismiss the body as somehow unimportant, we should remember this passage from Luke. God came to us as a man in the person of Jesus Christ. He had a body that was just as much a body as any of our bodies. And, to add emphasis, after He died, He rose again in a body. Our relationship with God is very much tied to the physical body.
Incarnate God, thank You for this body that You have given me. Please help me remember what a gift my body is, and help me as I strive to better care for myself. In Your holy name, Amen.
Day 27:
Morning Reflection
For the most part, we remember that God’s creation includes things like the land and trees, and even our bodies (though an occasional reminder never hurts!). But something that we rarely think of as a part of God’s creation is our community. We are created to be social beings, not isolated from one another. So today we will celebrate being a part of a community—a community that is a significant part of God’s creation and of our wellness journey.
Faith Life
Are you a part of a faith community, such as a church or a prayer group? Have you shared with them your journey to wellness? Today write the ways that your faith community is a part of your wellness journey.
Know the signs of a heart attack: chest pain that feels like squeezing, pressure, or pain; pain or discomfort in the jaw, back, neck, arms, or stomach; shortness of breath; cold sweat and nausea or lightheadedness. Today brush up on the symptoms of major health events that could threaten your life or the life of someone you encounter.
Housework burns calories and helps you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Today take on a task in your home that you don’t usually do. For example, take out the trash, dust your bookshelves, clean the bathroom or the kitchen. Then invite someone over to enjoy your efforts!
Do your coworkers know about your journey to wellness? Today tell at least one of your coworkers about your journey. Often workplaces can come together to strive toward wellness as a community.
Being a member of a community is a very important part of emotional wellness as well as physical wellness. Today instead of spending time writing in your journal, spend at least ten minutes sitting with someone who is a member of your support system and talk to them.
Family and Friends
Do your family and friends make you laugh? Laughter is a wonderful way to burn calories and generally lift your mood. Today when spending time with friends or family, let yourself laugh freely.
When “low-fat,” “reduced-sugar,” and “light” versions of your staple foods are available, choose them over the full-fat, full-sugar versions. That way you will dedicate more calories to important nutrients rather than “fillers” such as fats and sugars.