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ACTS 9:3-6

We probably remember the story of Saul’s conversion to Paul on the road to Damascus. But we so often focus on the moment when he fell off his horse instead of the long road that lay ahead of him. Paul’s journey really began on the road to Damascus. Likewise, our conversion to wellness might begin with a bang, but like Paul’s journey, it is in the individual steps and the long road ahead where the change actually happens.

God of the journey, help me in both my moments of instantaneous conversion and on the long road ahead. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 37:

Knowing Ourselves

Morning Reflection

As we continue on this journey, in many ways we are coming to know ourselves. After all, we are coming to know new limits and perhaps new attitudes. What we can also realize is that in this journey, we can begin to understand how God knows us as well. We can remember that God created us whole, and as we continue on the journey, we begin to know our whole self as well. Today we will try to see ourselves as God sees us.

Faith Life

The first step in “Love your neighbor as yourself” is to love yourself. Today spend five minutes writing about what it means to love yourself. Remember that God loves you.


Before you start taking a vitamin or supplement, consult with your health care provider. Sometimes vitamins and supplements can have interactions with prescription medications that would not be listed on the bottle.


Today spend ten minutes stretching and exploring all of the parts that God made. Touch your toes, cross your arms over your chest, roll your neck, stretch your arms up over your head, and stretch your back.


If you must go out for lunch at work, try to avoid eating fast food. Instead, try to find a place where you can order lean protein and vegetables that are not fried.


One of the keys to emotional wellness is to spend time engaged in self-care. Today write down one area in your life where you could use some more selfcare. Do you need to find some extra alone time? Do you need to schedule more time with friends?

Family and Friends

When you plan activities with your family and friends, try going to a park, playground, or museum instead of going immediately to a restaurant. This way you will have some kind of physical activity built into your outing.


Know exactly what you are eating. When you go shopping, make sure to read the food label before you buy the food. The ingredients listed first are the major ingredients in that product.

Evening Wrap-up

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. . . . For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

PSALM 139:1-3,13-14

When we go through times when we forget just how much God cares for us, remember Psalm 139. God knows every detail of our lives. God put each of us together, even as we grew in the womb. We could never have done anything to deserve such loving attention, and yet we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Dear Lord God, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to remember the care with which I was brought into this world. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 38:

The Next Steps

Morning Reflection

As we approach the end of this six-week journey, it is important for us to set up plans and support for the journey beyond these six weeks. After all, wellness is a lifelong journey. It is not a goal that can be attained and then left behind. Throughout the journey to this point, we have been working to put habits and lifestyle changes into place to prepare us for the next steps. Today we will begin thinking about what those next steps will be.

Faith Life

Our faith can be an anchor for us when things become challenging. Today spend five minutes writing about the things, people, places, and activities that give you hope on your journey.


If you are over fifty, have a conversation with your primary care provider about getting a colonoscopy. It is a procedure that can detect colon cancer, and the earlier colon cancer is detected, the better your chances at survival and recovery.


If you run to the store to buy a gallon of milk, carry the milk with you instead of putting it in a cart. Then while you stand in line, do some alternating bicep curls with it.


Bring an insulated lunch bag to work with some raw chopped vegetables such as celery, carrots, and red bell peppers to snack on when you get hungry. If you want to add a little spice, throw in a few radishes as well.


Branching out into the next part of the journey can be intimidating. Today make a list of the activities that you have discovered that work to help you relieve your stress.

Family and Friends

Your family and friends will be very important to your journey. Today try to set up a regular walking time with (at least) one of your friends or family members. Having a regular time will help you to get into (and stay in) the habit of walking.


If you are tired of eating so many servings of vegetables each day (aim for three-five), try swapping out two servings of raw or cooked vegetables with ¾ cup of vegetable juice. Just be sure to account for added sugar in the juice.

Evening Wrap-up

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.

1 PETER 1:3-4

The journey from here forward is really about hope. We have the skills and knowledge that we need to be healthy. But what we need at this point is to continue on the journey, never ceasing in our hope that our lives can and do change. Peter reminds us that the hope that God gives us is always the hope for new life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Gracious God, help me today as I begin to look down the road. Grant me hope and encouragement for what is to come. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 39:

Fellow Travelers

Morning Reflection

As we approach the final stretch of our six-week journey, we need to be reminded that we are not alone on the journey. Though it is true that we are, in most cases, trying to change individual habits, the people who surround us can give us encouragement. Furthermore, encouraging others on the wellness journey can help us feel encouraged ourselves. Today we will focus on ways that we can surround ourselves with fellow travelers on the journey.

Faith Life

Does your faith community have Sunday school programs? Today consider starting a Sunday school program that is centered on the wellness journey. Encourage other members of your faith community to live wellness-oriented lives.


Remember that medication is not a magical pill. When your physician writes a prescription for a medication, ask questions about what lifestyle changes you should be making along with the medication to be healthier.


Today before you eat dinner, do some cardio exercise. Go for a walk, jog in place for five minutes, or do thirty jumping jacks. Exercising before eating will make you feel healthier and will in turn motivate you to eat healthier.


If there is someone at your work who shares your particular lunchtime and perhaps is interested in eating healthy meals, adopt that person as a lunch buddy. Take turns bringing in new, healthy dishes to try.