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When we feel alone, we can become despondent, and that despondency can halt our progress on the wellness journey. Today spend five minutes writing about the many ways in which you are not alone.

Family and Friends

Your family and friends can be of great support, but seeking support from people going through an experience similar to yours can also be good. Support groups exist at gyms and wellness centers as well as online. Find a group that you can belong to.


No matter how much you want to lose weight, do not start a fad diet. While they may help you lose weight, fad diets generally do not promote overall wellness. You will be better off with long-term lifestyle changes.

Evening Wrap-up

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. . . . You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. . . . This is my command: Love each other.”

JOHN 15:12-17

As you continue on this journey, keep in mind that you are loved deeply by Jesus Christ who laid down His life so that we might live. But as we bask in the light of Christ’s love, we are also called to live in community, to support one another, and to “bear fruit that will last.” Wellness is fruit that will last.

Living Lord, thank You for loving me. Give me the strength to continue on this journey and to encourage others who are also on the journey. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 40:

Forty Days!

Morning Reflection

Today is Day 40—congratulations! You have made it forty days! Over the past six weeks, you have gained the skills necessary to continue on your journey toward wellness. Setbacks will probably happen from time to time, but in the last six weeks, you have set up a foundation that you can return to when needed. The journey to wellness may take you to unexpected places, but wherever wellness takes you, it is sure to lead to a fuller and more abundant life.

Faith Life

What does abundant life mean to you? We are told that Jesus came so that we might have life, and life in abundance. What might that mean for you?


If you change health care providers, try to get to know them while you are healthy. It is much easier for doctors to treat you when they know what “healthy you” is like.


In celebration of life in abundance, put on some music and dance today. Bounce around, get your heart rate up, and don’t forget to use your arms!


If you need to go out to lunch for work, ask for a “to go” box to come out with your food. If the portions are larger than what is healthy (as is the case at most restaurants), put half your order in the box before you eat.


Today try to rest. When we are tired, overworked, and sleep deprived, our body responds to stressors, causing us to hang on to weight and generally feel icky. Even if you only manage to take a twenty-minute nap, it will help you feel better.

Family and Friends

Today prepare a meal for your friends and family that you have never prepared before. Get your guests to help you prepare the meal, chopping vegetables or stirring the pot as things cook.


Do not skip breakfast! If you want a change from the usual cereal, try eating leftovers from last night’s dinner for breakfast. That’ll get you at least a serving of vegetables to start out the day.

Evening Wrap-up

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!


Remember that God gives us abundant grace through Jesus Christ and that we are not only given abundant grace in spirit, but in our whole selves and our whole lives. This journey to wellness is about responding appropriately to that abundant grace that Jesus Christ grants us. When we care for ourselves, we are caring for God’s creation—the very thing that Jesus came to save.

Caring God, thank You for walking with me on this journey and for the abundant grace that You give me. Help me today and all days to live my life to abundance in wellness and in grace. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 41:


Morning Reflection

Now that the forty days are over, today will be a day of review. When we started out this journey, we had to assess where we were in order to set goals for the journey. In a similar manner, we have to assess where we are again so that we can know where we need to go from here. We need to see our successes as well as our setbacks so that we know what we still need to work on.

Faith Life

When we started, you wrote ten words describing your faith life. Again, take five minutes and write ten words describing your faith life now. Then compare the two lists. What has changed? What has stayed the same?


What are your medical concerns now? Are they significantly different from what they were six weeks ago? Write down your current medical concerns, but do not get rid of your old list of concerns.


Go for a walk today, and walk as far as you can walk. How far could you walk the first time you did this? Can you feel the improvement in the way your body is reacting to walking?


What has changed about your work environment? Are you drinking more water? Are you eating healthier snacks? Are you getting a little exercise throughout the day?


What has changed in your emotional wellness? Take a look at your emotional highs and lows from Week 2. Do you still have similar highs and lows, or has your overall emotional pattern changed a bit?

Family and Friends

What have your family and friends thought about your journey? Can they see a difference in you? Take a moment today and ask one or two of them.


In the first week, you made a list of the foods that you like to eat. Can you expand that list any after six weeks? In particular, can you include more healthy meals on that list?

Evening Wrap-up

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.


The last six weeks have been challenging in a variety of ways. You have been asked to try vastly new things, from food to exercises. You have been asked to step outside your comfort zone and to explore emotions that most of us do not take the time to explore regularly. But the journey—at least this part of the journey—is finished. And you have finished the race. For that, you ought to be very proud and thankful. You have run the race, and God has been running right beside you. Remember as you continue from this point, God runs the race with you. God gives us all strength and endurance when we most need it, and God cheers when we cross the finish line.

Creator of life, Thank You for the gift of wellness. Help me continue on this journey with endurance and bravery. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 42:

Looking Ahead

Morning Reflection

With the six weeks completed, it can certainly feel as if the journey is over. However, as has been said before, the journey has really only just begun. The journey to wellness is never over. Life will offer us many surprises along the way, and it will be part of the journey to adapt as life happens. Today as we close this chapter on the journey, we look ahead to continue the lessons learned on this journey.