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Make a list of your medical concerns. If you have a history of high blood pressure, for example, write it down. This will help you to focus and set goals throughout the coming weeks.


Go for a walk today. Do not exhaust yourself, and give yourself permission to stop when you feel you need to. Take note of where you stop so that you can note your progress as the journey progresses.


What is your work? It can be your job, volunteering, gardening, parenting, or any activity that gives meaning and structure to your days. Today, make a list of as many things as you can think of that make up your “work.”


If you do not have a journal, take this opportunity to start one. You can use this book or a separate journal. But having a journal will give you the opportunity to sit and reflect on your experience on the journey to wellness.

Family and Friends

Personal relationships, both family and friends, are crucial to overall wellness. They provide support, laughter, and engagement. Make a list of the personal relationships in your life on which you depend.


What is your typical diet? Do you eat out a lot? Do you use a lot of prepared foods? Start a food journal or add “food journaling” to your current journal. This will help you as you set nutritional goals for yourself.

Evening Wrap-up

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. . . . God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

GENESIS 1:27, 31

Our bodies are created by God and are a part of God’s creation. And God called us “very good.” God loves creation—all of creation—and so should we. But we often fall into the trap of not caring for ourselves as we should. As we set out on a journey to better health, we know that the way will not always be easy. We will certainly have moments of frustration as well as setbacks. But we can trust that God sees us as a part of creation and calls us “very good.”

God of new beginnings, help me to see You in myself. As I begin this journey toward wellness, give me the wisdom to know that my body is Your creation. Thank You for this incredible gift, and help me care for myself as You care for all of creation. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 2:


Morning Reflection

When we set out on a trip, most often we get directions before we get in the car. But in order to get directions, we first need to know where we are starting. As we set out on this journey toward wellness, we need to know where we are now. Sometimes we start out on a good day, sometimes on a bad one. But whatever the day, we can know that God walks with us.

Faith Life

What are ten words that you would use to describe your faith life right now? Take five minutes and write them down. Be honest, and be certain to include both the things that are positive about your faith life and a few things that are maybe less than positive.


When was your last physical by a medical doctor? If it has been over a year, call and make an appointment to get a checkup. It is important that you know your general state of health as you embark on this wellness journey.


After your morning shower (so that your muscles are warm), do some light stretching. Bend over and see how close you can get to touching your toes. Where do your muscles feel tight? (Hint: Your stretching should feel comfortable. If any stretches hurt, pull back on the stretch.)


What do you like about your work? What do you dislike? Take five minutes and write some things that you like and dislike about the tasks you perform. (Remember, work is comprised of your job/ career, but can also include volunteering, parenting, etc.)


Each day has a unique emotional makeup. Today, write in your journal about a time of the day when you experienced an emotional high and a time when you felt an emotional low. What were the events? What words would you use to describe them?

Family and Friends

Do you eat family dinners? Family dinners are a wonderful way to spend time with your family, catching up and talking. They are also wonderful times to try new recipes. Take time today to think of a good evening for a family dinner in the next week.


Do you have a standard list for the grocery store? Make a list of things that you normally buy when you go to the store. In the days and weeks to come, change your grocery list based on the dietary suggestions in this book.

Evening Wrap-up

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other.


Taking a close look at where we are can be a difficult task. Sometimes we may like what we see, and sometimes we may not. But the writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that when we like what we see, we should celebrate. And, when we perhaps do not like what we see, we should remember that God has made the world. God made every day— including the bad ones. What this means for us, even more than just that God has made the day, is that God has made our journey. God celebrates our successes and mourns our sorrows with us.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of all days, both good and bad. On this day, I pray that You would walk with me and give me direction as I set out on this journey toward wellness. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 3:


Morning Reflection

Just as we must know where we are beginning when we set out on a journey, we also must have an idea of where we are going. On the journey toward wellness, it is important to have goals. Only with specific goals can we know what we are moving toward. Our goals may shift over time, but it is very important to know what our goals are.

Faith Life

How would you like to see your faith life change? Take five minutes today and write some changes that you would like to make in your faith life over the next six weeks.


In light of the medical concerns you wrote down two days ago, how would you like to improve your medical health? For example, would you like to reduce the number of medications you are taking? Do you want to maintain your current state of health?


Go for a walk today, and walk as far as you can walk. How much farther would you like to be able to walk in a week? In six weeks?


Return to the list you made yesterday of things you like and dislike about your work. What would you like to change about your work? What do you have the power and authority to change in your work?


If you start to feel overwhelmed today, sit down, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Keep your breathing slow and even for a full minute. This will help your body relax.

Family and Friends

Are you embarking on this journey on your own or with a friend or some family members? Having a traveling companion can be very helpful. Think today about a friend or family member whom you might reach out to and invite to come along.


What would you like to change about your nutritional habits? Eat less fat? Eat more vegetables? Maintain better portion control? Write down five nutritional goals for the next six weeks.

Evening Wrap-up

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


We’ve all heard the phrase “eyes on the prize.” It is often used in a game or a race to encourage the players to focus on the end—the finish line— the prize. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, Paul is encouraging them to keep their eyes on the prize, “forgetting what is behind.” While it is good to know where you have been and where you are beginning, there comes a point when we must let go of what is behind and look toward the outcome. On our journey toward wellness, it is time to let go of what was and to press on toward the goal of what could be.