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Don’t drink your calories! Substitute water for sweetened drinks such as sweetened iced tea or soda. If you want something fizzy, try drinking seltzer water instead of plain water.

Evening Wrap-up

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other. . . . Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.


We can change bad habits, and we can establish good ones. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul encourages us to lay down our bad habits in favor of good habits. He urges us to lay down our old selves—the selves of the bad habits—and clothe ourselves in the new self. As we continue on this journey toward wellness, we can look to this encouragement from Paul to change our habits. We can strive toward recognizing those behaviors that we must “lay down” and toward clothing ourselves with better habits.

God of Patience, help me today to be patient with myself as I lay down my old habits in favor of better ones. Help me to better care for my body, recognizing that it is a gift from You. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 9:


Morning Reflection

Yesterday we explored what our habits are. But in addition to our habits, we need to address our triggers. Triggers are emotions or events that “turn on” our habits. Some triggers can be stress, sadness, boredom, and even happiness. Like our habits, triggers are so deeply ingrained that they can be almost invisible. So once again, the key to changing behavioral triggers is to know what they are. Today we will focus on those behavioral triggers and on what we can do to change them.

Faith Life

Often as a part of our faith life, we neglect to sit quietly and listen or meditate. Today spend five minutes sitting quietly and breathing. Try to quiet your inner voice and just listen.


In addition to having a list of your medications posted on your refrigerator, make sure that a close relative or friend has a list of your medications and recommended dosages.


Many of us eat when we feel bored or overwhelmed. Today if you feel bored (but are not actually hungry), instead of snacking, try doing some simple stretches such as rolling your neck or stretching your arms.


What are your triggers at work? Do you always take a coffee break at a certain time? Eat a lunch from a vending machine? Try replacing your coffee break with herbal tea, and bring a lunch from home.


What do you do when you feel happy? When you feel sad? When you are bored? Take five minutes and write in your journal, thinking about how you usually behave when faced with these emotions.

Family and Friends

Family can be one of the biggest triggers of all, because when families get together, we have long-standing patterns of behavior, emotion—and especially eating! Today, if your family is gathering, try to focus on the fellowship rather than on food.


If you do feel like snacking today, try snacking on some unsalted nuts or dried fruits instead of sugary or salty snacks like cookies and chips. Make sure you enjoy the proper serving size.

Evening Wrap-up

Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation. My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, LORD? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.”

PSALM 35:9-10

When faced with our triggers, we may feel out of control. These behaviors can take over even when we do not seem to be making a conscious decision! We might blame our habits and triggers when we are at our weakest. But the psalmist has a word of assurance for us: “You rescue the poor from those too strong for them.” God gives us strength when we are weakest. So as we identify our triggers, it can only be to our advantage to lean on God in times of weakness.

Lord God, help me lean on You for the strength and wisdom I need as I challenge my habits and trigger behaviors. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 10:

Cleaning Up

Morning Reflection

A cluttered desk is evidence of a cluttered mind, at least according to this small piece of common wisdom. When our minds are full of chatter—worry, confusion, stress—we lack focus. When our lives (and kitchens!) are full of clutter, we can have a difficult time focusing on the importance of wellness. Today we will focus on cleaning house, both literally and figuratively in all aspects of wellness. As we clear away the clutter, we make room for the things that are healthy and make our lives more wellness oriented.

Faith Life

Yesterday you spent time meditating and listening. Today, spend ten minutes sitting quietly again. Try to quiet your mind, clear out the clutter—the stress and anxiety. Breathe and let God in.


When was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet? Lots of accidents can be avoided by disposing of expired and old medication. Today take inventory of your medicine cabinet and throw out anything expired or unusable.


Is a messy house or room keeping you from exercising or eating properly? Spend a half hour today decluttering one area of your house. When you are finished, you might feel better and less overwhelmed.


Clear out a space at your work (in your desk or somewhere convenient) where you can keep some healthy snacks on hand. When you take a break, instead of going to a vending machine, enjoy a healthy snack and a short walk.


Set aside some time today to take a warm bath. Even spending a few minutes soaking in a bath can help to relax your muscles. Do some deep breathing as you soak.

Family and Friends

Recruit some of your family and friends to help you clean out your kitchen. Throw out expired foods, as well as processed foods with high sugar or fat content.


Move the unhealthy snacks, such as potato chips or cookies, out of reach. Set them on a high shelf in the pantry or throw them out entirely. Move healthy snacks, such as fresh vegetables or fruits, into easy-to-grab places.

Evening Wrap-up

Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.


As we progress on this journey, there will be times when we will have to stop and—literally or figuratively—clean house. After all, life happens and things pile up. But if we do not take a day (or even one hour) now and then to clear the decks, we will become overwhelmed and our progress will come to a standstill. Remember that we are most likely to fall back into old habits because they’re what we know best. But Proverbs reminds us that before we build a house, we need first to do our planning and preparation. In the journey to wellness, that means clearing space in our minds, hearts, and homes for wellness to be a priority.

God of Balance, help me prepare my heart, mind, and home for a wellness-oriented life. Help me clean out the clutter so that I can build a strong foundation for wellness. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 11:


Morning Reflection

Our overall wellness is dependent on our attitude toward wellness. If our attitude is defeatist, then forward motion will be very difficult. However, if we approach wellness with confidence, we are more likely to be consistent, to roll with setbacks as they come, and to understand wellness in its entirety, rather than as individual parts. The journey to wellness is not always easy, but with a positive attitude, the path might smooth out on those days when we are having a particularly difficult time.