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Faith Life

Read Exodus 3, where God appears to Moses in the burning bush. When you have finished, spend five minutes writing about being called out of your comfort zone. Do you feel God’s assurance, “I will be with you”?


It is important for you to know the symptoms of a stroke: weakness in one arm or leg, loss of feeling on one side, blindness in one eye, difficulty talking, loss of balance. If you have any of these symptoms—or know of someone who is experiencing them—you should seek medical help immediately.


A healthy exercise regimen consists of building our aerobic strength, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Today, do three sets of ten wall pushups to start building your upper-body strength.


When you begin to feel tired or bored at work, pay attention to your posture. Good posture helps you to breathe, increases strength in your back and abdomen, and can give you a boost of energy when you need it.


Leaving your comfort zone can cause a great deal of anxiety or even panic. Today, if you begin to feel anxious about leaving your comfort zone, slow down, take several deep breaths, and tell yourself out loud that you are safe.

Family and Friends

When we are making changes in our lives, we might find ourselves in opportunities to make new friends. Today, say hello to someone you rarely talk to or try to think of a person with whom you could develop a new friendship.


Eating a wellness-oriented diet means leaving behind food habits that may be comfortable and even comforting. Today, try a new food, paying particular attention to the salt content. (Hint: Do not add any salt until after you have tasted a dish.)

Evening Wrap-up

But now, this is what the LORD says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israeclass="underline" “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

ISAIAH 43:1-2

As we continue on this journey toward wellness, we are asked time and again to try new things. We ask our bodies to move with exercise. We ask our taste buds to appreciate different flavors. We are asked to step out of our comfort zone in any number of ways, each of which might be frightening. But Isaiah assures us that God is with us.

Faithful God, walk with me today as I move into unfamiliar places. Help me step outside of my comfort zone. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 19:

Our Purpose

Morning Reflection

As we progress on this journey, we need to step back and reevaluate our progress, looking particularly to the initial goals that we set in the first week of this journey. In other words, we must reconnect with our purpose for being on the journey. Keep in mind that purposes will differ from person to person and may even change for one person from day to day or moment to moment. Today, we will touch base once again with our purpose for the journey.

Faith Life

What were your goals for your faith life in Week 1? Today, reread your goals, and then spend five minutes writing about your progress. Have any of your goals changed? Have you made progress where you hadn’t expected?


Hypertensive people are at a higher risk for heart attack. The symptoms of a heart attack include: chest discomfort; discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, or jaw; shortness of breath; cold sweats; light-headedness; and nausea. If you experience any of these symptoms—or know of someone who is experiencing them—seek medical attention immediately!


In Week 1, you went for a walk. Go for a walk today. Do not exhaust yourself, but push yourself to walk as far as you can. Write in your journal the progress that you have made.


Today, take a copy of your list of medications, vitamins, over-the-counter medications, and family history to keep at work. Keep the list in an accessible place.


Connecting with our purpose on the journey can help us to gain stability and perspective as we go through periods of change. Today, spend ten minutes writing in your journal about your purpose on this wellness journey.

Family and Friends

Family and friends can be strong reminders of the purpose that we set for ourselves. Today, have a healthy meal with your family or some friends, and enjoy the social anchor that you have in your support system.


What has changed in your diet since you started on this journey? take a moment and write out your grocery list from this week. Compare it with the grocery list you made during Week 1. What has changed? What has stayed the same?

Evening Wrap-up

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.


As we pause and consider our purpose at this particular moment on this particular journey, we must remember that our purpose fits into God’s creation quite beautifully, as we are reminded in this passage from Ecclesiastes. God gives us life and purpose, which fit beautifully with God’s larger creation. It is that purpose that can anchor us when we feel discouraged or lost on the journey.

Loving God, help me remember purpose— both mine and Yours—on this journey. In Your holy name, Amen.

Day 20:


Morning Reflection

This journey is all about change. Change, even the most strived-for change, comes with its fair share of challenges. Arthur’s life was changed dramatically with the death of his wife and his new friendships at the Church Health Center. With all the changes that are happening now all at the same time, we can get thrown a little off-kilter. So today we will turn our focus on how to keep our balance in the midst of this change.

Faith Life

Do you have a “go-to” Bible verse that you return to when you need comfort or support? today, spend ten minutes reflecting on one verse that anchors you. Remember that you have anchors even in the midst of change.


If possible, have a place at work where you can keep medication that you need during the day, instead of taking your medication with you to work each day. Make sure they are well-labeled!


Today, if you are running errands, park your car in the parking space farthest away from the entrance to the store. Add steps to your day by forcing yourself to walk farther to the store.


When work becomes topsy-turvy, it can be very easy to stress-eat without even recognizing what you are doing. Today, if you start to feel overwhelmed at work, don’t head for the vending machines; head for the door! Take a short break outside, breathe in some fresh air, and let your body relax before getting back to work.


Many of us, in the past, have dealt with the discomfort of change by eating. Today, make a list of things that you can do to give yourself comfort that will help on your journey. Go for a walk, for example, or read a book.