Mr Thomas Edison has the necessary energy, great intuition, good stability at risky situations, enough entrepreneurial experience.
"The Book of Faraday's experiments" has been in due time provided to him.
It is clear, that he worked and works not alone.
Certainly, numerous and talented personnel were necessary.
They were directed from Europe: both from Germany, and from Austria-Hungary (for example, from the Military Krajina), and from other countries. The scientific and engineering staff prepared in America have joined in business, have been included in the process of electrification.
A significant part of the young people of the new continent tend to switch from work on farms, sawmills and grocers for highly skilled work in modern buildings of electrotechnical companies.
Financiers, bankers have realized that society is ready to a new type of lighting, to usage of electric motors. Decided to risk money. And made investments.
A power station was built on the Niagara Falls.
I will formulate my assessment of the duration of the period that was required for the emergence of the electrotechnical industry: approximately 10-20 years.
As for the future of aviation- and aerospace- and rocket industries...
It would be irrational to turn into waste the scientific, experimental, human potential, which is formed in Russia by the efforts of the Mr. Zhukovsky and Mr. Tsiolkovsky (and will be formed in the future by the efforts of the Mr. Korolev).
Moreover, the natural resources and terrestrial spaces are unique and adequate to the task of Human being's exit into open space.
The time has come to complement the industrial revolution of the 18th century and the electrification of the 19th century with the space revolution of the 20th century. If you like the terms "Cosmication", "Cosmization" ("kosmization"), "to cosmicize" or similar - why not use them?
The staff is available. A considerable part of youth not against to change work in farms, shops, mines for highly skilled work.
Very useful and the emergence - a sudden if by historical standards - of high-level intelligentsia in the vastness between of the Dnieper river and the Far Eastern coasts of Pacific ocean.
The countries that voluntarily entered into the Commonwealth state - Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - are the first, or almost the first, holders in Europe - depending on how to formulate the criterion of "primacy" - written constitutions and official documents issued by kings and official authorities that protected the legal status of the person, the "liberty" of the individual.
People were formed over the centuries; the people which had rights and freedoms.
It is clear that in no society consumption of blessings, goods, including the blessings legal (benefits of legal, legal goods, the boons legal, legal advantages, advantages of law), can not be equal for all.
Nevertheless, the emergence of a new human being, new abilities, new opportunities has been and still remains mass.
Civilizational investments gave civilizational income.
You, mister Copernicus, know.
The community of very peculiar politicians can soon get power on great terrestrial spaces.
In this community, by the way, there are people with religious education.
In the end, the stormy and turbulent and controversial political activity of this group of peculiar politicians can be completed - also ambiguously. And will be a relatively long period of vigorous economic development.
And in such development of one of the main tasks there can be a creation of the aviation and space-rocket industries ...
Problems of Economics and Finance? Can't these questions be solved by the government?
Risks of accidents? And risks for lives?
The state can also assume these issues.
Dreams about "new society" can be complemented with a dream about the apple-trees growing on Mars ...
The potential was created and is creating by Messrs. Zhukovsky and Tsiolkovsky will receive opportunities for practical implementation.
I will express my opinion about the time frame.
In the middle of the 20th century, very significant events will occur.
I suppose: the first artificial satellite of the Earth - the second half of the 1950-ies, is a space rocket with a human aboard - the early 1960-ies.
What will you tell, mister Copernicus?
- I can tell, Mr. Newton, that there are no guarantees that on Mars an apple won't fall on the head of the ingenious scientist.
- This will not contradict the principles of the heliocentric concept, Mr. Copernicus. Do you hint at a possibility of a personal meeting on Mars?
- Thanks for the discussion, Mr. Newton! I believe that the Geo-Martian technological revolution of the 21st century, and our meeting on Mars, can be characterized as very probable prospects. To meeting on Mars!
- It's nice, Mr. Copernicus, to feel that the scientific revolution is continuing.
The practice will be to show whether the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, the Electrification of the 19th Century, Cosmic revolution of the 20th century will be followed by the Geomartian Revolution of the 21st century.
We will meet on Mars!
February 15, 2017 - March 26, 2017.
This translation from Russian into English: 24.09.2017 17:10
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о беседе Николая Коперника и Исаака Ньютона". (Из Сборника "Две сказки о четырех технических революциях")
XXV. Dialogue about Velikolithuanians
Reader(man) and Reader(woman) crossed the street into the green traffic light.
The Reader(man) decided to demonstrate the ability to listen attentively during a conversation and an excellent memory:
- Karamzin names The Grand Duchy of Lithuania by Lithuania, and inhabitants of this state (Duchy) he names by the Lithuanians. "Lithuanians" - this term in Karamzin's "History" dominates. It is "inconvenient". The ethnic Lithuanians and Lithuania (ethnic territory) existed at times of Karamzin. Small - "ethnic" Lithuania (partially) some centuries was integrated into hugeness Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Especially, presently, at our epoch, it is "inconvenient" to name by "Lithuanians" of all inhabitants of Duchy, when there is the small Baltic state a Lithuania. Inconvenience, mixture of notions.
Reader(woman) looked at the Reader(man) with amazement and confirmed:
-Karamzin is Great!
-Karamzin is Great! -reiterated the Reader(man) the words of Reader(woman) and added:
- Karamzin is a historian of an era of the Emperor Alexander I. Partitions (sections) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita) were completed. Territories of the former Grand-Lithuanian state became - generally - territories of governorates (provinces) of the Russian Empire. The period between two dynasties - the House of Rurik and The House of Romanov - was named as the Time of Troubles (Russian: Смутное время, Smutnoe vremya).
- According to Wikipedia (rus), - stated the Reader(woman), - Emperor Alexander I, by a decree of October 31, 1803, gave the rank (title ) of Historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin; to the title at the same time was added 2 thousand rubles of annual salary. The illumination of the Russian historical process brought Karamzin closer to the yard and the king who settled him near him in Tsarskoe Selo.
- How to name the inhabitants of Grand Duchy of Lithuania? - Reader(man) with a smilehas quoted the Reader(woman)'s questions. - Members of the Polish-Lithuanian szlachta? Between the dynastic union of 1385 and state union (association of two states of Poland and Lithuanian Duchy in Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) in 1569 almost two centuries have passed ... The Duchy existed. Had inhabitants. How them to name? At Karamzin's "History" the word "litvin" twinkles. But, probably, this word strange sounded and in times of Karamzin. It especially is strange sounds now.
- "Litvin" - a word strange. It seems that it never was widespread and was never perceived by the cultural environment, - the Reader(woman) noted. - The term "Lithuanians", as the name of all residents of the huge Grand-Lithuanian state, creates effect of reduction, effect of minimization. Effect of separation. If attention is directed towards small ethnic Lithuania and on a small nation of Lithuanians. Then beyond the limits of perception are the outstanding democratic achievements of the Grand-Lithuanian state, and its glorious history and its territorial dimensions.
- Any "History" exists in a historical context, - the Reader(man) has again smiled. - in historical literature it is possible to meet opinion that Government of the Russia, Prussia and Austria were afraid of the constitutional and democratic reforms in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, seeing in it manifestation of the spirit of the French revolution.