There is currently huge interest in the Python programming language. This is driven by several factors; its use in schools with the Raspberry Pi platform, its ability to be used for DevOps scripts, its use in data science and machine learning and of course the language itself.
There are many books on Python, however, most assume previous programming experience or are focussed on particular aspects of Python use such as data science or machine learning or have a scientif i c f l avor.
The aim of this book is to introduce Python to those with little or very little programming knowledge, and then to take them through to become an experienced Python developer.
As such the earlier parts of the book introduce fundamental concepts such as what a variable is and how a for loop works. In contrast, the later chapters introduce advanced concepts such as functional programming, object orientation, and exception handling.
In between a wide range of topics are introduced and discussed from a Python point of view including functions, recursion, operators, Python properties, modules and packages, protocols and monkey patching, etc.
After the core elements of Python are established, each new subject area is introduced by way of an introductory chapter presenting the topic in general, pro-viding background on that subject, why it is of importance, etc. These introductions cover Structured Analysis, functional programming, and object orientation.
Some of the key aspects of this book are:
1. It assumes very little knowledge or experience of Python or programming.
2. It provides a basic introduction to Python as well as advanced topics such as generators and coroutines.
3. This book provides extensive coverage of object orientation and the features in Python 3 supporting classes, inheritance, and protocols.
4. Pythons’ support for functional programming is also presented.
5. Following on from introducing the basic ideas behind functional programming, the book presents how advanced functional concepts such as closures, currying, and higher-order functions work in Python.
6. The book includes exercises at the end of most chapters with online solutions.
7. There are several case studies spread through the book that broaden under-standing of preceding topics.
8. All code examples (and exercise solutions) are provided online in a GitHub repository.
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