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“I thought she should hear it,” Miles answered solemnly. For a moment, Miss Harkins’s eyes seemed to twinkle, and she reached for the cup of tea that sat beside her.

Miles slipped his arm over Sarah’s shoulder, pulling her close. Sarah felt herself relax beneath his touch.

“You’ll like this,” Miles whispered. His breath on her ear ran a current under her skin.

I already do, she thought to herself.

Miss Harkins set the cup of tea aside. When she spoke, her voice was a whisper.

There are ghosts and there is love,

And both are present here,

To those who listen, this tale will tell

The truth of love and if it’s near.

Sarah stole a quick peek at Miles.

“Harris Presser,” Miss Harkins announced, “had been born in 1843 to owners of a small candle-making shop in downtown New Bern. Like many young men of the period, Harris wanted to serve for the Confederacy when the War of Southern Independence began. Because he was an only son, however, both his mother and father begged him not to go. In listening to their wishes, Harris Presser irrevocably sealed his fate.”

Here, Miss Harkins paused and looked at them.

“He fell in love,” she said softly.

For a second, Sarah wondered if Miss Harkins was also referring to them. Miss Harkins’s eyebrows rose slightly, as if she were reading Sarah’s thoughts, and Sarah glanced away.

“Kathryn Purdy was only seventeen, and like Harris, she was also an only child. Her parents owned both the hotel and the logging mill, and were the wealthiest family in town. They didn’t associate with the Pressers, but both families were among those that stayed in town after New Bern fell to Union forces in 1862. Despite the war and the occupation, Harris and Kathryn began meeting by the Neuse River on early summer evenings, just to talk, and eventually Kathryn’s parents found out. They were angry and forbade their daughter to see Harris anymore, since the Pressers were regarded as commoners, but it had the effect of binding the young couple even closer together. But it wasn’t easy for them to see each other. In time, they devised a plan, in order to escape the watchful eyes of Kathryn’s parents. Harris would stand in his parents’ candle shop down the street, watching for the signal. If her parents were asleep, Kathryn would put a lighted candle on the sill, and Harris would sneak over. He would climb the massive oak tree right outside her window and help her down. In this way, they met as often as they could, and as the months passed, they fell deeper and deeper in love.”

Miss Harkins took another sip of her tea, then narrowed her eyes slightly. Her voice took on a more ominous tone.

“By now, the Union forces were tightening their grip on the South-the news from Virginia was grim, and there were rumors that General Lee was going to swing down with his army from northern Virginia and try to retake eastern North Carolina for the Confederacy. A curfew was instituted and anyone caught outside in the evening, especially young men, was likely to be shot. Unable now to meet with Kathryn, Harris contrived to work late in his parents’ shop, lighting his own candle in the store window so that Kathryn would know he was longing to see her. This went on for weeks, until one day, he smuggled a note to Kathryn through a sympathetic preacher, asking her to elope with him. If her answer was yes, she was supposed to put two candles in the window-one that said she agreed, and the second as a signal for when it was safe for him to come and get her. That night, the two candles were lit, and despite all the odds, they were married that night under a full moon, by the same sympathetic preacher who’d delivered the note. All of them had risked their lives for love. “But, unfortunately, Kathryn’s parents discovered another secret letter that Harris had written. Enraged, they confronted Kathryn with what they knew. Kathryn defiantly told them that there was nothing they could do. Sadly, she was only partly right.

“A few days later, Kathryn’s father, who had a working relationship with the Union colonel in charge of the occupation, contacted the colonel and informed him that there was a Confederate spy in their midst, someone in contact with General Lee, who was passing secret information about the town’s defenses. In light of the rumors about Lee’s probable invasion, Harris Presser was arrested in his parents’ shop. Before he was taken out to be hanged, he asked for one favor-a candle to be lighted in the window of his shop-and it was granted. That night, from the limbs of the giant oak tree in front of Kathryn’s window, Harris Presser was hanged. Kathryn was heartbroken, and she knew her father had been responsible.

“She went to see Harris’s parents and asked for the candle that had been burning in the window the night that Harris died. Overcome by grief, they hardly knew what to make of the strange request, but she explained that she wanted something to remember ‘the kindly young man who’d always been so courteous to her.’ They gave it to her, and that night she lit both candles and set them on the windowsill. Her parents found her the next day. She’d committed suicide by hanging herself from the same giant oak tree.”

On the porch, Miles pulled Sarah a little closer to him. “How do you like it so far?” he whispered.

“Shh,” she answered. “We’re getting to the ghost part, I think.” “Those candles burned all night and the following day, until they were nothing more than little knobs of wax. But still they burned. On into the next night, then the next. They burned for three days, as long as Kathryn and Harris had been married, and then they went out. The following year, on Harris and Kathryn’s anniversary, Kathryn’s unused room mysteriously caught fire, but the house was saved. More bad luck followed for the Purdy family-the hotel was lost in a flood and the logging mill was taken to pay debts. In financial ruin, Kathryn’s parents moved away, abandoning the house. But…” Miss Harkins leaned forward, a look of mischief in her eyes. Her voice sank to a whisper.

“Every now and then, people would swear that they could see two candles burning in the window above. Others would swear there was only one… but that another was burning in another abandoned building down the street. And even now, over a hundred years later, people still claim to see candles burning in the windows of some of the abandoned houses down here. And it’s strange-the only people who see them are young couples in love. Whether or not you two will see them depends on your feelings for each other.”

Miss Harkins closed her eyes, as if telling the story had drained her. For a minute she didn’t move, and Sarah and Miles sat frozen in place, afraid to break the spell. Then she finally opened her eyes again and reached for her tea. After saying good-bye, Miles and Sarah descended the porch steps and returned to the gravel path. Miles took Sarah’s hand again as they approached the street. As if still under the spell of Miss Harkins’s story, neither Miles nor Sarah said anything for a long while.

“I’m glad we went there,” Sarah finally offered.

“So you liked it?”

“All women love romantic stories.”

They rounded the corner and neared Front Street; ahead, they could make out the river between the homes, gliding silently, shining black. “Are you ready for something to eat?”

“In a minute,” he said, slowing down, then finally stopping. She looked at him. Over his shoulder, she could see moths fluttering around the glowing street lamp. Miles was staring into the distance, toward the river, and Sarah followed his eyes but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. “What is it?” she asked.