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In mid-November, three weeks after they’d first made love, Sarah cut back the number of days that Jonah had to stay after school from three to one. For the most part, he was caught up; he was doing fine in reading and spelling, and though he needed a little more help with math, she figured one day a week ought to do it. That night, Miles and Sarah took him out for pizza as a sort of celebration.

Later, however, while tucking Jonah into bed, Miles noticed that his son seemed quieter than usual.

“Why the glum face, champ?”

“I’m feeling kind of sad.”


“Because,” he said simply, “I don’t have to stay after school as much anymore.”

“I thought you didn’t like staying after school.”

“I didn’t at first, but I kind of like it now.”

“You do?”

He nodded. “Miss Andrews makes me feel special.”

• • •

“He said that?”

Miles nodded. He and Sarah were sitting on the front steps, watching Jonah and Mark jump their bikes over a plywood ramp in the driveway. Sarah’s legs were drawn up close and she had her arms wrapped around them. “Yes, he did.” Jonah went zipping by them, Mark right behind, onto the grass where they intended to circle around again. “To be honest, I’ve been wondering how he would handle our seeing each other, but he seems to be fine.” “That’s good.”

“How’s he doing in school with this?”

“I really haven’t noticed much of a change. For the first few days, I think some of the other kids in class were asking him about it, but it seems to have died down some.”

Jonah and Mark raced by again, oblivious to their presence. “Do you want to spend Thanksgiving with Jonah and me?” Miles asked. “I’ve got to work that night, but we can eat early, if you don’t have plans.” “I can’t. My brother’s coming home from college and my mom is making a big dinner for all of us. She invited a bunch of people-aunts, uncles, cousins, and the grandparents. I don’t think she’d be too understanding if I told her to count me out.”

“No. I don’t guess she would.”

“She wants to meet you, though. She keeps bugging me to bring you over.”

“Why don’t you?”

“I didn’t think you were ready for that, just yet.” She winked. “Didn’t want to scare you off.”

“She can’t be that bad.”

“Don’t be so sure. But if you’re game, you can join us for Thanksgiving. That way we could spend it together.”

“You sure? It sounds like you have a full house already.” “Are you kidding? A couple more won’t make any difference. And besides, that way you can meet the whole clan. Unless, of course, you’re not ready for that yet, either.”

“I’m ready.”

“Then you’ll come?”

“Plan on it.”

“Good. But listen, if my mom starts asking some strange questions, just remember that I take after my father, okay?”


Later that night, with Jonah away at Mark’s again, Sarah followed Miles into the bedroom. This was a first: Up until now, they’d always stayed overnight at Sarah’s apartment, and the fact that they found themselves in the bed once shared by Missy and Miles wasn’t lost on either of them. When they made love, there was an urgency to it, an almost frantic passion that left both of them breathless. They didn’t speak much afterward; Sarah simply lay beside Miles with her head on his chest as he ran his hands gently through her hair. Sarah had the sense that Miles wanted to be alone with his thoughts. As she gazed around the bedroom, she realized for the first time that they were surrounded by pictures of Missy, including one on the bedstand that she could reach out and touch.

Suddenly uneasy, she also spotted the manila file he’d mentioned before, the one filled with information he’d assembled after Missy died. It sat on the shelf, thick and well handled, and she found herself staring at it as her head rose and fell with every breath Miles took. Finally, when the silence between them began to feel oppressive, she slid her head onto the pillow to face him. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” he said, not meeting her eyes.

“You’re kind of quiet.”

“Just thinking,” he murmured.

“Good things, I hope.”

“Only the best.” He traced his finger down her arm. “I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too.”

“Will you stay with me all night?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Very much.”

“Are you sure?”


Though still a little unsettled, she let him pull her close. He kissed her again, then held her until she finally fell asleep. In the morning, when she woke, it took her a moment to realize where she was. Miles ran his finger along her spine and she felt her body begin to respond.

There was something different about their lovemaking this time, something that more closely resembled their first time together, tender and unrushed. It wasn’t just the way he kissed and whispered to her, but rather the way he looked as he moved above her that spoke of how serious their relationship had become. That, and the fact that sometime while she’d been sleeping, Miles had quietly removed the pictures and the manila file that had cast their shadow over them the night before.

Chapter 15

Istill don’t understand why I haven’t had the chance to meet him yet.” Maureen and Sarah were in the grocery store, walking the aisles and filling the cart with everything they needed. To Sarah, it looked as if her mother planned to feed a few dozen people for at least a week.

“You will, Mom, in a few days. Like I said, he and Jonah will be coming by for dinner.”

“But wouldn’t he be more comfortable if he came over before that? So we could have a chance to get to know each other?”

“You’ll have plenty of time to get to know him, Mom. You know how Thanksgiving is.”

“But with everyone else around, it’s just not going to be possible to visit the way I’d like.”

“I’m sure he’ll understand.”

“And didn’t you say he has to leave early?”

“He has to go to work about four o’clock.”

“On a holiday?”

“He works Thanksgiving Day so he can have Christmas off. He’s a sheriff, you know. It’s not like they can let everyone take the day off.” “So who’s going to watch Jonah?”

“I will. I’ll probably bring him back to Miles’s house. You know Dad-he’ll be sound asleep by six o’clock, and I’ll probably bring him home then.” “So early?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll still be there all afternoon.”

“You’re right,” Maureen said. “It’s just that I’m a little frazzled from all this.”

“Don’t be worried, Mom. Nothing’s going to go wrong.”


“Will there be other kids there?” Jonah asked.

“I don’t know,” Miles said. “There might be.”

“Boys or girls?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well… how old are they?”

Miles shook his head. “Like I said, I don’t know. I’m not even sure there will be other kids there, to tell you the truth. I forgot to ask.” Jonah furrowed his brow. “But if I’m the only kid, what will I do?”

“Watch the football game with me?”

“That’s boring.”

Miles reached for his son, sliding him along the front seat until he was close. “Well, we’re not going to be there all day, anyway, since I have to work. But we do have to visit at least for a little while. I mean, they were nice enough to invite us over, and it wouldn’t be polite to leave right after we eat. But maybe we can go for a walk or something.”

“With Miss Andrews?”

“If you’d like her to come.”

“Okay.” He paused, his head turned toward the window. They were rolling past a grove of loblolly pines. “Dad… do you think we’re having turkey?” “I’m pretty sure we are. Why?”