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After they ate, they went back to the condo. Joey took Greg’s hand and led him to the bedroom. Having the three little ones around at home cramped their sex-play opportunities pretty severely at times. She was anxious for some more uninhibited wildness while they were on their break.

Greg was an adventurous guy. Before she met him, Joey had been reserved sexually and wouldn’t even think about some of the stuff he was into. But there was just something about Greg that was always able to bring out her wild side.

Before their trip, he’d told Joey stories about what he and David had gotten up to when they were younger. The best way she could describe some of their exploits was ‘interesting,’ which was her way of saying something when she didn’t know what else to say. The two brothers weren’t exactly the angels she’d suspected before she started to date Greg.

When the door closed, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss. They’d been dating for almost a year now, so she knew what that kiss meant. It wasn’t that he was predictable; it just was that she’d started to learn his quirks or tells. Greg was in a playful mood.

He went down on his knees and looked up at Joey.

“It’s been a while since we were alone enough that I could make you scream.”

“Oh, my,” she said.

While he was still on his knees, she watched as he reached up and unbuttoned her pants. Her heart started to beat faster with anticipation. Greg slid Joey’s slacks down to reveal the sexy thong she’d bought for the trip.

“You dirty girl,” he teased as he gave her a predatory look.

He lifted her blouse and started to kiss her stomach as he worked his way down. He put his hand on the inside of her thigh to tell her to spread her legs so he had room to work. She shivered when she felt his warm breath caress her intimate parts.

Greg’s soft lips and scruff of facial hair glided over her thighs as he teased her. Joey closed her eyes in anticipation of what was to come. He reached up so he could move her underwear out of the way. She soon felt little nips, licks, and kisses all around but not on her sex. She moaned in frustration as he continued to withhold the touch her body craved.

Then he stopped. It took Joey a second before she opened her eyes to find he wasn’t in front of her. Before she could see him, she heard Greg behind her.

“Get yourself wet for me.”

She reached between her legs to slowly masturbate herself. While she did that, he stretched around her and unbuttoned her blouse. She’d gone braless, so she benefited from his easy access to her nipples. He knew what got her motor running as he delicately toyed with her breasts. When Greg was sure she was aroused, he reached down to confirm to her that she was, in fact, wet and that he knew it.

He guided her to the bed, and before he had Joey sit on the edge, he squatted down and removed her thong. Once she was seated, he spread Joey’s thighs and lowered his mouth toward her sex. He ran his tongue deep inside her folds. The first lick had her craving more. He then used the tip of his tongue to play with her clit. When he shoved a finger deep inside her, Joey cried out in passion.

“That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back tonight,” Greg urged.

He turned his hand so that he could find her G-spot. When he began to stimulate it, she arched her back and flopped back onto the bed. Joey’s moan was all he needed to hear as he began to vigorously attack her with both his finger and tongue.

“You’re driving me insane!” she called out.

’Fucking hell!’ Joey thought.

She was imagining what would come next. She loved the feel of Greg’s cock deep inside her. Then he upped the ante when he mercilessly added another finger. She felt herself stretch to accommodate the extra digit. Joey thrust her sex at him to get him deeper yet. When he was all the way in, she tightened her pussy around his fingers like a glove. It was his turn to moan in anticipation of the main event.

Joey’s eyes snapped open, and she stared at the ceiling sightlessly as she cried out. Her orgasm shook her body.

“You’re sexy as fuck when you cum,” Greg remarked softly as he looked upon the devastation that he’d wrought.

“Quit messing around. Get your clothes off and fuck me now,” she ordered.

He chuckled at her brazen attitude and gave her one last lick before standing up.

Joey watched him as he slowly removed his clothes. She’d first gotten to know him via workouts. David had hired her to help his dad get into shape and lose some weight after he had his heart scare. Greg had joined his dad because he’d also begun to gain some weight.

Joey had come to appreciate Greg’s fine form. She’d gotten the excess weight off of him and toned him up. Unlike David, who was a beast, Greg had a lean sexy body that had the coeds at State drooling. If they ever figured out how good he was between the sheets, they would be knocking down his door.

As he stripped down to his briefs, Greg stopped for a moment to allow Joey a chance to admire the bulge from his erection and the wet spot evident near the tip. She debated whether to take matters into her own hands until he dropped his underwear to his knees, moving closer to Joey.

“Do you miss my dick?” he teased.

She nodded ‘yes’ as the tip of his cock started to slide up and down the wet folds of her sex. When he found her channel, he rested the head against her opening. Greg wiggled his hips to jiggle the tip, causing Joey to become frustrated. Joey moaned, mentally asking him to stop this torture, but he didn’t.

“Lift your legs and wrap them around my hips,” he ordered.

When she didn’t react quickly enough, he reached down and pulled her legs into place. Once she was set, he leaned into her, slowly burying his length into her depths. He worked up to a nice steady rhythm as their bodies began to smack together, making the unmistakable sounds of vigorous sex. Greg was on his game as his hard, forceful, but steady pace drove Joey crazy with lust. He finally got his wish when she began to call out his name.

“Oh, Greg, yes. Do me harder! Fuck the shit out of me!”

Then it was his turn to scream when her vaginal walls squeezed his cock tightly, throbbing wildly around him. She gave all of herself to Greg, and he gave it right back. When they reached their crescendo, they both bellowed their release. Joey couldn’t remember the last time she’d had an orgasm of that magnitude.

She knew that they hadn’t said the words, but she couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with anybody else. It wasn’t just the sex, even though that was the cherry on top. She and Greg just clicked.

After they came back to earth from their sexual frenzy, Greg once again became the gentle, considerate man he was. He slowly backed out of Joey’s body and then rolled to the side. She still trembled from the aftereffects of what they’d just done. He kissed her on the cheek as she turned to cuddle into him and closed her eyes to enjoy the afterglow.

They lay there for a few minutes, catching their breath. Joey reached over and ran her hand down his stomach. She found his member was semihard.

“You greedy little minx,” Greg moaned as she stroked him. “Roll to your side a bit more.”

She did as he asked as he scooted next to her. He entered her again. This time wasn’t about sexual gymnastics or over-the-top orgasms. She loved his slow strokes, the gentle, rhythmic movement of his hips coming from a place of deep caring. Dare she think—love?

Then she felt a change in him. Greg grasped her hips and began to release the hunger he felt for her.

He stopped for a moment to roll her on top of him. Joey put her feet on the mattress and her hands on his chest to lift up enough so he could let his hips fly. He started to fuck her like a wild man. She loved the way he strained as he pounded her body with raw power and force, making her climax with only a few beastly strokes.