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Greg started to cum, ramming his cock deeper, harder, and faster. Joey fell back against his chest as she accepted his pounding. The whole bed was rocking as the headboard slammed against the wall. They were both coming, with wave after wave of pleasure, until he moaned loudly and slammed his cock into her one last time.

Joey trembled with pleasure. They both tried to catch their breath, filled with the joy of good sex.

Then they heard David and Lexi, which caused Joey to giggle.

If that weren’t enough, Phil let out a bellow of his own. It made them laugh out loud to think that they’d driven the poor boy to wank off in the living room.

Joey got up and enticed Greg into taking a shower with her before going to sleep.

As they were lying back in bed, Joey knew what she wanted to do for David.

“I want to thank David for finding me the job at USC.”

“What were you thinking?” Greg asked.

She knew that after sex, he would agree to almost anything. For this, she wanted him to think about it before he decided.

“I want you to sleep on this because it’s a big deal.”

“Now you have my interest,” Greg admitted.

“I want to sleep with David.”

Chapter 49


Greg hadn’t slept worth shit after Joey had told him what she wanted to do to thank his brother. Her saying that had been a wake-up call. He saw that he’d made a few assumptions concerning their relationship. It was apparent that he and she needed to sit down and clarify what they were doing before he uprooted his kids and moved to LA.

Greg thought back on their conversations and realized he and Joey had never explicitly said they were exclusive. He hadn’t been with anyone else since they’d started seeing each other, and he didn’t think she had either. Nevertheless, Greg now knew he and Joey had a lot they needed to talk over, if only so they could both be clear and in agreement about where they were and where they were going.

Still, he concluded that Joey didn’t necessarily want to open up their relationship. He assumed that the ‘thanking’ of his younger brother was a onetime event.

Greg put his palm on his forehead and let it slide down his face in frustration. This wasn’t the first time the woman he was with had inquired about spending time with David. Angie, his ex-wife, had asked on numerous occasions. Greg even relented and given her permission, and the only thing that had stopped her was David. The question was, would David go along with Joey’s request or not?

Greg heard someone up and moving, so he decided to get up. He found Cassidy in the kitchen.

“What time did you get in?” Greg asked.

“Tami, Lauren, and I caught the last shuttle. The rest of them decided to go to an after-party. It wasn’t an official bridal festivity, but a girl who was getting married invited all her friends for the weekend. She was all over Wolf. She said she wanted to try a guy who was well-endowed,” Cassidy shared.

“Are they back yet?”

Cassidy just shook her head ‘no.’

“What did you guys do?” she asked.

“Went to dinner and then came back. Joey and I don’t get much alone time,” Greg admitted.

“I take it David and Lexi did the same.”

“How do you know?” Greg asked.

“I turned on the TV, and there’s porn. It’s not the kind David normally watches, so I guessed it must be Phil’s.”

Greg had two thoughts run through his mind instantaneously. How did Cassidy know what kind of porn David watched? And how did Phil get porn on the TV?

Greg’s curiosity got the better of him, and he went to see what Cassidy was talking about. The TV was turned on with the sound off. It showed a young man tied up as two girls teased him.

Yep, his brother would never let himself be tied up. David would never lose control.

Greg was chuckling when the lock on the front door disengaged, and in walked the late-night partygoers.

“You’re a horse’s ass!” Alyssa said.

“And your opinion is worth fuck-all!” Seamus shot back.

David picked that moment to come out of his room.

“I warned you. My friends are bigger horse’s asses than I am,” he told Alyssa.

“They need couples therapy already,” Wolf said as he walked in.

“I didn’t know we had porn channels,” Tim chimed in, which had everyone turning to the TV.

Tami, Lauren, Lexi, and Joey came out of their rooms to see what the commotion was all about.

“Phil must have linked his phone to it to spank his monkey. I bet he didn’t think to turn off the connection,” David said.

“That means...” Wolf said with a big grin.

Everyone quietly followed Wolf to the guys’ six-pack door. He put up three fingers and then curled one at a time into his fist to indicate a countdown. When all his fingers were in a fist, he opened the door, and everyone filed in. It was cramped with the trundle beds pulled out.

Poor Phil looked like he was having a seizure when everyone came pouring in. His phone went flying, and he instinctively tried to cover up.

“Young man! What do you think you’re doing!?” Greg asked in his best ‘dad voice.’

The rest of them didn’t wait for Phil to respond before they were piling on.

“You might want to get that checked. It looks like you all but rubbed it raw,” Tim said to fire off a barb.

“He’s a Dawson,” Cassidy added.

“Okay, the show’s over,” David said as he kicked everyone out except for Greg.

“Let me give you a tip as an older brother. If you’re going to jerk off in a full house, don’t leave your phone hooked up to the big-screen TV for everyone to see,” Greg said sagely.

Phil said a trigger word. Greg turned to David.

“Before we leave, you have to show me how he did that.”

“No problem. Better living through technology,” David said.

They left Phil to recover from his embarrassment. Greg smiled when he heard everyone in the living room give a collective groan when Phil disconnected his phone from the TV.

“That’s one of those life lessons I’m glad I didn’t have to learn on my own,” David said.

Greg agreed.

Greg and Joey volunteered to help Cassidy make breakfast. Together they decided that pancakes were probably best since the all-night partiers had queasy stomachs.

“David said I should talk to you,” Cassidy said.

“About...?” Greg asked.

“Along with David, I’ve been training ballplayers who have designs on playing in the NFL,” Cassidy said.

“Are they paying you?” Joey asked.

“They are, but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about, Greg. I picked up some other clients who are girls in David’s dorm.”

“They wouldn’t be Lauren, Lindsey, and Jamie, would they?” Joey asked.

“Yeah, and one other,” Cassidy admitted, then got to the point. “I worked the girls out a bit too hard and had to have David give them massages.”

“I didn’t know he knew how to give a therapeutic massage,” Joey said.

“He’s not bad,” Greg conceded.

“I’m sure you’re the best,” she told her boyfriend to soothe his ego.

“David told me that I should be charging for his services,” Cassidy said. “He said that I should talk to you because he doesn’t have time to work for me.

“How much are you currently making doing this?” Greg asked.

Cassidy told them. Their next question was how many clients she had. Doing a little math, they figured out basically how much Cassidy was making per head. She now had their attention.

“What’s your overhead like?” Greg asked.

“What do you mean?”

“What are your expenses? You know, like facility rental, towel cleaning, sanitizer for the equipment, accounting, business license, and such. I’m not sure of all the rules for running a business in LA,” Greg said.

“David lets me use the weight room in his dorm; they bring their own towels; the dorm has spray bottles set out to clean the equipment; and the other stuff I have no idea about. I just have them pay me,” Cassidy admitted.