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“Okay, I get it,” David said and then added, “We stepped out of our comfort zones into a bigger arena. It would be naïve of us to think we are still ‘top dogs,’ as you called it. I have no doubt that we’ll come across people who are smarter or better in some way. But I also know that no one will outwork us.”

Tami smiled. This was the first time in their conversation that she’d seen that fire in his eyes.

“Let’s talk about what you plan to do to get the starting quarterback job. There’s one part of your plan I have a problem with, and that’s Milena. Pumping her for information on her roommate’s boyfriend, who just happens to be the guy you plan to unseat, doesn’t feel right.”

“She’s really cute. I bet I can turn her.”

“Quit goofing around. You know what I mean,” Tami said, using her serious tone and face on him.

David gave her a sad face with a lip quiver. If she hadn’t already known what a good actor he was, she might have felt sorry for it.

“Stop it,” Tami ordered.

“You notice I never pursued that,” he said in his defense.

“I’m going to ask you one last question, and then we can talk about something else.”

David gave her a curious look, so she continued.

“Is it in the best interest of the team if you’re the starter?”

She could always read David like an open book. That was why he refused to play cards with her. His first thought was, ‘Hell, yes; what does Tami think she’s up to?’ Then she saw the doubt start to creep in. She hadn’t asked him that question to make him doubt himself but to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

David’s normal inclination growing up was to put the needs of others before his own. He’d had to learn to put his interests first sometimes. Otherwise, people walked all over him, especially girls. David had been headed in the right direction, and then Pam had had Coby. His world view had shifted as that little boy became his focus.

Tami was glad his parents had stepped in to help raise Coby, and now the rest of his children, so that it could free him up. She knew that if they hadn’t, David would have given it all up to make sure he raised them and raised them right.

But Tami also knew that David was at his best when he turned his attention from himself, and now his family, to focus on the bigger picture. All she had to do was look at what he’d done in high school. David had won three state championships in football and one in baseball. He’d also been vital in improving the school’s facilities and training personnel—in fact, its whole program. Lincoln High had gone from an also-ran to a sustainable powerhouse in athletics, and David had been the driving force behind that.

From what she’d heard so far, his attention had been on himself, and she knew that was too narrow a focus for him.

Then she saw it come to him. Tami had stopped telling David what to do when he started to show he could figure things out on his own. He really wasn’t a ‘stupid boy,’ as she liked to call him. David was actually brilliant, but growing up, he let her make his decisions. Tami suspected that it wasn’t because he was a lazy sack but instead was putting her first.

“I take it you’re not saying that my being quarterback would hurt the team,” David said.

“Correct. But you becoming quarterback isn’t by itself going to turn USC into the winner it should be. From what you’ve told me, USC has bigger problems. What you have to figure out is what you can do to help solve them,” Tami suggested.

“I could get the coach fired,” David said with a big grin.

“What did I tell you about your first idea?”

“To ignore it because it is always wrong. You know I hate that rule, don’t you?” David asked.

“That doesn’t make me wrong, though,” Tami fired back. “Besides, it makes you stop and think.”

She knew he would never concede that she was right.

“I admit that I’m not entirely sure what to do.”

“I have confidence that you’ll figure it out,” Tami said as her parting shot.

She knew that David understood why she didn’t just tell him. This was the new normal. Tami was confident that he would wrestle with it until he had a plan, and once he did, God help USC. They were about to be introduced to the David Dawson she knew and loved.

After their talk, the two of them decided to do the Scandinavian baths treatment. They started in the eucalyptus steam bath.

“What are the girls from Wesleyan up to?” David asked.

Tami had gone to a college-prep private high school where she’d found a group of friends that David also knew. He’d also slept with all of them, the slut.

“The twins, Lisa and Missy, enrolled at Harvard. Neither one of them has declared a major. Harper went to Northwestern, where she’s planning to eventually get her MBA. Janet Hill changed her mind at the last minute and is following in her dad’s footsteps. She’s taking photography at Paier College of Art in Connecticut,” Tami said to give David a quick recap.

“Next time you talk to them, tell them I said, ‘Hi,’” David offered.

“I will. How about you? What are the Lincoln High grads up to?”

“Let’s see. Lisa Felton is at State, probably flunking out from partying too much. Lily is still doing all my social media and working for my PR firm while she goes to UCLA. Destiny Crown followed Damion to a junior college in Kansas. Last I heard, she hasn’t locked him down as yet,” David shared.

“You’re just lucky you were dating Brook. Speaking of whom...”

“She’s at Princeton and loving it. Brook and I don’t talk that much, but she’s still close to Cassidy,” David said.

“What about the rest of your harem?”

“Careful,” David warned and then went on. “Zoe married Johan, and they’re living on my farm with Yelena, Yuri’s grandmother. The two of them are going to State. Zoe’s in a pre-veterinary program that sort of combines premed with agricultural science. She’s looking to get into veterinary school to become a vet for large animals while Johan gets his Ag degree. Zoe has also bought a few horses for the business we’re in together. She says they look promising.”

“Tim told me that Halle James was in the Star Academy movies. Have you seen her since you got back?” Tami asked.

“No. Halle had to stay and film more scenes, and then she had another movie lined up. I’m sure we’ll be in touch when she gets back.”

“What about her mom and brother?”

“I haven’t kept in touch with them the way I’d like to. It’s one of the many items on my to-do list that I never seem to get to,” David conceded.

When David and Tami went outside to do the cold portion, they found it was snowing. They decided to use the waterfall. Shortly after they started, David claimed his balls had shriveled up and were probably useless. For the relaxing portion, they found an outdoor fireplace where they could kick back while enjoying the fantastic view.

David was right; Canadians were crazy with all the stuff they did outdoors. Who would ever think to sit outside by a fire after intentionally dunking oneself into freezing water?

After a few circuits, Tami felt great. A day at the spa was what all the girls needed.

She had to smile when their bus was outside, waiting for them. Tami wondered what all the other people who rode it thought of David using the shuttle as his personal Uber.

Developmental Editors: XofDallas and Bud Ugly

Line / Copy Editors: Bud Ugly, TheMikeBomb, Zom, and Old Rotorhead

Continuity Editor: Rusty

Last One Through: Bud Ugly