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Chapter 54


The soft glow of dawn played peek-a-boo with the horizon. Wolf pulled his eyes from the window and looked at his bedmate. She was so fuckin’ cute when she slept that it should be illegal.

He got up to deal with the call of nature and decided to go ahead and shower. As the water beat down on Wolf’s head, he remembered someone had once told him that great stories should have memorable beginnings.

He’d met Robin the first night at a club. She was there with her bridesmaids; they’d come to the resort for a weekend ski trip. It was supposed to be her last fling before tying the knot.

He found out later that they’d all talked about their fantasies. Robin had confessed that she wanted to sleep with a well-endowed man at least once in her life. That was how Wolf had found himself grabbed by the hand and pulled to their table by her maid of honor.

It was lust at first sight. Wolf didn’t consider the consequences when the bride and her minions invited his group back to their place for an after-party where things heated up. He and Robin slipped off together, and it was amazing. The two of them just clicked in bed.

The next day, Wolf and Robin had decamped to grab a quick lunch. Robin was very petite, not the type Wolf usually went for. She’d ordered a kid’s meal, which had their waiter obviously thinking Wolf was a pedophile.

As Wolf finished his shower, he decided that this had to end. He was weary of leading a double life. Robin’s friends had all left after the weekend was over, while she’d stayed. Wolf had been spending his days with the people he’d come on the trip with and then spending his nights with Robin. Thank goodness he was young, or he might have dropped by now.

When he came out of the shower and found Robin standing there in front of him. She had on nothing but a white strip of lace around her hips as she rummaged in the dresser. Bare-assed, the white string disappeared between her gorgeous, ripe, juicy cheeks. Wolf looked in the mirror and could see the front of the thong barely covered all her good bits.

His first thought was to throw her back onto the bed, peel that particular garment off, and ravish her. His dick had sprung hard as goddamned steel at the sight of those plump pussy lips sticking to damp white silk. Yep, she was wet.

Wolf dragged his eyes upward and found Robin staring at him in the mirror. Her deep brown eyes were fixed on him. The corner of her mouth quirked, and her eyes blazed when she saw how his towel had tented.

’Fuck me,’ Wolf thought as his resolve to end it faltered.

Then he remembered Sunday afternoon.

Her maid of honor, Bailey, had pulled him aside because Robin had told them that she planned to stay a few extra days. Bailey’s goal was to dissuade Wolf from continuing to see her friend. She first tried to tell him all about Robin’s fiancé, Colton.

Bailey explained that they had been childhood friends who had reconnected after college. She even showed Wolf a picture of the happy couple. If Wolf hadn’t been told they were about the same age, he would have sworn Colton was a lot older. He looked like a middle-aged man with a mustache that was right out of the seventies—an honest-to-God pornstache.

Wolf laughed when he saw his competition, which pissed off Bailey. She went into great detail as to why Wolf was all wrong for Robin. In the end, that was what made him continue to see Robin. That was right after he confirmed to Bailey that Robin had picked him because he did have a sizable dick. Knowing that the size of his dick was why Robin had hooked up with him to begin with caused Bailey to leave in a huff.

“I’ll go make breakfast,” Wolf said as he quickly got dressed before Robin could lure him back to bed.

When Robin joined him in the kitchen, he paused to admire her. Robin had straight hair the color of obsidian that flowed down her shoulders, framing her heart-shaped face with its minimal makeup. She was wearing skintight jeans that showed off her curves, and a bright red silk tank hung loosely on her shoulders, giving him a glimpse of her alabaster skin.

She gave him a skeptical look.

“Do you actually know how to cook? Or do I need to collect my valuables before you burn down the condo I’ve rented?”

Robin dragged a chair out from the island so she could sit down and watch Wolf work.

“I’m not being too adventurous. I’m making pancakes.”

“When do you leave?” Robin asked.

“We fly out tomorrow night.”

“My sister called. Bailey blabbed and told her about us. I’m thinking about going back today.”

Wolf felt like a weight had been lifted. He wasn’t the one who had to end it.

“I understand. You have a life planned that you need to get back to.”

“I’m glad we met. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.”

“Me, too,” was all Wolf had to offer.

He served her a small stack, and they ate quickly. Wolf felt like a shit when he slunk out and didn’t look back.

Wolf went back to the condo and found Tim lounging on the couch, watching something on streaming video.

“Did she wear you out again?”

“She’s leaving today.”

“It’s for the best,” Tim opined.

“I hear you. Plenty of fish and all that.”

“David is being David and went to the spa with the girls,” Tim said with a crooked grin.

“If I didn’t know better...” Wolf grumbled.

“I know, right? What guy has different skin creams for his body, face, and under his eyes? I sometimes think he’s a woman,” Tim joked.

“David does smell good,” Wolf said with a dreamy look that made Tim laugh.

“He sent me a text to meet him at the resort, and we’d hang out,” Tim said.

“I’m sort of over the skiing and snowboarding. Maybe we could find a sports bar, have a few beers, and eat some righteously unhealthy bar food,” Wolf suggested.

“Maybe we can get David a little drunk and get him to loosen up. Remember when we had those couple of days off in Wellington?”

“Yeah. His guard dog, Lexi, had gone ahead of the cast and crew to Australia. She was always keeping him on the straight and narrow.”

“Dude, if what we heard through that motel wall was how she controlled him, I would have cut my own balls off and delivered them to her in a velvet bag,” Tim admitted.

Wolf and Tim agreed that they didn’t really like ‘PA Lexi’ because she kept a close eye on David. When she was off the clock, though, she could be a lot of fun.

“How many times did you get laid because of David those three days?” Wolf asked.

“At least four. If I remember, you did better than me,” Tim shared.

“I still can’t believe he didn’t get with any of them. That blond was smoking hot and pretty free with her hands. If she’d grabbed me like that, I would have done her on the dance floor,” Wolf said.

“Then it’s agreed. Let’s get David drunk and have him bird-dog some girls for us,” Tim said.

“Sounds like a plan.”

“What’s up, fellas?!” David called out across the bar as he walked in.

Wolf shook his head because every woman in the place had locked eyes on their friend as he made his way to their table. Both he and Tim were amazed that David never seemed to notice it. They suspected that he really did, but it happened so much that he tuned it out.

“Hi,” David said. “I hope it’s okay if I sit with you guys for a bit.”

Wolf saw that he was in a good mood, so he raised an eyebrow.

“Of course we mind. We have high standards, and you’re just not our type. So, go away.”

They said it loud enough that people were openly staring.

“I can sit somewhere else.”

Tim burst out laughing when a group of girls waved at David to let him know he could join them.

Tim and Wolf both stood up and gave David a friendly bro hug before sitting down. Tim snorted when their up-to-now-nonexistent server came hustling to their table.