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“She’s excited to see you,” Milena explained.

“You have to meet everyone,” Taylor announced as she grabbed David’s hand and pulled him inside.

She all but dragged David to the formal living room but froze at the door, causing David to almost knock her over. Inside, sitting on the couch facing away from them, were Matt and Crystal. David got an unreadable look on his face.

“I need to go talk to the girls for a minute. No boys allowed, so you stay here,” Crystal said as she stood up.

Matt acted like he would stand too, but Crystal put her hand up.

“No. No. Be a good boy and stay. Stay. Yes. Good boy. Good boy,” Crystal said as Matt stuck his tongue out and held up his hands like paws. “Momma will be right back and give her good boy a treat.”

David cocked his head sideways, and a huge grin came onto his face. He stepped around the couch so Matt could see him. Matt began to get up, but David held out a finger.

“No. Sit,” he commanded. Matt sank back into the couch. “That’s a good boy.”

David and Matt had been friends, or at least friendly, in the past. But Matt now appeared to want to jam his fist straight through David’s chest like some kind of finishing move in the yet-to-be-released Mortal Kombat: Sorority House Drama video game.

Milena rushed over and grabbed David’s arm before one of them bled on the white carpet. David grimaced once they were out of the living room.

“Crystal could have better taste in men.”

“You want her to go after you instead?” Milena asked.

David’s eyes got wide in mock horror.

“On second thought, they were made for each other.”

“You really ought to be worried about him,” Milena said. “He looked pretty pissed.”

David waved it off.

“Whatever. I can handle Matt. Those rugby ass-clowns had no trouble with him,” David reasoned.

“Matt’s the kind of guy who’ll get someone to help him,” Milena worried.

“Practice did get a bit chippy today. There were a couple of scuffles between the offense and defense. I just have to get through the game tomorrow. It’ll be fine,” David predicted.

While they conversed, Taylor gathered the girls and lined them up to meet David. Milena saw that he took it all in stride and let them take selfies while simultaneously charming them. This was precisely the sort of stuff a regular guy would never have to deal with and why Milena was nervous.

After David spent almost forty-five minutes of his life with her sorority sisters all playing fangirl, the two were finally left alone.

“We should get out of here and go back to my place. That way, you can meet my friends, and they can give you a taste of what I just went through,” David said.

Three heartbeats later, his words sank in.

’Wait a minute—meet his friends?’ Milena worried.

Her initial response went from surprised to worried to curious in the blink of an eye. She finally landed on a mix of all the above.


The two of them went to the front door and found that the sky had turned pitch black while they were inside. Clouds covered whatever stars dared to shine. A breeze had picked up, and there was a distant flash of lightning followed by a rumble of thunder. Huge raindrops began to fall hard onto the ground. The smell of wet dirt filled the air. It was Milena’s favorite smell—nature’s way of cleaning the outside.

They began to giggle as they ran for his car. David hit the remote to unlock the doors. This time, he wasn’t a gentleman and didn’t open her door. He instead darted to the driver’s side.

When they got in, David reached over the seat and handed Milena a towel. She got the worst of the water off and gave it back to him. A spark flared when they touched, like a static charge on a dry winter day.

Milena’s eyes were drawn down to his crotch, and she licked her lips nervously. David saw where her eyes had gone and smiled. She loved it when he smiled. It was slightly crooked, which gave him some extra character. The teenage girl in her squealed.

His smile was all the invitation she needed. Milena somehow regained her confidence as she reached over and undid his jeans to release his manhood. She pushed down the front of his boxers so that his cock could spring free. He had already started to get hard. Milena grasped Mr. Happy at his base as she leaned over and took him into her mouth.

David hissed.

“Repeat after me,” he said. “Tongue is good; teeth are bad.”

Milena had a new favorite thing to do: shower sex. More specifically, shower sex with David.

Somehow, she never got the chance to meet his friends.

Developmental Editors: XofDallas and Bud Ugly

Line / Copy Editors: Bud Ugly, TheMikeBomb, Zom, and Old Rotorhead

Continuity Editor: Rusty

Last One Through: Bud Ugly

Chapter 61


David woke to the pale first light of dawn as it poured through his bedroom window, exposing his regret for what he’d done the night before. Yes, Matt Long was a rival and quickly becoming his enemy, but David shouldn’t have resorted to mocking him. Matt and his girlfriend had been having a dorky moment that David just happened to witness. From the look Matt gave him, David had no doubt that he would retaliate in some way. The problem was that he knew neither of them would back down.

David vowed to be on his guard during the final scrimmage later that day. The previous day, practice had gotten a bit chippy, to put it mildly. David had been moved to defensive end and had faced off with John Johnson. On the snap, David had gotten outside leverage on John as he’d been coached to do. His job was to cut off any outside runs and force them to cut inside where the meat of the defense was.

John was what is commonly known in football parlance as a ‘beast.’ Not a very smart one, but if he got into his opponent’s body, he could easily move almost any college defenseman off the ball. John was an inch shorter than David but outweighed him by 60 pounds or more. David was no slouch, though. In high school, his friends had called him ‘the Hulk’ because of his strength. David was also both agile and fast, with lightning-quick reflexes. John was none of those.

All through spring ball, John and David had faced off. At first, John had gotten the better of David as one would expect USC’s starting left tackle to do against a raw freshman. However, that was partly due to Coach Farrow’s wanting David to straight-up bull-rush John early on. He wanted David to get used to the difference in strength and ferocity of college-level ball compared to what David was used to.

Coach Farrow rightly reasoned that at some point, David would have to contend with big linemen and take them head-on. If he couldn’t handle the abuse, then Coach Farrow would have to move him somewhere else on the field. It was a given that an opposing offense would figure it out and simply run the ball right at David if that were the case. If he couldn’t free himself from a head-on block, USC’s defense would soon have serious problems.

Once Coach Farrow was satisfied that David could hold up at the position, he turned him loose to do what he’d put him at that position to do. That was to use his speed and agility to evade blocks altogether.

This was something David was born to do. He would always remember the look on John’s face the first time he didn’t bull-rush him in practice. David instead had taken both his hands and used them to hit John’s outside shoulder to turn him. He’d been past John in a flash and into the USC backfield to break up the play.

From that moment on, John and David had battled, which had led to the previous day’s events. The coaches had announced that they would be practicing third-and-long plays, which were almost always pass plays. Coach Farrow had then moved David from middle linebacker to defensive end. Coach wanted to bookend the defensive line with David and his friend Percy Wilkes, who was destined to play in the NFL one day. Between the two of them, Matt had to run for his life on almost every play.