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“Hey, Christian, Fiona was just saying she was thirsty. Could you run and get her a...”


“Coke, and grab me a Mountain Dew?” David asked.

“Uh, sure,” Christian said and scampered off.

“Peter, take our picture and then post it to social media. Be sure to tag me so I can send it out later,” David said.

Peter did as he was told and then just stood there.

“Thanks,” Fiona said, which he took as a dismissal and shuffled off.

“Christian?” she asked.

“As in, if you go home with him after last call, you’re in for a religious experience, and not the good kind. It probably involves you on your knees ... uhm ... praying,” David shared.

She burst out laughing.

David wasn’t happy when Lexi came back with their drinks. Apparently, Christian was smarter than David gave him credit for. Before she reached them, David leaned into Fiona so they couldn’t be overheard.

“I’m in trouble. Her mom informed me that we’re dating. You’ll have to be my cover on this one.”

She laughed.

“Hey, Lexi. I take it this is the David you were telling me about,” she said.

’Crud, they know each other,’ he thought.

“Maybe the three of us should go to dinner and talk about this,” he suggested.

Both Lexi and Fiona burst out laughing. It was fortunate that David didn’t have a fragile ego.

“What’s so funny?” David asked.

“I told her about your line where you said that since you fed me, you had expectations,” Lexi shared.

He was starting to figure out that Fiona was better friends with Lexi than he realized. She’d been playing with him.

“I could eat,” Fiona said to make David’s day.

As they walked out, Fiona took his arm. David glanced around, and every eye was on them. She was the accessory he’d needed to make an impression on everyone at the party. Then again, he might be hers.

At dinner, David discovered that Lexi and Fiona had gone to high school together. Fiona was two years older than Lexi. To make it worse, Paul and Rachel were her godparents. Lexi was appalled when she found out her mom had labeled him her boyfriend.

“It was bad enough when I accidentally said I loved him,” Lexi overshared.

There seemed to be a lot of that going around today.

“It just took me by surprise, is all,” David said reasonably.

“How do you feel about it now?” Fiona asked.

Both girls stared at him.

“I deserved that,” he admitted to their chuckles.

“He’s got more backbone than I thought. If you get tired of him...” Fiona ventured.

“Hang on,” David said. “I bought you both dinner, which means...”

They laughed like they didn’t think he was serious.

In the end, David didn’t lure either of them to his bed. He did make a new friend, though. If his fantasy came true, it would be with benefits.

Unfortunately, he missed the big reveal when the townies discovered that their rooms had gone missing. They must have been pissed because when David got back to his suite, he was shocked to find the door was locked.

He’d just entered when there was a light knock on the door. He opened it to see a puffy-eyed Lindsey.

“I messed up,” she admitted.

David pulled her into his arms and gave her a hug.

“I’ll make sure it’s all okay,” he assured her.

“Can I sleep on your couch? I don’t want to sleep in the common room with Veronica,” Lindsey said.

“Alex did unspeakable things on that couch. You can sleep with me if you want,” David offered.

“But I have a boyfriend.”

“And I found out that I have a girlfriend,” he shared.


It seemed everyone knew but him.

“Yeah. Come on. I need to get to sleep,” he said.

He had to admit that if you’d asked him this morning to name the least likely person to be sharing his bed tonight, Lindsey would have been right after Veronica on the list.

When he was nearly asleep, Lindsey asked him a question.

“What’s going on with you and Lauren?”

“Is this just between us?” David asked.

“Yeah, I learned my lesson about Veronica.”

“Nothing. I just wanted them to have a taste of what it felt like when their attempt to poach you from our group was turned around on them.”

“You could, you know.”

“Could what?”

“Poach her. She likes you,” Lindsey shared.

“I’m hoping this whole prank war ends. I would rather be friends with all of them,” David said.

“You mean that?”

“The whole thing is silly. I don’t have time for this nonsense, and I sure don’t need to waste any more attention on it. I have lots of other stuff I need to focus on. I also think it would just be easier to be friends. Plus, if they were nice to me, I could get them invited to parties where Veronica doesn’t have to bang old men to get in.”

“You heard that?” Lindsey asked.


“Do you think Kirk and Jamie will forgive me?” she asked.

“I don’t know. They’re pretty mad right now. Give them some time,” David suggested.

“Are we still friends?”

“Yes,” he said and meant it.

“I really am sorry.”

“I know. Now go to sleep,” David said.

Developmental Editors: XofDallas and Bud Ugly

Line / Copy Editors: Bud Ugly, TheMikeBomb, Zom, and Old Rotorhead

Last One Through: Bud Ugly

Chapter 27



“Hey, Boy Scout!” woke David from a sound sleep.

David jumped out of bed and grabbed his Bo staff as he went to his bedroom door.

“Stay in here,” he ordered Lindsey before he swung it open.

He found Mason and Jorge standing in the middle of their living area with baseball bats. Alex poked his head out of his door and quickly retreated, and David heard his door lock.

’Now he decides to lock a frickin’ door,’ he thought.

It looked like David was on his own. He could handle himself if it all kicked off, so he wasn’t too worried.

He also had his Bo staff, and it wasn’t a regular one. It was a weighted practice staff. David used it for various exercises as he ran to build up his hand, wrist, and forearm strength. The reason he was so confident was that the Bo staff was his best martial-arts weapon.

Even Cassidy, who was lightning fast and could kick his butt in any other kind of martial art, was no match for David when he used one. He was a hair slower with the weighted staff, but the added weight could do severe damage. David would need to be careful, or he could kill someone.

Yes, both Jorge and Mason were athletes and could swing a bat, but fighting was different. They would more than likely only think to swing their bats, especially given the almost maniacal looks in both their eyes. David knew there were other, sometimes better, ways to attack an opponent with a stick. He also had the advantage of reach, both from his size and from the length of the Bo staff compared to the baseball bats.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, breaking into my dorm room?” David asked with authority.

Jorge and Mason looked at each other as if surprised that he wasn’t cowering when faced by two men with baseball bats. Mason recovered first.

“We decided it was time for a little payback for you messing up baseball for us,” Mason sneered.