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It didn’t take long for her first orgasm to come. When it hit, she froze, but David took over and began to thrust into her depths. Kat lay down on his chest as he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her in earnest. Every few minutes, she would feel the heat and pressure build until she found yet another release.

When David finally joined her, Kat felt his length throb as he unleashed. She came so hard she was dizzy, her vision tunneled, and her whole body spasmed. He was buried to the hilt as he ground against her body in an attempt to dive deeper.

It took her a moment to come back to reality. She had just done all that in front of her roommate.

“David?” Kat asked softly, afraid of what he would think of her after begging him to fuck her.


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome?”

“No, I mean it. That was special. I’ve never felt like that,” she said and then got a thoughtful look. “I came so many times.”

“Seven,” Yong offered and then gave them a sheepish look. “I counted.”

“So, seven then?” David asked Kat. “I might owe you some more.”

She ignored him.

“I’ve never ... come ... before,” she stammered out.

“Well, I have, and I want my turn,” Yong said, standing up.

Kat bounded off the bed and hugged her roommate.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Kat was both jealous and awed at the sexual gymnastics that David and Yong pulled off. Yong was tall but slender and flexible enough for him to easily put her into any position he came up with. He apparently had a vivid imagination.

When they were finally done, both girls were exhausted.

“I can either take you home now or in the morning,” David offered.

“I’ve never done a sleepover with a guy before,” Kat ventured.

Yong could see through her roommate and just nodded her agreement that they would spend the night.

Chapter 34


After the events of last night, David thought he might have to seriously consider getting himself a girlfriend because satisfying sex was the best way he’d found to get a good night’s sleep. He woke up early and took Kat and Yong home.

The only hiccup from last night was he’d never gotten an explanation from Yong about why she’d brought Kat. Kat had made it crystal clear that they were through when she caught him in Yong’s bed. It wasn’t something he was proud of. David would admit that he may be a horse’s ass at times, but he wasn’t that horse’s ass.

Because he knew he was in the wrong, he’d quit going to the coffee shop. He also had no desire to sit down with Kat to work it out. In his mind, he’d already decided they were no longer going out before he slept with Yong. Even so, he hadn’t yet said the words to Kat; that told him he had a ways to go to become the man he wanted to be.

Internal scolding finished, he decided to skip running for the day and have breakfast at the dorm’s cafeteria instead. On his way back to the dorm from dropping the girls off, he sent a text to see if anybody wanted to join him. He shouldn’t have been surprised when Alex, Kirk, Lauren, Lindsey, and Jamie were all sitting at their table when he walked in.

When he came to the table after loading up on breakfast, he stopped because they were all staring at him.

“What? Did my dick slip out of the bottom of my shorts again?” he asked.

He lifted his tray up so he could look down. All three girls checked, which had Alex and Kirk shaking their heads.

“I thought you and the Goth Barbie barista were through,” Alex said as David placed his tray on the table.

“He had an even hotter Asian girl with him, too,” Kirk shared with David’s roommate.

“I’m going to have to seriously up my game,” Alex said thoughtfully.

“I think you can get a discount on the second one down at the corner,” Lauren chirped.

David gave her a fist bump for burning Alex, whose contention was that it was easier to pay for it than to have to track a girl down for sex. It was a case of having too much money and no common sense, in David’s opinion.

“As much as we want to have an intervention with Alex concerning his hooker addiction, we need to hear about last night,” Lindsey said.

“It was no big deal. That was Kat and her roommate. Yong was there to help Kat and me talk some things out,” David said.

“If you mean ... and I quote... ‘No. Fuck me now. Fuck me!’” Alex overshared with an admittedly good impression of what Kat had sounded like. “Then I guess you did.”

David looked at each one of them in turn. They were waiting for him to clarify what had happened.

“Welp,” he said and then shut his mouth.

Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea.

“Not that this topic hasn’t been fun, but I was wondering if you all would like to go with me to my condo in Canada to go skiing for spring break?” he asked.

Before they could get him back on the previous topic, he provided a travel guide to what they would experience in Whistler, British Columbia.

It was just a two-hour drive from Vancouver, where two large ski resorts had combined to make the behemoth that was Whistler Blackcomb. It was one of the largest and most sought-after ski vacation spots on earth, ranking up there with the best resorts in Europe and the United States.

It featured one run that descended more than 5,200 feet. It was the second-longest vertical drop on the continent. Besides the world-class terrain, there was everything from fine dining to low-key watering holes.

“I already bought lift tickets for the week. And I would provide transportation to and from, along with lodging. I have a condo that I rent as an Airbnb that sleeps 16. It also has most of the gear you would need,” David explained.

They kept a closet full of skis and accessories for guests who didn’t bring their own. Part of the deal was that they held a security deposit to cover the cost of replacing any missing or damaged equipment.

“When do you have to know?” Alex asked.

“Soon. I want to lock everything in so I don’t have to worry about it,” David said.

“Don’t you mean that Lexi told you to get her a list like yesterday?” Kirk teased.

She had given David a ration of shit because he’d fallen down on telling her who was going. But he would never admit to that, so he ignored Kirk’s jab.

“I might have to go back to Colombia that week to try out for the national soccer team. Otherwise, I would love to go,” Alex shared.

David made a mental note to ask what that would mean for Alex. Was it possible he would stay in Colombia if he won a spot?

They all had to think about it, so David gave them Lexi’s contact information and told them they had until the end of the day to decide. He was in no mood to play middleman. For him, it would have been a no-brainer.

David timed it so that when they wanted to come back to their original discussion—about his threesome last night—it was time for him to go to class.

David had Alyssa’s coffee waiting for her when she came to class. He noticed her eyes were bloodshot, and it looked like she’d been crying.

“Hey, you want to get out of here?”

“What?” Alyssa asked, caught off guard.

“Is that creepy? I don’t want to sound creepy. I’ve been working on that. Do you want to get out of here and grab a cup of coffee?” David asked.

“Based on what? Just grab a cup of coffee? I have coffee,” Alyssa said.

“What else are you doing now?”

“Besides fighting the urge to run away from you? We have class.”

“Great. We’ve established that if it weren’t for class and you didn’t run away from me, you’d have coffee with me,” David said as he gave her his winning smile.