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“I have a bit of a checkered past,” David said.

“The problem is that he’s turned into a choir boy. I was on set with him all summer and fall, and he didn’t even look at anyone,” Isabel shared.

“Maybe he’s more into priests,” Ben joked.

“I don’t think he’s as tame as you let on. He recently wanted to take my friend and me home with him. I thought he was just kidding until you guys showed up,” Fiona said.

“Happy Birthday, Isabel, but I’m afraid I’m not your guy for tonight,” David said.

Ben and Isabel said their goodbyes and left. David was impressed when Fiona didn’t go, too.

“Sorry about that.”

She shrugged.

“Just a tip: you probably shouldn’t ask the girl you’re with to swap on the first date.”

“How long should I wait to do that?” David asked.

“I think the rule is sometime after the third one.”

David smiled. Fiona had a sense of humor. Plus, if Ben and Isabel hadn’t scared her off, she must like him.

They had a great time together, getting to know each other. Fiona even gave him some dirt on Lexi he could use when he needed it.

“I drove. How about I give you a ride home?” David offered.

“Lexi warned me not to let you know where I lived.”

“Do you really want to have Lexi in the middle of this?” David asked.

Fiona bit her bottom lip.

“I’m not ready for more.”

“I don’t expect more, tonight.”

“Even though you fed me,” she teased.

“Technically, I think UTA bought us dinner, and I don’t plan on sleeping with them,” David fired back.

She agreed, and David found that her home wasn’t that far from where they ate. She lived in The Bower, a condo on Hollywood Boulevard. Fiona invited him up to her fifteenth-floor unit. She showed him around; it was over four thousand square feet. Fiona had to be making bank to own this place.

“Will you adopt me?”

“That’s the exact reason I wanted to go out with you. You wouldn’t believe the number of guys who are just out for a buck,” she shared.

That started a wide-ranging conversation. Before David knew it, it was after one.

“Damn, I have school tomorrow.”

“Let me walk you out,” she offered.

When they got to the door, Fiona kissed him. David responded hungrily to her kiss. She leaned in closer, grasping his shirt to pull him tight against her chest. David wrapped his arms around her waist as he smelled the hint of something floral on her skin.

Their kisses got more profound as the passion began to take hold. He welcomed it without a thought. Fiona’s lips parted, and her tongue found his. He could taste the wine she’d been drinking. David’s large hand found its way to the small of her back. He used it to pull her into his hard, bulging package to let her feel his desire.

They couldn’t get enough of each other. All the hesitation she’d shown earlier was gone as Fiona surrendered to his desire. He knew they were moments away from losing all their clothes. Then he remembered his promise.

“Wait. Stop,” David said as he pushed away.

“What?” she asked, confused.

“You told me earlier that you weren’t ready for more, and I told you I respected that. Let’s take this slow and see where it goes. If you want to explore whatever this is, get my number from Lexi and call me,” David suggested.

“I thought you wanted to remove her from the middle of us.”

“Fine. Let me give you my number. That way, you’re in control,” he said.

“I had a great time,” Fiona said as they kissed one last time.

David was in the elevator when he received a text.

Now you’re in control!

David smiled and typed for a second.

It’s still Isabel’s b-day

David was impressed when she sidestepped that with ease.

That was yesterday

Then she added more.

Besides this wasn’t our third date

David was in a great mood all the way home.

Chapter 40


The doctors had done a CT scan because the X-rays were inconclusive as to the extent of the damage Matt had received in his dustup at the Phi Sigs’ on Saturday. The team doctor had agreed to meet both Matt and Coach Clayton at the coach’s office before practice.

Matt got there early and saw the doctor hadn’t yet arrived with his results.

“What the hell happened?” Coach Clayton demanded, jumping on him before he even took his seat.

“Crystal had her fundraiser, and all the sororities were celebrating its success at the Phi Sigs’ house. I ran into a douchebag, and words were exchanged. We took it outside, and his two buddies jumped me.”

“Were you drunk?”

“I’d had a couple,” Matt said to deflect the question.

“A couple, huh? Your blood work showed a .15. Thank God you weren’t driving,” Coach Clayton ranted.

Matt was happy when his coach’s receptionist announced Doctor Liao. The doctor joined them, and his face didn’t give anything away.

“What’s the word, Doc?” Coach Clayton asked.

“It’s not terrible, but I can’t clear him to play yet.”

“Can’t you just give him something?” Coach Clayton asked.

“If it were during the season, sure. Since it’s not, it’s more important to get him well.”

Coach Clayton didn’t like the doctor’s response. Matt could see that this meant he would miss a couple of practices.

“What did you find, and when can I get back on the field?” he asked.

Doctor Liao pulled out a picture that only showed his ribs. The problem with chest X-rays was that a person’s lungs could blur the image of the bones, and you couldn’t see what was really going on. The CT scan, however, was clear as day. It showed Matt had two cracked ribs on his right side and one on his left.

Doctor Liao pointed at the scan results.

“If the bones higher on your rib cage had been cracked, it could have been serious. As it is, this injury is painful but not life-threatening.”

“Like I said earlier, why not just pad him up and let him practice?” Coach Clayton pressed.

“If it were a cracked limb, we could put a splint on it to hold the bone in place. There’s no way to do that with ribs. Your ribs must be able to move fluidly because they serve as attachment sites for many muscles that control the neck, pelvis, and arms. They also assist in breathing.

“Since we can’t hold them in place, there’s a danger that they won’t heal properly. It’s also entirely possible that the injury could worsen with too much movement. We aren’t in season, so my primary responsibility is Matt’s long-term health.

“I looked at the practice schedule, and you have two weeks until spring break, and then you come back and have a final week of practice. Given what I see here, I’m going to require that Matt refrain entirely from physical activity for the next two weeks.

“Over spring break, he can get in with the trainers, and they will help him manage his pain and get him ready for the last week of practice. I’ll want to see him the Sunday before the end of spring break to check his progress. If all looks good, he’ll be cleared to practice then,” Doctor Liao explained.

“I don’t think you understand. I need Matt in practice for the next two weeks to get him ready for next year. Can’t he heal up after spring ball?” Coach Clayton asked.

“Absolutely not. And don’t bother trying to make an end run and talk to the athletic director. In matters of team health, I have the final word,” Doctor Liao responded.

Matt could see his coach wasn’t happy with the decision.

’Thank God Coach Clayton wasn’t there this morning when I woke up,’ he thought.

If the coach had been, he might understand how much pain Matt was in. It hurt to even breathe. If it weren’t for the giant pills that looked like horse tranquilizers, he would’ve had a hard time walking here today.