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“I recognize him,” Colleen said, pointing at the dog. “So, I’m assuming I am at the right place, but I didn’t realize that David had a girlfriend.”

Before she could make good her escape, the girl gave her a big grin.

“You must be Colleen. I’m Cassidy. And David doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

Cassidy invited her in, and she and Colleen awkwardly checked each other out.

“David is up in his room studying. Go on up. It’s the door on the left,” Cassidy said.

David was at his desk, reading.

“Give me a minute to finish this chapter.”

Colleen couldn’t help herself as she began to snoop around.

“So, this is where you take all your conquests.”

He glanced up and shook his head.

“Not everything is a conspiracy to get into your pants. I just thought you would like to go somewhere we could talk without an audience.”

“But you brought me to your bedroom.”

David could see that he wasn’t going to get any reading done, so he closed his book.

“I invited you to my townhouse. It’s your fault that you’re in my bedroom.”

“I only wanted to see the perpetual playboy in his natural habitat,” she shot back.

“I hate to be the one to blow your mind. You are about to truly understand, perhaps for the first time in your entire life, that not all guys are playboys. At that point, your entire worldview will change when you discover that not all guys are alike,” he said with a serious look.

Colleen gave him points for that comeback. She liked that he was able to spar with her verbally.

“And you’re the guy who’s going to convince me of that?”

“Of course I am. It’s my job to stand up for all men.”

Colleen walked over to where David had turned his desk chair to her. As she got closer, she put her hands on his knees, pushed them apart, and leaned in and kissed him.

“I came here because I was hoping you were a playboy,” Colleen said as their lips parted.

“That works for me,” David said as he kissed her back.


Chapter 18


Later the following morning, David still had a goofy smile plastered across his face. It was the smile of a man who had been thoroughly satiated, and he doubted it would leave his face any time soon.

There was nothing like a night in bed with a very willing woman to put a little zip in his step. Never mind the fact that less than an hour ago, Colleen had been screaming his name when she woke up to the sight and feel of his mouth pressed to her sex. And also, never mind the fact that less than a half-hour ago, he had her bent over in the shower while he took her from behind.

Sex with Colleen was a lot of fun. David’s typical type was thin and athletic. Colleen was a good thirty pounds overweight but in a good way. She had more junk in the trunk, which jiggled each time he thrust deep inside her. She was also soft. What came to mind was that it was like squeezing a marshmallow.

David would admit that he’d spent quality time with many women, but Colleen was unlike most of them. She was an animal in bed. This quiet, almost shy girl simply worshiped his body and was up for anything. Colleen liked it rough just as much as she enjoyed it slow and loving. She wanted him to talk dirty to her, but she also liked it when he showed her respect.

They both agreed that they wanted to enjoy each other’s bodies again—very soon. After David’s extended dry spell, the thought of regular sex was a ‘hell, yes!’ He sighed contentedly at the memory as he exited the townhouse to go about his morning.


David woke again later that afternoon to a commotion.

“Oh God … oh … oh my God,” Colleen cried out as she jumped out of bed, looking both adorable and frantic.

“What did I miss?” he asked.

She was running around his bedroom, hunting for her clothes. After his classes had finished, she’d shown up as David was planning some activities for the evening’s voluntary football practice. It was a practice he’d arranged, and he wanted to be on top of things for it, but she’d somehow lured him into bed.

Honestly, it hadn’t taken much luring, as they’d both jettisoned clothes in a race to get naked. After three rounds, they’d drifted off to sleep.

“What time is it?” Colleen asked.

“I don’t know. Five something,” David said as he tapped his phone, which was on his bedside table.

“Shoot, shoot, shoot, why did you let me fall asleep?”

He was confused.

“I wasn’t aware that we were on some kind of clock.”

“I can’t believe we did this,” she added.

“Did what?”

“Did this … Were you not listening to me when I was complaining about all guys want is sex?” Colleen griped. “I need my shoes. Do you see my shoes?”

David vaguely remembered something about that, but that was right before her top had hit him in his face. He thought she was joking.

“Where did you have them last?” He asked and instantly cringed.

He sounded like a dad.

“I’m late. I’m supposed to be meeting my friends now. They’re going to be pissed.”

“I’m sure they’ll understand,” David offered.

“No,” Colleen said and frantically looked everywhere. She even got onto the floor and looked under the bed. “Can I borrow your shoes?”

He really tried not to laugh, but he could just imagine her feet in his shoes. It would make her look like a clown.

“They won’t fit,” he said reasonably.

David swung his legs out of bed as she went to look under it. She fell back onto her butt when she saw he was naked.

Colleen looked just like little Carol when she had a meltdown. So David did what he would have done for his daughter as he crouched down next to her.

“Slow down. Easy. Take a deep breath,” he said in a soothing voice.


“I’m not going to act like nothing happened here, and you shouldn’t either,” he said, giving her his sexiest smile.

Colleen froze for a moment, stood up, and pushed him back into bed for round four.

“I thought …”

“Shut up and kiss me,” she ordered.

David guessed that her friends would just have to understand. Luckily, his teammates wouldn’t be aware he hadn’t planned practice as thoroughly as he’d have liked.


The next day, despite a very rewarding practice, David’s teammates were giving him crap. Cassidy had obviously been talking because he found all the freshmen surrounding him as he prepared to do the bench press.

“I heard you hooked up with your TA yesterday, and you didn’t even say anything last night,” Jesús said, kicking off the post-mortem festivities.

“Why don’t you introduce your top lip to your bottom one and shut it? I think they’d be the best of friends if you gave them a chance,” David shot back.

“Didn’t you admit to a vow of celibacy just a few days ago?” Bear asked.

David stood up and popped his chest.

“Listen, I’m easy to fall in love with, all right? I mean, who wouldn’t want all of this?” he asked, obviously joking.

“You’re such a Hollywood douche,” Oliver offered.

He glowered at Oliver like he wished Oliver would inadvertently stumble into a nest of angry fire ants.

“Well, aren’t you a little ray of pitch-black today?” David shot back.

“Give it a rest, knob,” Bear said to Oliver.

The punter flipped them off and mumbled something about having better things to do as he stomped off.

“Is it even allowed for you to bone your TA?” Jesús asked with a smirk.

“I never said I did. That was just Cassidy making assumptions,” David said.

Then again, he never said he didn’t.

“Bitches always be trippin’,” was Nick’s opinion.

“Ain’t that the truth,” Jesús agreed.