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Psychics, astrologers, and others use this bias to make it seem like they’re telling you something about you. People should look at the statement and consider how it might be taken to apply to anyone, not just them.

David put down his book, stood, and gave Rita a hug.

“People are excited to hear from America’s Sweetheart,”

David said to greet her.

“How could I turn down my son?” Rita teased about him being Ian Bond.

“Since you’re making me look good, I’ll save all the embarrassing questions for another time.”

Colleen stuck her head into David’s dressing room.

“They’re ready for you.”

David stood up and smiled.

“If you get nervous, I’ll be there for you.”

“Let me show you how this is done, boy,” Rita shot back.

“So much for softball questions.”

They were fitted with mics and walked out on stage together. The audience came to their feet to applaud the legendary star, and David stood to the side to give Rita her moment. When the applause died down, they took their seats.

“I’m starting to think that inviting you was a mistake.

Every time I’m with you, I’m no longer the star,” David quipped. Turning to the audience, he continued, “In case

you’ve been hiding under a rock, let me introduce you to Rita James.”

David read through the highlights of her career.

The interview format gave the students the opportunity to write down questions. Professor Blum had given David a stack in the order he was supposed to ask them.

David looked at the first one, rejected it, and did the same for the next three.

“I was supposed to ask you stuff you’ve been asked a million times. I should know because I was there at a lot of your interviews for Devil May Care. How about we make this specific to what the budding actors in the audience want to know? How the heck did you even get your first job?”

Rita gave David a look every teen recognizes when a mom is frustrated with them. She then turned to the audience and smiled warmly before answering.

“You guys know what it’s like; the odds of getting a good role are astronomically small. I mean, when I was starting out, I had to ask myself, how am I even going to break in?

For an unknown actor to get a great role, every other actor has to pass on it. Then it gets opened up to you and thousands of other actors trying to break into the business.

And we all know about the handful that are available,” Rita said.

There was a rumble of agreement from the audience.

“I remember the first role I tried for was as a waitress in the rom-com, Fools Rush In. The role called for a proper English accent. I paid money I didn’t have to hire a dialogue coach, and then I didn’t get it.”

That brought a chuckle.

“The next one I went for was Croupier, starring Clive Owen as a card dealer. It was one scene with Clive. The rest of it was me in the background for two weeks dealing cards to other extras, and most of the time, I was like, I don’t think the camera is even on me.

“I had one day of actual work, and when I did the scene the first time, I tried my accent. The director hated it, so much so that he almost kicked me off the set. I finally told him I could do it straight, so I kept my job,” Rita shared.

“And that led to The World Is Not Enough and your debut as a Bond Girl,” David said.

“From there, I was in and have been working ever since.”

The audience clapped. Before David could ask his next question, Rita turned the tables on him.

“Tell them how you got your start.”

“As you all might know, I play football. It was my freshman year of high school, and I went on my first recruiting trip to the University of Kentucky. At a party after the game, I spotted Ashley Judd and walked up to introduce myself.”

“You just walked up to Ashley Judd?” Rita asked, looking shocked.

“It’s like this,” David said to the audience. “In my first acting class, the other students wanted to know how I’d gotten into modeling, so I turned it around and asked what they wanted to do. The majority said they wanted to act on Broadway.”

“My uncle had taught me how to set and achieve goals.

If you take a business management class, this is project planning 101. I had them tell me everything they would have to do to reach that goal. We put their tasks on post-it notes, and then I had them put them in order.

“They listed stuff like learning improv, diction, working out, headshots, hiring an agent, and getting their degree.

Each student had a long list of steps that had to be taken to get a part on Broadway.

“Then I gave them mine. I had one: Go to New York and audition,” David said.

“So, you went up to Ashley Judd thinking she would get you a job in the movies?” Rita asked.

“I went up to Ashley just to meet her. I mean, it was Ashley fricking Judd,” David said with a big smile. “Once she got to know me, she was the one who begged me to be in her movie.”

“Tell them the truth,” Rita said, calling him on his BS.

“She did get my name on the list, but I had to audition.

They were holding them all over the country, and I went to the one in Chicago. They went all out and let the actors have access to costumes and makeup. Since the role was for Star Academy, most dressed up in fantastical military garb.

“I was a late add-on to the list, so I went last. I got bored, and to kill some time, I used the hotel’s exercise room. When I got back, I was shocked to find it was my turn. My audition was in gym shorts and a t-shirt I’d sweat through.

“I did the scene with Bree Steno. So, I did what any sixteen-year-old male would do when they find themselves in a room with Bree: I kissed her,” David said, which caused the room to erupt with laughter.

“And that won you the role?” Rita asked.

“No, I was rejected for that role. They wanted me to play Stryker instead.”

“Have you had to audition for any other roles since then?” Rita asked.

“I did for one other, and I didn’t get that one, either. I was up for the Star Wars young Han Solo role. But they wanted me to drop out of my senior year of high school to film it, so I had to pass.”

Rita’s eye roll brought the house down. Every actor David met thought he was crazy to put high school above taking a role in the Star Wars franchise. Even if the film was a stinker in comparison to their other films.


Rita took her leave while David went back out to talk to his fellow students. He found Crystal waiting with her dad.

“When Dad heard you were interviewing Rita and that I had tickets, he insisted on coming.”

“I thought we could go to lunch and talk,” Kendrick suggested.

“It’ll have to be quick because I have class in forty-five minutes,” David said.

“I have to be going. Will I see you tonight?” Crystal asked.

“I was hoping so. Do you want to eat at my dorm?” David asked.

“Of course,” she said to David and then turned to her dad. “David’s dorm has the best food on campus.”

“We could go there for lunch,” David suggested, and Kendrick agreed.

They made their way through the cafeteria line and found a table for two. Once seated, Kendrick, David’s agent, explained why he was there.

“The NCAA isn’t budging on letting you monetize your social media, even when I asked Mr. Morris to intercede on our behalf. We explained that the income would all go to charity, except for my fees, of course, and they still wouldn’t budge.”